Typical BS of right wing wonks.....blame the messenger for pointing out the nasty little truths in society that they've comfortably regulated in their minds and lives.
I'm not a registered democrat … nor is the OP a defense of them. If you can fault the historical references I use, then do so.
Depends, who's paying? We're all "capitalists".
This is the most laughable pile of horseshit ive read in a long time.
You make some grand assumptions and the biggest is that in your swirling left wing mindset you believe you are going to be allowed to do what you want. It appears that you believe that everyone that doesnt think like you is going to cower from the big bad boogey liberal and let you dominate something.
You need a reality check and that check is that the right in this country isnt scared, isnt cowering, they are calmly waiting for the left to gain enough courage to step over the line.
There is an estimate that there are over 400,000,000 legal guns in this country, that doesnt count the ones the missed and the ones that are illegal. Thats far more than a gun for every man woman and child in america and liberals coveted illegal immigrants.
I know many people that are sick and tired of the lefts bullshit and are quietly seething and ready if the left decides to get to stupid.
So stuff your threats youre not scaring anyone
Trump has done more FOR EVERY american in 18 mths than obama did in 8 yrs.
Were here right now in this place because Obama put allowing Trannys in womens bathrooms and us paying for tranny surgery in the military over ALL working americans.
We had more americans out of work and on foodstamps than ever before.
Obama accomplished nothing but screw up health care for those that had it and medicare and fine those that wouldnt comply to try and force them to buy it.
Obama said he would close gitmo and stop the war, gitmo is still open and he encouraged regime change in libya, he increased involvement in syria. He turned his back on Israel and bent over for every muslim leader in the world and gave Iran hundreds of millions of dollars.
He wanted open borders and to bring in as many refugees to make this Germany as he could. He was a FAILURE.
All through his worthless presidency, the liberal press snuggled up under his nuts and sang his praises, ignoring all his scandals and dirty deals.
Trump is a raging success, more jobs, more minorities working than EVER before, unemployement lower than in 30 yrs.
Hes done with NKorea what no one came close to doing.
Your silly incredibly juvenile whining and ranting and stamping your lil feetsies is just embarassing. Trump is kicking your liberal ass's all over the country inspite of your lying and daily nonstop attacks. He doesnt miss a beat.
Heres a caveat for you, I VOTED FOR OBAMA for Potus once.
this union shall stand
you cant RULE over a people who are in the streets
the miltary wont fire on Americans
the cops wont either
they cant win
You got that right.
I called him a piece of dogshit -- but horseshit certainly works.![]()
I am a progressive who voted for stein so I assume your "Typical BS of Right wing wonks" was a moment of self-reflection.
Given the Right wing BS you parroted on this thread, I highly doubt you voted for none other than the orange pated con man now sitting in the Oval Office. Given the OP, you obviously have a reading comprehension deficiency to make your last sentence's accusation. Carry on.
According to historians we’ve had five presidents who were worse than Trump. We will survive this! We’ve got to.
Cannot be 5 worse than this fuckling idiot. He is tearing the coutry apart with his hate and divisiveness. He ius trashing environmental protects while creating a trade war . Last nights speech was a demonstration of a 10 year old wearing a suit.
By the way...one would think a guy with his supposed money could buy a suit or two that looks like it has a designer label in it.
This "fucking idiot" wears suits that look like they were bought from the Salvation Army second use store.
Okay...a comment on my comment.
But you didn't deny that the turd dresses like a turd.
Trump dresses like a chump...or a frump.
Bleat on, sheep!
Whatever you say Frank, whatever you say