Obama's Tax Plan

I can vouch for the nature of a $65K income in the tri-state area.

Sure, you can get by, if you live frugally; one unexpected medical emergency or auto repair can kill you, though...

You can barely afford a two bedroom condo in my area on that alone. Maybe a crappy townhouse or a dilapidated Single Family
I already explained what happens with the money invested overseas. What part of that did you not comprehend?

If more money is being invested overseas, just how does that help the local economy?

Long tread, did not see this (though it does not answer the q)

IF I take a million and invest it in Chinese start-up companies, the Chinese benefit. People in this country will not benefit from that investment. That money may not ever come back to this country as I will likely continue to invest that money over seas.

The Chinese company you invested in does what with that that money? Do they know some sort of alchemy that allows them to convert the money into real resources without an actual transaction?

This is kinda funny, since it is the opposite of the trade fearmongering.

It you prefer an example closer to home.... If I live in Colorado and invest in a start up in Mississippi.... who benefits the most? The people in CO? or the people in Mississippi? (HINT: Where are the jobs going to be?)

We assume you gain benefit or you would not choose to invest there.

However, the anology is not of much use, unless Colorado starts using a distinct currency.
This is laughable.... so you think by factoring in cost of living numbers changes whether or not a politician can grant favors to the areas that support them? Big Dig or Bridge to nowhere ring any bells for you?

No, said nothing of the kind. It gives them another method.

I said adjust if for cost of living.... not let politicians arbitrarily assign random tax breaks to people they like.

Do you believe the cost of living numbers are not available?

Do you believe the cost of living numbers are obvious and not subject to manipulation?
Most seniors I know work and when they can't get work, stand on the side of the road with signs begging for money, because if they didn't do that, they'd have to eat dog food.

Hey, pulling stuff out of my ass and pretending it means anything is fun!

It's easier than thinking, you were right Dano! Thanks.
I have never seen a senior standing on the side of the road with signs begging for cash.
I like the idea actually. And it should be done at the state level. Not necessarily at the city and county levels. I don't think it would be that complicated, each state would get an applied factor to their taxes for that year.

If your AGI was $100 and you get taxed at 20% if you live in an area that has a high CLI you should pay maybe 90% of that if you live in a lower area should pay 110% of that.

Yes. There is the potential for abuse, but the potential for abuse exists in any government enacted policy.
No, said nothing of the kind. It gives them another method.

Do you believe the cost of living numbers are obvious and not subject to manipulation?

I also believe that income tax deductions and credits are subject to manipulation, as are government contracts, and $hit load of other stuff when it comes to money and the government. what does that have to do with the price of tomatoes?
I like the idea actually. And it should be done at the state level. Not necessarily at the city and county levels. I don't think it would be that complicated, each state would get an applied factor to their taxes for that year.

If your AGI was $100 and you get taxed at 20% if you live in an area that has a high CLI you should pay maybe 90% of that if you live in a lower area should pay 110% of that.

Yes. There is the potential for abuse, but the potential for abuse exists in any government enacted policy.

Cost of living is mostly linked to housing and real estate. There are people 30 miles away from me, on the other side of the county, who's cost of living is a fraction of what mine is. It woudn't work.
Well, one of my grandmothers doesn't own a house so that means that no seniors have homes.
Right, except I see many people standing at the side of the road.

I need more evidence than, "Seniors stand on the side of the road so they don't have to eat dog food."

Give me numbers.

I work with Step 13, which helps homeless people get out of such a state, the people there do stand on the side of the road for cash... I have yet to see a senior in there for help.
Cost of living is mostly linked to housing and real estate. There are people 30 miles away from me, on the other side of the county, who's cost of living is a fraction of what mine is. It woudn't work.

I'd bet their cost of living is still significantly higher than similar towns in Mississippi.
Right, except I see many people standing at the side of the road.

I need more evidence than, "Seniors stand on the side of the road so they don't have to eat dog food."

Give me numbers.

I work with Step 13, which helps homeless people get out of such a state, the people there do stand on the side of the road for cash... I have yet to see a senior in there for help.

Well clearly you're not looking hard enough because if Dano says he sees them all the time, then it must be true.
Well, one of my grandmothers doesn't own a house so that means that no seniors have homes.

My grandmother lived in one of those supplemented senior housing developments.

And even though I'm stinking rich, when she asked me for extra money because she wanted to buy a new blouse for her 80th birthday party, I told her to go f herself. Isn't it bad enough that my tax dollars are being stolen out of my paycheck to supplement your lazy ass, I yelled? And she didn't call back either. But you know, that's neither here nor there, the point is, my grandmother didn't own no home, "most seniors" don't either.
Long tread, did not see this (though it does not answer the q)

The Chinese company you invested in does what with that that money? Do they know some sort of alchemy that allows them to convert the money into real resources without an actual transaction?

This is kinda funny, since it is the opposite of the trade fearmongering.

We assume you gain benefit or you would not choose to invest there.

However, the anology is not of much use, unless Colorado starts using a distinct currency.

When did you become so ignorant with regards to economics. If I invest money in a company in China, my money is THERE. Yes, at some point I may bring my money back to the US... or when I sell this Chinese company, I could buy another. The point was to show Water that money can most certainly leave our economy.

What fucking part of that are you having trouble comprehending? If the money is invested there, it provides jobs there. The money does not EVER have to come back here. Thus it is most certainly possible for money to leave our economy.

The Colorado example was to help him understand. It has nothing to do with currency you fucking moron. It has to do with investment.
Right, except I see many people standing at the side of the road.

I need more evidence than, "Seniors stand on the side of the road so they don't have to eat dog food."

Give me numbers.

I work with Step 13, which helps homeless people get out of such a state, the people there do stand on the side of the road for cash... I have yet to see a senior in there for help.

You are as thick and blind as a frigging tree stump!

My post was in response to Dano's claim that because he knew one old guy who worked at McDonalds just for, that's right, "the fun" of it all, there are very few if any poor seniors. I was mocking him

But of course, his completely bs anecdotal post slipped by you. funny how that always happens, isn't it honey?
When did you become so ignorant with regards to economics. If I invest money in a company in China, my money is THERE. Yes, at some point I may bring my money back to the US... or when I sell this Chinese company, I could buy another. The point was to show Water that money can most certainly leave our economy.

What fucking part of that are you having trouble comprehending? If the money is invested there, it provides jobs there. The money does not EVER have to come back here. Thus it is most certainly possible for money to leave our economy.

The Colorado example was to help him understand. It has nothing to do with currency you fucking moron. It has to do with investment.

I find you very attractive when you are arguing with RS. Would you like some naked pictures?
My grandmother lived in one of those supplemented senior housing developments.

And even though I'm stinking rich, when she asked me for extra money because she wanted to buy a new blouse for her 80th birthday party, I told her to go f herself. Isn't it bad enough that my tax dollars are being stolen out of my paycheck to supplement your lazy ass, I yelled? And she didn't call back either. But you know, that's neither here nor there, the point is, my grandmother didn't own no home, "most seniors" don't either.
LOL. Awesome.
I'd bet their cost of living is still significantly higher than similar towns in Mississippi.

Let me guess... Cypress is looking to show that it is not perfect? Wow, great job Cypress. He is a waste of your time. There is no perfect way to adjust for cost of living, but you are correct Tiana, the average cost of living in NY is higher than the average cost of living in MS. So a state wide adjustment would be a step in the right direction.

Apparently though, Rstring and Cypress want something to either be perfect or not exist. Which is fucking funny considering that the plan as a whole is far from perfect to begin with.... which is why I suggested a way to improve it.