Odd opinions from board lefties concerning Russia/China

Interesting that this thread was moved. A popular thread about how our posters are reacting to current political happenings. Hit home too much I assume. ;)
No intelligent person believes trump had the savy or temperament to be a skilled diplomat.

Trump's own chief of staff and cabinet members said he is a moron with the intelligence of a third grader.

Agreed. What's even more interesting is how many JPP fucking morons see him as a Godsend.
Yes, agreed, you gave me an opportunity to debate,
but everybody by now should understand why I'm here.

Debate is impossible without stipulations.

Without an agreed upon starting point,
there is no debate possible.

Debate is about how
the disagreed upon variables
mitigate or exacerbate the agreed upon issue.

We have no agreed upon starting point.
We have no common goals.
Debate isn't what we can do.

What we can do is vent.

That, and not debate, is what I do here.

You are, of course, free to attempt debate if that's your intent or purpose here.

Most of our regulars understand what I do here, TAG.

So, you are fixed in your views, cannot or will not change them, and not open to discussion other than agreement with them. How sad for you.
Yawn. A spy balloon whose location we knew exactly, and you think we let them find out ANYTHING? They have been doing this for years. There are so many balloons floating above the US it's almost impossible to figure out which ones constitute a threat. So we responded by fine tuning our targets. China looked like the Keystone cops. Blinken cancelled his visit. Nothing burger. Pretending that a spy balloon is equivalent to an invasion of Taiwan is laughable. China wants a Trump win. They are actively working to help him. They just suck at itl.

Not buying any of that.

The spy balloon was China testing the waters. They were seeing how low they could go without a response. That is, for every mile of altitude they don't have to go up--spy satellites are allowed after all--they get better reconnaissance. It was a test. My bet is that the balloon didn't have anything really sophisticated on it in terms of surveillance gear and the reason for that was if it was detected and lost nothing would be gained from the wreckage.

As it was, it showed that Bribem, as he always has, dithered and wouldn't do anything about it until pressed to a point where he had no choice. Wrong foreign policy decision as usual with him.

The balloon was found because of civilian, not military, observers by the way. China got exactly what they wanted: Information about how low they could go, if the US could find such a balloon, and what the US would do about it.

Blinken is a blithering retard. The guy is a professional weasel and liar. He's easily one of the most ineffective Secretaries of State the US has ever had.

China wants Bribem in. He's their guy. Joke won't make a decision on foreign policy, and when backed into a corner, you can take it to the bank it'll be the worst, most ineffective, one he can choose. Trump isn't someone they can control or even figure out what his reaction to something they do will be. That's dangerous for both China and the establishment in Dirty City. That's why the later hates him so much.

I won't deny in the least, that makes Trump more volatile and dangerous politically, but it's a million times better than a President that won't make a decision and when finally forced to, will make the wrong choice. My bet is, if Bribem is president and China were to invade Taiwan, Joke's initial response would be to do nothing other than hand wring about how awful China is acting. If other nations in the region start gearing up for war, Joke would like Wilson before him, do nothing meaningful and let the war progress. The most might be trying to send Taiwan some weapons, but only if the shipping can get through unescorted and unsunk.

Like Wilson--another Leftist Progressive by the way--in WW 1, Bribem would keep us on the sidelines while the world went to shit, doing nothing. Only when finally pushed into action by the various factions in the war, would he decide we should jump in. The problem would be, again like WW 1, we'd have a completely shit, fucked up mobilization because Joke allowed the sales of all our weapons and ammunition to the combatants--like Wilson did-- while doing nothing to replace any of it.

The result would be we were in a war we couldn't fight and couldn't win because of the shit foreign policy decisions of our moron president.