Official Rest And Chillaxin' after a hard day of Lynchin Werewolves Thread 8.1.2

Mott, I had two votes. LadyT and Grind (whose vote doesn't appear on the final tally as it shows his death, instead). All it needed was someone to switch their vote, which I was affraid of.
That was pretty classic. I was posting like mad to kill Mott, for no reason. And all of a sudden I see shoot Grind and I was on the floor laughing. Everything was going crazy.
I rushed to Best Buy, my computer monitor quit on me and I bought a new one, but by the time I got it installed, it was too late and I missed the craziness.
I guess if I had to shoot a Villager, Grind is an awesome target. That's a rather unique way to conduct a tie-breaker. Of course, all Grind had to do was vote for Mott, but he never did that, and he is now dead. :cof1: