Odd opinions from board lefties concerning Russia/China

Not that I want to see Taiwan invaded,...I dont. But it would almost be worth it just to see the absolute shit show that would ensue from the left. Like tromping on the brakes while going 110 miles an hour. OH WAIT!!!!! :laugh:

It would almost be worth hundreds of thousands of dead people just to own the left?

Dude, that is a bridge way too far, even for a lib owning troll.
China and Russia will both actively work to assist Donald Trump in any way they can. Because if Donald Trump would somehow win the Presidency, China and Russia would attack our allies and expand their reach with complete impunity. Which makes the thread incredibly ironic.

China will not fuck with Biden and a united Europe.
Mr. Tiny Penis, how about butting out with your bet bullshit. Grow up, child.

The entire board knows he never settles a bet he loses and has no intention of doing so when making a bet.
That’s why he makes these so called “bets” on a message board. He’d get his pansy ass kicked into next week in the real world.
Actually,....they arent that odd at ALL if you understand modern Leftism. Its ALL about winning elections,...the ACTUAL TRUTH means nothing,...nothing at all. Its RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA all day EVERY DAY meanwhile not a peep concerning the true much more dangerous enemy. Interesting indeed.

I do not see much Russian talk. Even the war that Putin started is not gaining much traction because it seems to be in the doldrums. How is ignoring a war a political gain for the left? You are deluding yourself.
The entire board knows he never settles a bet he loses and has no intention of doing so when making a bet.
That’s why he makes these so called “bets” on a message board. He’d get his pansy ass kicked into next week in the real world.


That is not 'fuckling with Biden'. An invasion of Taiwan or an escalation of hostilities in the South China Sea would constitute 'fucking with Biden'. A wayward spy balloon launched by clowns? Hardly.
You're the idiot who doesn't see the obvious, Stoner.

The Union of Socialist Republics was a communist nation which, far from ideal, at least purported to achieve the goals of socialist ideals.
We hard leftists purport to achieve the goals of socialist ideals.

Which were what?

Ones the USSR actually did:

Aggressive, imperialist, expansion of the nation by war and violence.
Massive mismanagement of the economy ensuring widespread poverty and privation. Bread lines anyone?
Total repression of religious freedom
Repression of free speech and press
Repression of freedom of association and movement
Decaying infrastructure
Worst polluter on the planet at the time

Contemporary Russia is an oligarch-controlled fascist state not seeking to achieve the goals of socialist ideals.

But it is freer, more advanced, and less polluting than under Communism.

As for the Chinese government, they also fail to meet the democratic standards that we'd like to see
but they have been progressively improving the standard of living for their citizens for several consecutive generations.

China today is more like the Soviet Union, even as conditions there have improved some. The standard of living there has improved for a small elite, oligarchs, and others connected to the Communist party. For anyone who isn't connected they get poverty and the boot on their neck.

People who live well feel more free than any others.
The reason that China is eating our lunch
is because our consecutive generations are experiencing a diminishing standard of living.

Hardly. Like any dictatorship, the picture presented to the world is a far rosier one than the reality of being under it.

All of this is obvious to non-idiots, by the way.

Yes, it is. Idiots believe that Socialism, Communism, and dictatorships lead to a better world.
That is not 'fuckling with Biden'. An invasion of Taiwan or an escalation of hostilities in the South China Sea would constitute 'fucking with Biden'. A wayward spy balloon launched by clowns? Hardly.

But it wasnt wayward. it was gathering intel on our military installations.
Oh,...so the if China invades Taiwan then no big deal right? :rolleyes: Do you mean to tell me that you don't know that Russia is China's puppet ? That they are as Italy was to Germany? REALLY?

If China invades Taiwan, it's either the beginning of World War III or the end of American being a globally relevant nation anyway.

The Chinese people are presently happy was my only point there.

If they invade Taiwan and we don't start a nuclear war,
then we deserve to become the shithole that we're presently heading toward anyway.

The survival of humanity may concern some people,
but you needn't include me among them.
Survival absent dignity is worthless.
People are worthless without class and dignity.

Russia being China's puppet is a theory held by some.
For now, I don't give a fuck.
Once the nukes go off,
nobody will be left
and that isn't necessarily a bad thing.
The standard of living there [China] has improved for a small elite, oligarchs, and others connected to the Communist party. For anyone who isn't connected they get poverty and the boot on their neck. Like any dictatorship, the picture presented to the world is a far rosier one than the reality of being under it.

Discourse between us doesn't accomplish much.

I don't share any of your core values and believe little of anything you say.
You can say the same about me, I'm sure,
and I'm also sure than neither of us give a fuck what the other thinks anyway.

If we share discourse,
it's about talking at one another, never to one another,
and it probably bores everybody else to shit.

Since we clearly have nothing better to do, however, it doesn't really matter.
Discourse between us doesn't accomplish much.

I don't share any of your core values and believe little of anything you say.
You can say the same about me, I'm sure,
and I'm also sure than neither of us give a fuck what the other thinks anyway.

If we share discourse,
it's about talking at one another, never to one another,
and it probably bores everybody else to shit.

Since we clearly have nothing better to do, however, it doesn't really matter.


You presented some ideas.
I presented a rebuttal refuting those ideas.
You switch to a mild version of ad hominem rather than defend them.
The discourse was yours to continue, but you refused.
But it wasnt wayward. it was gathering intel on our military installations.

Yawn. A spy balloon whose location we knew exactly, and you think we let them find out ANYTHING? They have been doing this for years. There are so many balloons floating above the US it's almost impossible to figure out which ones constitute a threat. So we responded by fine tuning our targets. China looked like the Keystone cops. Blinken cancelled his visit. Nothing burger. Pretending that a spy balloon is equivalent to an invasion of Taiwan is laughable. China wants a Trump win. They are actively working to help him. They just suck at itl.

You presented some ideas.
I presented a rebuttal refuting those ideas.
You switch to a mild version of ad hominem rather than defend them.
The discourse was yours to continue, but you refused.

Yes, agreed, you gave me an opportunity to debate,
but everybody by now should understand why I'm here.

Debate is impossible without stipulations.

Without an agreed upon starting point,
there is no debate possible.

Debate is about how
the disagreed upon variables
mitigate or exacerbate the agreed upon issue.

We have no agreed upon starting point.
We have no common goals.
Debate isn't what we can do.

What we can do is vent.

That, and not debate, is what I do here.

You are, of course, free to attempt debate if that's your intent or purpose here.

Most of our regulars understand what I do here, TAG.
But it wasnt wayward. it was gathering intel on our military installations.

There are lots of ways they have to collect data on our supersecret military installations. They have many spy satellites. A ballon is the worst way possible. It is very obvious and it looks clownish, like your "thinking" does.
And YES....these opinions PRE DATE the Ukraine war. Tons of Russia bashing from the left in here which is somewhat understandable. But silent on China for the most part. Now why is that exactly? ;) This line of thinking would be like hating the old eastern block countries of the old Warsaw pact but not a negative peep about the old Soviet Union. Its hating the junior partner but not the senior,...the puppet but not the puppet master. Makes no sense whatsoever. Are you people really THAT dense, that brainwashed,...OR is it really about not wanting to have a politically uncomfortable discussion that could open a Pandora's box that has the STRONG possibility of weakening your preferred presidential candidate? My guess is it is NUMBER THREE. How very very weak of you.


And YET...You still believe Trump won the 2020 election.

Well, that's all we need to know about your cognitive deficiencies. You're not worth engaging on your series of questions.

You're in the cult.

Which is EXACTLY what Trump did with India in his visit. The reception he received there was out of this world.
Yes, but accomplished nothing

President Donald Trump concluded a showy state visit to India on Tuesday with plenty of impressive photos but without major announcements on trade or security.
Trump departed having cemented his close friendship with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, upon whom he lavished praise during public appearances over the course of his 36-hour visit.
But Trump was frank that Modi puts up a tough trade fight and that their disagreements on tariffs and deficits wouldn't be resolved in the near-term.”
President Biden on the other hand

Yes, but accomplished nothing

President Donald Trump concluded a showy state visit to India on Tuesday with plenty of impressive photos but without major announcements on trade or security.
Trump departed having cemented his close friendship with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, upon whom he lavished praise during public appearances over the course of his 36-hour visit.
But Trump was frank that Modi puts up a tough trade fight and that their disagreements on tariffs and deficits wouldn't be resolved in the near-term.”
President Biden on the other hand


No intelligent person believes trump had the savy or temperament to be a skilled diplomat.

Trump's own chief of staff and cabinet members said he is a moron with the intelligence of a third grader.