Obama's Tax Plan

wonder what supertool's example of a cost of living tax is
That Idiot though the Trojans couldn't lay the wood big time at the cornhollers house.
Go little red

Ok... the heart took over on the Huskers talk. the trojans did indeed come into Lincoln and kick a bit of ass.

I never said we should have a cost of living tax you tool. I said that if you are going to continue putting forth these generic federal tax breaks at least include cost of living adjustments. This is done by corporations when they transfer employees from one state to another or when they are trying to attract new employees. Do you really think it is that hard to quantify cost of living at the state level?

The cry immediately goes up that "it can't be done" it is "too complex" blah blah blah.... the current tax code is what? something like 40,000 pages long? I am against this plan to begin with. I am all for cutting the entire tax code and implementing a flat tax. It works at the state level and can most certainly work at the federal level.

You want the ability of politicians being corrupt to diminish greatly? Eliminate the tax code. Simplify it now. But do not come to me and say that the above idea would somehow make politicians any more or less corrupt... because that is simply bullshit. They can already manipulate the tax code and spending to "take care" of their consitutents that support them.