OCA, Ignorant cretin

Hey RJS.........thats "throne", not "thrown" ROTFLMFAO!


The other chicks need some help in the kitchen, go on and don't make a fucking mess.

I'm the new sheriff in town.

When you are a mensa, you transcend spelling, too bad you will never know, butt maybe Damocles will send you a badge for knowing how to spell throne and then you can order a decoder ring and before you know it you can be an internet fbi agent not just an internet sheriff, can life get any more exciting for you?
This is RWA...aka Asshat...aka rjs...he is off his meds for a bit...likes to have numerous alter egos!:cof1:

Holy Christ! RWA! LMFAO!

I've fucked his ass so many times my handprint is permanent on the right ass cheek. Hell I won't even have to be awake for this.
When you are a mensa, you transcend spelling, too bad you will never know, butt maybe Damocles will send you a badge for knowing how to spell throne and then you can order a decoder ring and before you know it you can be an internet fbi agent not just an internet sheriff, can life get any more exciting for you?

I think you confuse MENSA with menstruate, no?

There is a "spin" class down at the ARC center you hang out at. How is that temp data entry job going? Did you graduate to sending emails yet?

Don't think i've ever seen someone backpedal so fast, maybe they create a new olympic event for you............backpedaler.

You are my bitch already, after a few days here only, a new record for me.
You like men???

Hello, sweetie!

:room: :lov1:

PM me!


Think figuratively, though the sentiment is appreciated.

I'm a virile masculine guy, I have no doubt that I have turned on as many pole smokers in my time as I have the thousands of women who have confirmed to me that i'm hot. I'm also the most standup guy with the highest standard of ethics you will ever find.
I think you confuse MENSA with menstruate, no?

There is a "spin" class down at the ARC center you hang out at. How is that temp data entry job going? Did you graduate to sending emails yet?

Don't think i've ever seen someone backpedal so fast, maybe they create a new olympic event for you............backpedaler.

You are my bitch already, after a few days here only, a new record for me.

See folks, this lib OCD cannot handle me, no pun intended, she has lost her cool? Libs have bad tempers, and I am proficient at exposing their going bonkers tempers. This is my sixth year of performing cyber lobotomies on Libs, and I am good at what I do, not that there much to lobotomize to begin with, touche.
Think figuratively, though the sentiment is appreciated.

I'm a virile masculine guy, I have no doubt that I have turned on as many pole smokers in my time as I have the thousands of women who have confirmed to me that i'm hot. I'm also the most standup guy with the highest standard of ethics you will ever find.

Folks, I think we can all agree, politics aside, the only woman this idiot has ever smoked is his mother?
Think figuratively, though the sentiment is appreciated.

I'm a virile masculine guy, I have no doubt that I have turned on as many pole smokers in my time as I have the thousands of women who have confirmed to me that i'm hot. I'm also the most standup guy with the highest standard of ethics you will ever find.

I know the feeling Sweetie!

I used to talk about fucking men in the ass all the time, always telling my wife it was "figurative". LOL. I hear you brother!

My wife got suspicious, but it wasn't until that gosh darned gay masseuse outed me, that my wife finally put 2 and 2 together.

Anway, I'll check my PM box, if you're intested!




I have cyber-skewered Orwell myself in the past, two weeks ago to be precise, so bringing him up now will not help you? you need to help get rid of this ongoing RJS jealousy thing with your cohor, the liberal OCD, sorry, butt, if everyone were me than I would not be special?

Dug him up and skewered him eh? He died in 1950.

This is good fun, I like a bit of bullshitting going on - I can identify with it :D
Just an FYI, Asshat is not RJS.

That is true, but I do own Asshat, he started out as my personal stepinfetchit, butt, I have grown fond of him despite myself, and now consider him moore of a pet? That is why I am in the market for a new shoe shine boy, and this OCD may be just the girl, as long as she can whistle while she shines, I like jazz?
That is true, but I do own Asshat, he started out as my personal stepinfetchit, butt, I have grown fond of him despite myself, and now consider him moore of a pet? That is why I am in the market for a new shoe shine boy, and this OCD may be just the girl, as long as she can whistle while she shines, I like jazz?

Just found out you are a dupe account, sorry but fucking badass stand up sumbitches like me don't deal with teabagees such as yourself who hide behind that shit, allowed or not.

And dammit, you were doing such a good job, so tender with my balls between those fleshy lips of yours.

One of these days you will be as good as me, just keep up the hard work and you can one day become as great as the omnipotent OCA!
Folks, I think we can all agree, politics aside, the only woman this idiot has ever smoked is his mother?

Ahh, the last refuge of a true lib, bringing family into it, you held out a lot longer than most libs before taking this most dirty of moves.

You wouldn't be Black by chance, would ya honey?

I consider myself to be the new title belt holder of JPP, this pole smoker RJS, I had high hopes for him but like all libs he let me down.
See folks, this lib OCD cannot handle me, no pun intended, she has lost her cool? Libs have bad tempers, and I am proficient at exposing their going bonkers tempers. This is my sixth year of performing cyber lobotomies on Libs, and I am good at what I do, not that there much to lobotomize to begin with, touche.

The only thing you are proficient at is bringing family into things like a good lib.................and tonguing that fleshy area between my asshole and balls, Goddamn you are good at that!

Handle you? Shit I handle you like a newborn baby, be gentle, don't squeeze to tightly or it may cry.

Run along now child and leave that big leather THRONE alone, OCA the BADASS MOTHERFUCKER has come to roost.
Think figuratively, though the sentiment is appreciated.

I'm a virile masculine guy, I have no doubt that I have turned on as many pole smokers in my time as I have the thousands of women who have confirmed to me that i'm hot. I'm also the most standup guy with the highest standard of ethics you will ever find.

darn it is getting deep....