OCA, Ignorant cretin

The only thing you are proficient at is bringing family into things like a good lib.................and tonguing that fleshy area between my asshole and balls, Goddamn you are good at that!

Handle you? Shit I handle you like a newborn baby, be gentle, don't squeeze to tightly or it may cry.

Run along now child and leave that big leather THRONE alone, OCA the BADASS MOTHERFUCKER has come to roost.

Yes, look out everyone! A cybertard has come to instill fear into the lives of other nameless, faceless posters on the internets!

Why it'll be like the second coming of a cyber-Saddam, with such ugly weapons of mass destruction as "lick my balls", or "I fucked that guy in the ass really good"!

Not only has he come here, but he's come here to ROOST!! And he calls himseld a "BADASS MOTHERFUCKER"!!!!11!1! Oh Noes!!! What are we all to do?

I say we mobilize and try our best not to get hurt!!1!

Run for your CYBER LIVES!!!!1
Run for your CYBER LIVES!!!!1

A very wise man.

You see, we can take things to the issues and be civil...............yet I will still smoke everyone in that fashion................or we can go to flaming...............where I am the absolute tops.

You guys decide, but if RJS is the best y'all got then its hopeless.
Yes, look out everyone! A cybertard has come to instill fear into the lives of other nameless, faceless posters on the internets!

Why it'll be like the second coming of a cyber-Saddam, with such ugly weapons of mass destruction as "lick my balls", or "I fucked that guy in the ass really good"!

Not only has he come here, but he's come here to ROOST!! And he calls himseld a "BADASS MOTHERFUCKER"!!!!11!1! Oh Noes!!! What are we all to do?

I say we mobilize and try our best not to get hurt!!1!

Run for your CYBER LIVES!!!!1

Indeed...it's all very homoerotic, though a bit on the crass side...I thought Damo didn't allow porno?

Oh well, the repressed republican gays have to have a place to blow off steam, so to speak. I suppose it's either here or the airport mens rooms.
What's offensive about OCA:

1. His belief that the mafia are a lot of "real stand up guys".
2. His belief in globalism and selling out americans, and that there should nothing in place to stop total world dependance on the slave labor of china.
3. His smelly Greek b.o.
The only thing you are proficient at is bringing family into things like a good lib.................and tonguing that fleshy area between my asshole and balls, Goddamn you are good at that!

Handle you? Shit I handle you like a newborn baby, be gentle, don't squeeze to tightly or it may cry.

Run along now child and leave that big leather THRONE alone, OCA the BADASS MOTHERFUCKER has come to roost.

Does anyone believe that this guy had both hands on the keyboard while he was typing this?

I guess since all we are going to get from him is gay porn, I will beat the rush and just IA now...certainly I cannot have this homosexual pornography on my screen at work. Even hetero porn is banned here.

I think that fleshy area between his ass and his balls is where his brain is. Obviously, it's not getting much use down there.

However, another excellent example of a bush-supporter.
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This is OCA's schtick, no way does he take it seriously so you shouldn't take it seriously either. :clink:

Hey dio...thats the liberal way...they take themselves so serious that they start believing their own BS!...OCA is his own :confused:person so to speak.....
as the 'own' person says:to each his/her own! Oca is just blunt... no biggee...it's what everyone needs to get back too...speak your mind and let the cards fall where they may....'The good,bad and ugly'... stolen from a Clint Eastwood Movie...however, realistic as it is... some want to back-peddle for whatever reason! Life is a bitch...take the good with the bad...or get a new gig!:p
Well he makes me laugh out loud, really! I'm just waiting for him to have a go at me though, I suppose I won't be laughing much then :o

Well he makes me laugh out loud, really! I'm just waiting for him to have a go at me though, I suppose I won't be laughing much then :o

I have had my fair share of OCA stuff...he means well but is lost in another world...not unlike Kathianne et al...they thrive on boards who give them point advantage and mod power...but one on one always fail...lol