Obama's Tax Plan

or any new issuance of stock. I see where you were going.

Yes, if they were to do an add on offering of their stock that would also go to the company. But the vast majority of stock transactions are on the secondary market and not in the form of IPO's or add ons. I assumed that is what Water was talking about, but perhaps I too should have been clearer.
That is his idiotic defense to everything... well they must be smarter because they are in DC?? That is why I have him on ignore. He is an idiot. Like Desh he seems to believe that the "smartest" people are the ones that work for the government.

I would be willing to bet Obama never even considered a cost of living adjustment to his proposal.

That is why I have him on ignore. He is an idiot.

You sound like you're 12 years old.

I'm simply saying that tying a federal income tax to cost of living is unworkable. There are simply too many variables, and its too subjective. And its ripe for abuse. I hardly see how that makes me an "idiot".
and YOU are missing the point. I addressed Waters points. Then you acted as though they were somehow wrong.

Lets review... Water said that if you buy a stock you are investing in the company. I said that was wrong. Do you agree with that or not?

Water said that all money stays in the economy unless you "burn it". I said that was incorrect. I never said that I wouldn't benefit if the foreign stock went up. I said that the money could leave our economy. Which is most certainly CAN. That is not to say that the money will stay out of our economy till the end of time. But it most certainly can leave for a long enough period of time to be felt by our local economy.

Do try to pay attention.
I've been hurling the same point for some time now. It doesn't seem to penetrate though.
I always hate this saying.

People just like him enact tax laws. The problem is they are few and far between and mixed in are people that don't understand, never will, but still get elected.

Just because they are elected doesn't mean that they are "smarter than" anybody at all. When you work with and meet these people you will find that they are not smarter than yourself and that there is no reason to ignore suggestions from other people that may work.

Damo, just because somebody has an idea on a message board, doesn't mean I'm going to swoon over it. We can all have ideas about different things that we're not experts in. I can claim I am an expert in climate science, but I'm not. That's why I rely on experts. 95% of the things that affect your life, you have to rely on experts for. Its fun to pretend that one knows everything on a message board, but that's not reality. I think codifying the federal income tax codes, and linking it to local cost of living would be a bureacratic nightmare. Totally subjective and open to abuse. And I suspect more than just a few "tax experts" would agree with me.
Damo, just because somebody has an idea on a message board, doesn't mean I'm going to swoon over it. We can all have ideas about different things that we're not experts in. I can claim I am an expert in climate science, but I'm not. That's why I rely on experts. 95% of the things that affect your life, you have to rely on experts for. Its fun to pretend that one knows everything on a message board, but that's not reality. I think codifying the federal income tax codes, and linking it to local cost of living would be a bureacratic nightmare. Totally subjective and open to abuse. And I suspect more than just a few "tax experts" would agree with me.
Did I say you have to "swoon" over it? What part of, "They are not smarter than him just because they are elected" means, "You better start swooning, and RIGHT NOW!"?

As for "the experts would agree with me" in tax and economics specifically there is more diversity among the experts than you assign here.

You also stated that "smarter people than you write that law" yet gave no evidence for that. Those that enact those laws are no smarter than SF, or yourself for that matter. I hate that saying, it is simplistic and total rubbish. Moving to DC does not make these people any smarter than before they moved there.
Did I say you have to "swoon" over it? What part of, "They are not smarter than him just because they are elected" means, "You better start swooning, and RIGHT NOW!"?

As for "the experts would agree with me" in tax and economics specifically there is more diversity among the experts than you assign here.

You also stated that "smarter people than you write that law" yet gave no evidence for that. Those that enact those laws are no smarter than SF, or yourself for that matter. I hate that saying, it is simplistic and total rubbish. Moving to DC does not make these people any smarter than before they moved there.

I have a solution to the climate crises. Mind you, I've consulted no experts and I thought it up on my own. Want to hear it? Or, would it be a waste of time?

... I hate that saying, it is simplistic and total rubbish. Moving to DC does not make these people any smarter than before they moved there....

uh oh cypress you got him to say "rubbish" all H-E double hockey sticks is about to break loose.
uh oh cypress you got him to say "rubbish" all H-E double hockey sticks is about to break loose.

I thought it already had broken loose.

"What is that f'ng idiot crying about now?"
"Oh Superfreak is having another meltdown"
"what did that f'ing idiot say?"
"He wouldn't be acting this way if I was Darla"
"If he was Darla HE wouldn't be acting this way"
"I am really starting to hate Darla"

That's why I get off these threads as soon as this stuff breaks out.
I have a solution to the climate crises. Mind you, I've consulted no experts and I thought it up on my own. Want to hear it? Or, would it be a waste of time?

Why not? Let's hear it.

Amazingly some fantastic inventions and ideas have come from people who are not "experts". But heck, we should just dismiss them because only "experts" should ever be listened to. What an elitist position.
Why not? Let's hear it.

Amazingly some fantastic inventions and ideas have come from people who are not "experts". But heck, we should just dismiss them because only "experts" should ever be listened to. What an elitist position.

Just what exactly does one need to do to become an "expert"? Suck up to politician? Perhaps bury ones head up their arse? Or simply run for a political position and then you and those around you will know everything and think of everything?
Seriously, for all the talk I've hear for years about a flat tax, from you guys on the republican side, this is truly shocking.

I can't imagine a better way to make the federal tax code even more complex and beauracratic, than to devise some scheme to link it to cost of living. An economic metric that fluctuates wildly on temporally, regionally, and even within counties and cities. Complete nightmare. Completely subjective.

There are better ways to deal with cost of living. And they already exist. Property tax and mortgate deductions for one. I'm sure there are other forms of exisiting deductions that can apply to. But, instead you guys, who were were formally into simplyfing taxes, and making them flat, have concocted a whole new scheme to create a beaucratic nightmare, that would be completly subjective economically, temporally, and geographically.

And you call your selves libertarian republicans. Ha! ;)
I thought it already had broken loose.

"What is that f'ng idiot crying about now?"
"Oh Superfreak is having another meltdown"
"what did that f'ing idiot say?"
"He wouldn't be acting this way if I was Darla"
"If he was Darla HE wouldn't be acting this way"
"I am really starting to hate Darla"

That's why I get off these threads as soon as this stuff breaks out.

chicken shit.... :pke:
Seriously, for all the talk I've hear for years about a flat tax, from you guys on the republican side, this is truly shocking.

I can't imagine a better way to make the federal tax code even more complex and beauracratic, than to devise some scheme to link it to cost of living. An economic metric that fluctuates wildly on temporally, regionally, and even within counties and cities. Complete nightmare. Completely subjective.

There are better ways to deal with cost of living. And they already exist. Property tax and mortgate deductions for one. I'm sure there are other forms of exisiting deductions that can apply to. But, instead you guys, who were were formally into simplyfing taxes, and making them flat, have concocted a whole new scheme to create a beaucratic nightmare, that would be completly subjective economically, temporally, and geographically.

And you call your selves libertarian republicans. Ha! ;)
I'm not supporting the idea. I just don't like the "People smarter than you" crap. It is BS. People just like him enact those laws. People just like you, just a bit less elitist, also enact those laws.
I thought it already had broken loose.

"What is that f'ng idiot crying about now?"
"Oh Superfreak is having another meltdown"
"what did that f'ing idiot say?"
"He wouldn't be acting this way if I was Darla"
"If he was Darla HE wouldn't be acting this way"
"I am really starting to hate Darla"

That's why I get off these threads as soon as this stuff breaks out.

You think I've been melting down on this thread? I beg to differ. I've been having some fun banter back and forth, with nary a curse word uttered by me. ;)