Odd opinions from board lefties concerning Russia/China


Well-known member
And YES....these opinions PRE DATE the Ukraine war. Tons of Russia bashing from the left in here which is somewhat understandable. But silent on China for the most part. Now why is that exactly? ;) This line of thinking would be like hating the old eastern block countries of the old Warsaw pact but not a negative peep about the old Soviet Union. Its hating the junior partner but not the senior,...the puppet but not the puppet master. Makes no sense whatsoever. Are you people really THAT dense, that brainwashed,...OR is it really about not wanting to have a politically uncomfortable discussion that could open a Pandora's box that has the STRONG possibility of weakening your preferred presidential candidate? My guess is it is NUMBER THREE. How very very weak of you.

I pick number three option and it indeed very weak of them.

They also ridicule Christianity but never Islam, which teaches that if you do not convert to Islam, they cut your head off.
Actually,....they arent that odd at ALL if you understand modern Leftism. Its ALL about winning elections,...the ACTUAL TRUTH means nothing,...nothing at all. Its RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA all day EVERY DAY meanwhile not a peep concerning the true much more dangerous enemy. Interesting indeed.
If and when China decides to invade Taiwan it will be very telling to see how the Ukraine cheerleaders react and how PRO cause of freedom they will be then. My bet? They wont be,...in fact they will come up with a hundred different reasons why we shouldnt intervene. Politics makes strange bedfellows as they say....;)
If and when China decides to invade Taiwan it will be very telling to see how the Ukraine cheerleaders react and how PRO cause of freedom they will be then. My bet? They wont be,...in fact they will come up with a hundred different reasons why we shouldnt intervene. Politics makes strange bedfellows as they say....;)

What's the bet, Fat Boy? 12B bet?
Not that I want to see Taiwan invaded,...I dont. But it would almost be worth it just to see the absolute shit show that would ensue from the left. Like tromping on the brakes while going 110 miles an hour. OH WAIT!!!!! :laugh:
Not that I want to see Taiwan invaded,...I dont. But it would almost be worth it just to see the absolute shit show that would ensue from the left. Like tromping on the brakes while going 110 miles an hour. OH WAIT!!!!! :laugh:

Is that why you won't make a 12B bet, Fat Boy? Because you don't believe your own words?
We should make sure Taiwan has plenty of anti aircraft missiles and anti ship missiles. And if Russia loses China might be more resident to attack Taiwan. On the Ukraine war we should help but we should know how our money is being spent. Europe should be paying their fair share . NATO should be in charge of providing Ukraine help and all of its members should pay based on the size of their population.
And YES....these opinions PRE DATE the Ukraine war. Tons of Russia bashing from the left in here which is somewhat understandable. But silent on China for the most part. Now why is that exactly? ;) This line of thinking would be like hating the old eastern block countries of the old Warsaw pact but not a negative peep about the old Soviet Union. Its hating the junior partner but not the senior,...the puppet but not the puppet master. Makes no sense whatsoever. Are you people really THAT dense, that brainwashed,...OR is it really about not wanting to have a politically uncomfortable discussion that could open a Pandora's box that has the STRONG possibility of weakening your preferred presidential candidate? My guess is it is NUMBER THREE. How very very weak of you.


You're the idiot who doesn't see the obvious, Stoner.

The Union of Socialist Republics was a communist nation which, far from ideal, at least purported to achieve the goals of socialist ideals.
We hard leftists purport to achieve the goals of socialist ideals.

Contemporary Russia is an oligarch-controlled fascist state not seeking to achieve the goals of socialist ideals.

As for the Chinese government, they also fail to meet the democratic standards that we'd like to see
but they have been progressively improving the standard of living for their citizens for several consecutive generations.

People who live well feel more free than any others.
The reason that China is eating our lunch
is because our consecutive generations are experiencing a diminishing standard of living.

All of this is obvious to non-idiots, by the way.
Not that I want to see Taiwan invaded,...I dont. But it would almost be worth it just to see the absolute shit show that would ensue from the left. Like tromping on the brakes while going 110 miles an hour. OH WAIT!!!!! :laugh:

Not that I want to see Taiwan invaded,...I dont. But it would almost be worth it just to see the absolute shit show that would ensue from the left. Like tromping on the brakes while going 110 miles an hour. OH WAIT!!!!! :laugh:
If Taiwan is invaded during the Biden administration I suspect the US will grumble but not do much.
You're the idiot who doesn't see the obvious, Stoner.

The Union of Socialist Republics was a communist nation which, far from ideal, at least purported to achieve the goals of socialist ideals.
We hard leftists purport to achieve the goals of socialist ideals.

Contemporary Russia is an oligarch-controlled fascist state not seeking to achieve the goals of socialist ideals.

As for the Chinese government, they also fail to meet the democratic standards that we'd like to see
but they have been progressively improving the standard of living for their citizens for several consecutive generations.

People who live well feel more free than any others.
The reason that China is eating our lunch
is because our consecutive generations are experiencing a diminishing standard of living.

All of this is obvious to non-idiots, by the way.

Oh,...so the if China invades Taiwan then no big deal right? :rolleyes: Do you mean to tell me that you dont know that Russia is China's puppet ? That they are as Italy was to Germany? REALLY?
If Taiwan is invaded during the Biden administration I suspect the US will grumble but not do much.

Exactly. With our direct intervention along with others in the region much of China's armed forces will die on that Island,....Taiwan will be their graveyard. Without our direct intervention Taiwan will be overcome.
Oh,...so the if China invades Taiwan then no big deal right? :rolleyes: Do you mean to tell me that you dont know that Russia is China's puppet ? That they are as Italy was to Germany? REALLY?

Old Nifty is not an intellectual. He does have a GED, of which he is inordinately proud.

He is just a bitter old man, near to being an octogenarian, filled with hatred for America and Americans.

Like most men of that age, he has become senile and is deathly afraid of looking up…the Grim Reaper…
Exactly. With our direct intervention along with others in the region much of China's armed forces will die on that Island,....Taiwan will be their graveyard. Without our direct intervention Taiwan will be overcome.
Currently Taiwan is no pushover. We should be helping to reinforce the areas that their defense needs. They should be bristling with anti ship and anti aircraft missiles. Taiwan should pay for the weapons that they need though.
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Old Nifty is not an intellectual. He does have a GED, of which he is inordinately proud.

He is just a bitter old man, near to being an octogenarian, filled with hatred for America and Americans.

Like most men of that age, he has become senile and is deathly afraid of looking up…the Grim Reaper…
He ordered a second copy of his GED so he thinks he has a double major.