OCA, Ignorant cretin

Hey RWA/Asshat........you still working temp loser jobs or are you back on the dole?

I knew you thought better of going toe to toe with me and getting pummelled for what........about the tenth time now?

Stick to ranting about Christians falling under the Jewish spell and that masons are responsible for everything from WWII to Britney losing her kids.
Hey RWA/Asshat........you still working temp loser jobs or are you back on the dole?

I knew you thought better of going toe to toe with me and getting pummelled for what........about the tenth time now?

Stick to ranting about Christians falling under the Jewish spell and that masons are responsible for everything from WWII to Britney losing her kids.

Another one of these "I'm better at internet flaming than you!" douchebags eh? Welcome aboard anyhow. We could use a couple more Bush boot lickers here.
Another one of these "I'm better at internet flaming than you!" douchebags eh? Welcome aboard anyhow. We could use a couple more Bush boot lickers here.

You see now that is the simpleton's way out, thinking everyone is a, how did you put it? Oh yeah, "Bush boot licker", if it helps you to think that way Bubba then roll with it.

You aren't another one of these "classier than you" types, are ya?
We seem to have been getting a lot of boosh boot lickers on here lately. I guess they are getting run off everywhere else.
We seem to have been getting a lot of boosh boot lickers on here lately. I guess they are getting run off everywhere else.

"Ehhh ehhh gosh I don't know Gomer, I can't even type anything but George Bush rules, awww shucks galdernit"

Jesus Christ vote! This the best you got here? Where do I find the heavyweights?
You see now that is the simpleton's way out, thinking everyone is a, how did you put it? Oh yeah, "Bush boot licker", if it helps you to think that way Bubba then roll with it.

You aren't another one of these "classier than you" types, are ya?

Hell no fool! But I do take issue with people who put love of their party and their politicians above any concern for their fellow Americans or their country.
"Ehhh ehhh gosh I don't know Gomer, I can't even type anything but George Bush rules, awww shucks galdernit"

Jesus Christ vote! This the best you got here? Where do I find the heavyweights?
They're on during the working hours.

So far there hasn't been anything of substance stated...

Start telling people how you think on issues. I'm sure there will be a million people telling you how "wrong" you are.

They're on during the working hours.

So far there hasn't been anything of substance stated...

Start telling people how you think on issues. I'm sure there will be a million people telling you how "wrong" you are.

how so very true...and mod intervention is very scarce indeed...makes this a really fun place...everyone is equal!
Hell no fool! But I do take issue with people who put love of their party and their politicians above any concern for their fellow Americans or their country.

As do I, I don't classify myself as a Republican, i'm a capitalist, and neither party nor any national sovereignity has ever put one dime in my pocket, rather they have taken it out.

I am a staunch social conservative and an economic anarchist.
They're on during the working hours.

Start telling people how you think on issues. I'm sure there will be a million people telling you how "wrong" you are.

During working hours? The heavyweights are bums?

Woahhhhhhhh cowboy, lets move into the issues slowly, I don't want to overload the liberal brain too much too quick, its a fragile thing.
As do I, I don't classify myself as a Republican, i'm a capitalist, and neither party nor any national sovereignity has ever put one dime in my pocket, rather they have taken it out.

I am a staunch social conservative and an economic anarchist.

However you stated that people who think the Republican Party is full of idiots must be liberals.

Its okay, most closet Republicans are embarrased to admit it. Nothing to be ashamed of really.
"Ehhh ehhh gosh I don't know Gomer, I can't even type anything but George Bush rules, awww shucks galdernit"

Jesus Christ vote! This the best you got here? Where do I find the heavyweights?

Who is this fool? It is almost as if RJS cannot go on vacation without someone coming along thinking they are going to knock me off my thrown? Where do the libs come up with these half and half men? You can see the feminine innuendo throughout his rambling posts, and the real signal that he is not a straight conservative man, butt, a liberal girly man, is his coming on here and issuing a challenge, to my personal servant, asshat, almost as if he is hitting me across the face with his hankerchief, by taking on my woman, because he is not man enough to take me on himself?

You have just been cyber-skewered, sorry, butt, I feel you had it coming by parading on here as if you were some top-tier poster, RJS had to put you in your place, which is prone, touche.
During working hours? The heavyweights are bums?

Woahhhhhhhh cowboy, lets move into the issues slowly, I don't want to overload the liberal brain too much too quick, its a fragile thing.

Folks, right here he admits that he has a liberal brain, and that it is easily overloaded, it took RJS one post to break this fool, what else is new? No one else but a liberal would issue a challenge to asshat, and then take on Beefy to boot, who is allright, but look at him, do you think he can keep his mind out of the cookie jar long enough to make a congent point?

Another liberal outed by RJS, thank you, I do not know how I do it. Thanks again.
Who is this fool? It is almost as if RJS cannot go on vacation without someone coming along thinking they are going to knock me off my thrown? Where do the libs come up with these half and half men? You can see the feminine innuendo throughout his rambling posts, and the real signal that he is not a straight conservative man, butt, a liberal girly man, is his coming on here and issuing a challenge, to my personal servant, asshat, almost as if he is hitting me across the face with his hankerchief, by taking on my woman, because he is not man enough to take me on himself?

You have just been cyber-skewered, sorry, butt, I feel you had it coming by parading on here as if you were some top-tier poster, RJS had to put you in your place, which is prone, touche.

Can you do that in English? Either I have a bad comprehension problem or you need to heed Orwell's advice about plain English.

Oh, and the third person subjective thing - comes off as a big wank.
Can you do that in English? Either I have a bad comprehension problem or you need to heed Orwell's advice about plain English.

Oh, and the third person subjective thing - comes off as a big wank.

I have cyber-skewered Orwell myself in the past, two weeks ago to be precise, so bringing him up now will not help you? you need to help get rid of this ongoing RJS jealousy thing with your cohor, the liberal OCD, sorry, butt, if everyone were me than I would not be special?
Who is this fool? It is almost as if RJS cannot go on vacation without someone coming along thinking they are going to knock me off my thrown? Where do the libs come up with these half and half men? You can see the feminine innuendo throughout his rambling posts, and the real signal that he is not a straight conservative man, butt, a liberal girly man, is his coming on here and issuing a challenge, to my personal servant, asshat, almost as if he is hitting me across the face with his hankerchief, by taking on my woman, because he is not man enough to take me on himself?

You have just been cyber-skewered, sorry, butt, I feel you had it coming by parading on here as if you were some top-tier poster, RJS had to put you in your place, which is prone, touche.

Hey RJS.........thats "throne", not "thrown" ROTFLMFAO!


The other chicks need some help in the kitchen, go on and don't make a fucking mess.

I'm the new sheriff in town.
Folks, right here he admits that he has a liberal brain, and that it is easily overloaded, it took RJS one post to break this fool, what else is new? No one else but a liberal would issue a challenge to asshat, and then take on Beefy to boot, who is allright, but look at him, do you think he can keep his mind out of the cookie jar long enough to make a congent point?

Another liberal outed by RJS, thank you, I do not know how I do it. Thanks again.

Lets work on the spelling thing forst before taking me on..........baby steps.......baby steps.............kid.

Jesus vote! Must've been right brother! The heavyweights are only on during the 9-5.

Can you do that in English? Either I have a bad comprehension problem or you need to heed Orwell's advice about plain English.

Oh, and the third person subjective thing - comes off as a big wank.

This is RWA...aka Asshat...aka rjs...he is off his meds for a bit...likes to have numerous alter egos!:cof1: