Odd opinions from board lefties concerning Russia/China

Which is EXACTLY what Trump did with India in his visit. The reception he received there was out of this world.
That's not what your post said.

Your post clearly insinuated liberals were silent on China, soft on china.

. The MAGA dream was always to grovel to Putin and beg him to be our friend.
Old Nifty is not an intellectual. He does have a GED, of which he is inordinately proud.

He is just a bitter old man, near to being an octogenarian, filled with hatred for America and Americans.

Like most men of that age, he has become senile and is deathly afraid of looking up…the Grim Reaper…

Lots of projection going on there, Captain Earl, ex-USAF and current oath-breaker.
That's not what your post said.

Your post clearly insinuated liberals were silent on China, soft on china.

. The MAGA dream was always to grovel to Putin and beg him to be our friend.

Fat Boy is a well known liar and is very brave behind the desk his daddy handed him. In the real world, he's lazy, stupid and content to ride the coattails of his brothers.
Mr. Tiny Penis, how about butting out with your bet bullshit. Grow up, child.

Thanks for admitting you ran like the little piggie shouting "weee, weee, weee" from a bet on your own bullshit, Legion. :rofl2:

If you can't take the heat, dumbass, then stay out of the fucking kitchen.
That's not what your post said.

Your post clearly insinuated liberals were silent on China, soft on china.

. The MAGA dream was always to grovel to Putin and beg him to be our friend.

They are and it is obvious. EVERYONE knows it. Unfortunately the left just may PROVE me correct beyond a shadow of a doubt sometime before Biden is ejected from office. IF China chooses to invade Taiwan it will be before Joe leaves and while we are weak.
When an end to the Ukraine war is FINALLY negotiated my bet is that Jim Biden and other Joe associates will receive VERY generous Ukraine rebuild contracts from the Biden administration like Jim got in IRAQ. ;)
They are and it is obvious. EVERYONE knows it.

Unfortunately the left just may PROVE me correct beyond a shadow of a doubt sometime before Biden is ejected from office. IF China chooses to invade Taiwan it will be before Joe leaves and while we are weak.
Delusional or just a fucking moron?

Care to bet on it, Fat Boy or will you run from your own words like the balless Legion?
Jim is an expert in home building much like Hunter is an expert on running foreign oil companies. In other words,...neither know SHIT.
The war will come to an end through negotiation, just how I said it SHOULD before it began. IMO it will be before corrupt Joe leaves office so all the rebuild contracts that the American people will be forced to pay for can be pillaged. In the end its ALL ABOUT THE MONEY.
When an end to the Ukraine war is FINALLY negotiated my bet is that Jim Biden and other Joe associates will receive VERY generous Ukraine rebuild contracts from the Biden administration like Jim got in IRAQ. ;)
What's the bet, Fat Boy? 12B is my favorite since it's verifiable against liars like you.

My guess is that Ukraine will rebuild using their neighboring, supporting nations due to shorter supply chains and workers who can go home on the weekends.

As for China; they are smarter than all the MAGAts put together. They will intimidate, but know a military confrontation is not necessary when they can buy Taiwan in 30-50 years. Only fucking morons like MAGAts and insane people like Putin think taking a nation by force works in the 21st century.
They are and it is obvious. EVERYONE knows it. Unfortunately the left just may PROVE me correct beyond a shadow of a doubt sometime before Biden is ejected from office. IF China chooses to invade Taiwan it will be before Joe leaves and while we are weak.

I accept your tacit confession that your OP was wrong in claiming liberal posters were silent and soft on China.
I accept your tacit confession that your OP was wrong in claiming liberal posters were silent and soft on China.

WHAT? Are you insane? I said no such thing. The left IS IN FACT soft in China. For the reason I posted. It is obvious,.....to deny it is a LIE.
I accept your tacit confession that your OP was wrong in claiming liberal posters were silent and soft on China.

The fact he won't back up his own words by putting skin in the game is also very telling about his veracity.
When an end to the Ukraine war is FINALLY negotiated my bet is that Jim Biden and other Joe associates will receive VERY generous Ukraine rebuild contracts from the Biden administration like Jim got in IRAQ. ;)

What's wrong with American and European engineering firms helping to rebuild Ukraine? Hopefully, the wealth of Russian oligarchs will be confiscated as war reparations to help pay for it.
When an end to the Ukraine war is FINALLY negotiated my bet is that Jim Biden and other Joe associates will receive VERY generous Ukraine rebuild contracts from the Biden administration like Jim got in IRAQ. ;)
Joke will be out of office before that.
What's wrong with American and European engineering firms helping to rebuild Ukraine? Hopefully, the wealth of Russian oligarchs will be confiscated as war reparations to help pay for it.
Jim Biden has no real skill other than being a grifter. .