APP - Obama's "Fishy" untruths

Please show me where it says the cost to Medicare is to the orthopaedist alone. With OR charges, the anasthesiologist, IC care, the hospital stay, physical therapy, and other charges such as for a walker or wheel chair added to the cost of the surgeon alone, Obama's estimate of cost for the amputation is correct or low in our for-profit system. "The amount Medicare pays for an amputation" is a hell of a lot more than $1200, the amount you are trying to make us believe is the cost. I can understand the doctors wanting to clarify the statement but that didn't make it a lie. Also, how does it change the point he was making about pre-care for diabetics?
Who is trying to pedddle the stinky fish around here?
What's the matter,"is it too hard" to analyse crap for the truth? Your Obama hate has made you desperate with no regard for truth.

you ask me where it was found I told want to take Obama's word for it instead of the doctor's, go for thing I am certain of after a week here, I won't get truth about health care from a liberal.....The One wanted to blame doctors for the high cost of medicine and got with it.....
you ask me where it was found I told want to take Obama's word for it instead of the doctor's, go for thing I am certain of after a week here, I won't get truth about health care from a liberal.....The One wanted to blame doctors for the high cost of medicine and got with it.....

does this mean obama has moved on from blaming bush....
you ask me where it was found I told want to take Obama's word for it instead of the doctor's, go for thing I am certain of after a week here, I won't get truth about health care from a liberal.....The One wanted to blame doctors for the high cost of medicine and got with it.....

I accept the doctor's info that their portion of a leg amputation is $1200. I also accept the fact that with all the costs added together, Obama's multi-thousands of dollar number may have been on the low side and his point about the use of preventive treatment was correct, hard as that may be for you to admit.
I might ask which of your sources it was that brought the issue to the fore? Was it "Right Thinker" alone or one of the gurus you emulate so willingly?
You have shown your "misunderstanding" followed by intransigence when discussing grandfathering, or knowing the difference between a floor and a ceiling when discussing a minimum standard. This issue is just another part of your pattern.
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I accept the docor's info that their portion of a leg amputation is $1200. I also accept the fact that with all the costs added together, Obama's multi-thousands of dollar number may have been on the low side and his point about the use of preventive treatment was correct, hard as that may be for you to admit.
I might ask which of your sources it was that brought the issue to the fore? Was it "Right Thinker" alone or one of the gurus you emulate so willingly?
You have shown your "misunderstanding" followed by intransigence when discussing grandfathering, or knowing the difference between a floor and a ceilinng when discussing a minimum standard. This issue is just another part of your pattern.
Preventative care does not save money. How much do you think millions of colonoscopies will cost each year? Do you think they will begin to limit them as costs rise?
Preventative care does not save money. How much do you think millions of colonoscopies will cost each year? Do you think they will begin to limit them as costs rise?

Until now I thought preventive care was an issue everyone could agree on. I consider the cost for pre-cancer screening of any type, as well as any other type of life saving/death preventing screening, as money well spent. I believe they will insist on them even more as they drive down costs through early discovery. I also consider putting money ahead of lives to be a sin.
I accept the doctor's info that their portion of a leg amputation is $1200. I also accept the fact that with all the costs added together, Obama's multi-thousands of dollar number may have been on the low side and his point about the use of preventive treatment was correct, hard as that may be for you to admit.
I might ask which of your sources it was that brought the issue to the fore? Was it "Right Thinker" alone or one of the gurus you emulate so willingly?
You have shown your "misunderstanding" followed by intransigence when discussing grandfathering, or knowing the difference between a floor and a ceiling when discussing a minimum standard. This issue is just another part of your pattern.

then apparently my "pattern" is bringing enlightenment to the you share ibbie's ignorance on that issue?.....

as for this particular matter, the issue was "brought to the fore" by the shared with us your inability to click links and I came to your rescue......(how quickly they forget)
Until now I thought preventive care was an issue everyone could agree on. I consider the cost for pre-cancer screening of any type, as well as any other type of life saving/death preventing screening, as money well spent. I believe they will insist on them even more as they drive down costs through early discovery. I also consider putting money ahead of lives to be a sin.

the fact that it is money well spent in saving a life, does not necessarily mean that it's cumulative effect will be to reduce the amount spent....of course, painting your comments in the shape of a platitude does succeed in making you look good, so....MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!.......:pke:
Preventative care does not save money. How much do you think millions of colonoscopies will cost each year? Do you think they will begin to limit them as costs rise?

Of course they will begin to limit them, as they do everything.

My state has free seminars at the colleges for preventative care.
then apparently my "pattern" is bringing enlightenment to the you share ibbie's ignorance on that issue?.....

as for this particular matter, the issue was "brought to the fore" by the shared with us your inability to click links and I came to your rescue......(how quickly they forget)

And the cost to Medicare for an amputation other than, or including the orthopaedist is how much?
Who's the OP? The original link was merely to the source of the article.
Your pattern continues, call it enlightenment if you will, it is obviously something else. Regardless, you have been exposed.
Two nights in the hospital costs about $60,000 if you have a heart attack. It's impossible for me to believe you could get an amputation for $1200. To do so would ignore all of the other fees which are almost certainly applicable. Maybe it's $1200 for the guy holding the hack saw. But that's not all you're charged for. If you go in without insurance and you need an amputation, your bill isn't going to be $1200. I guarantee it would be closer to Obama's figure.
Regardless, you have been exposed.

/pulls up his trousers...."Have not!".....the OP is "opening post"....there was an article linked there, I went to it....they linked to Obama's comments....I clicked on it....took me about 45 seconds...I posted them for you because you couldn't find them.....his comments were clear....he was accusing doctors of milking the system....they showed he was full of crap.....which means I've shown you are full of crap.....which explains why I had my trousers down to begin with, as I was the one crapping on you.......Crappiche?....
Two nights in the hospital costs about $60,000 if you have a heart attack. It's impossible for me to believe you could get an amputation for $1200. To do so would ignore all of the other fees which are almost certainly applicable. Maybe it's $1200 for the guy holding the hack saw. But that's not all you're charged for. If you go in without insurance and you need an amputation, your bill isn't going to be $1200. I guarantee it would be closer to Obama's figure.
I'd amputate your head for nothing, as long as you paid for my travel expenses. *shrug*
the opening post was the doctor's response to Obama's comment about charging $50k fees to Medicare for amputations, stating that the fee that Medicare actually pays for an amputation is $1200.....
That must be all the overhead expenses that ibgayguy was talking about. *shrug*
Two nights in the hospital costs about $60,000 if you have a heart attack. It's impossible for me to believe you could get an amputation for $1200. To do so would ignore all of the other fees which are almost certainly applicable. Maybe it's $1200 for the guy holding the hack saw. But that's not all you're charged for. If you go in without insurance and you need an amputation, your bill isn't going to be $1200. I guarantee it would be closer to Obama's figure.

no it does not
Until now I thought preventive care was an issue everyone could agree on. I consider the cost for pre-cancer screening of any type, as well as any other type of life saving/death preventing screening, as money well spent. I believe they will insist on them even more as they drive down costs through early discovery. I also consider putting money ahead of lives to be a sin.
You and I may consider it money well spent, but the reality is it doesn't save money. Yet we hear this as part of the "savings" that will magically appear to make the CBO's predictions "wrong". It simply doesn't add up.

It's smart to pay for preventive care, but saying it saves money is simply ridiculous.

If no emotion were attached and money saving the only object we'd save more by denying all colonoscopies and treating cases where there is already cancer. Thankfully we all agree that the only object isn't cost or there wouldn't be much happening in that area.
Two nights in the hospital costs about $60,000 if you have a heart attack. It's impossible for me to believe you could get an amputation for $1200. To do so would ignore all of the other fees which are almost certainly applicable. Maybe it's $1200 for the guy holding the hack saw. But that's not all you're charged for. If you go in without insurance and you need an amputation, your bill isn't going to be $1200. I guarantee it would be closer to Obama's figure.

no it does not
True that. My sister's hospital stay was much cheaper than that.
You and I may consider it money well spent, but the reality is it doesn't save money. Yet we hear this as part of the "savings" that will magically appear to make the CBO's predictions "wrong". It simply doesn't add up.

It's smart to pay for preventive care, but saying it saves money is simply ridiculous.

If no emotion were attached and money saving the only object we'd save more by denying all colonoscopies and treating cases where there is already cancer. Thankfully we all agree that the only object isn't cost or there wouldn't be much happening in that area.

I maintain my belief that preventive medicine is a cost saver, particularly in the early detection of cancer.
I maintain my belief that preventive medicine is a cost saver, particularly in the early detection of cancer.
You can maintain it all you want, but it doesn't make it any more true than it did when the CBO was making their projections.