Official Werewolf Game v. 8.1.2 New and Improved with Vigilante


Staff member
Welcome to the official Werewolf Game thread.


I have added a daytime Vigilante. During the day they will be able to tag one other player one time. That player will be killed as soon as I see it (I may not be monitoring the thread all day ya know) and their role revealed.

Seer has been given a night zero peek, during the evenings the Seer will need to send me their "peek" for the evening.

Discussion is allowed in this thread only, PMs are out for the village. Wolves are allowed to discuss privately between themselves to select their kills, etc.

I will open this thread at the opening of the game which will be on or about 9AM EDT... (I think I may have sent the wrong time in the PMs, I won't be at work until then.)

9AM EDT...

Every villager has to vote at least once per day period, missing two votes will make you a suicide (unless it is in the final rounds, less than 6 playas left)...

9AM begins day, night begins at 10:00 PM EDT, votes cutoff is 10:01 PM...
Some questions:

When is night? what minute counts, what minute does not?

Also village shouldn't be able to fake shoot, as I explained why in the signup thread. Agree/disagree? O_o
I'm really not clear on the Vigilante thing. Can you explain that in detail please?

One villager is a vigilante.

The vigilante has one shot, which they can fire at any time in the game during the day.

By doing so, they go SHOOT X.

Anybody can claim that they are the vig, just like some people will fake seer etc, but ONLY THE REAL VIG can type SHOOT X. No fake shooting. The reason for this is, when someone sees "SHOOT X," the village needs to know it's real immediately, and the person shot has to be dead.

If the person who is shot has previously voted, their vote is taken null and void.

If billy was named the vig, it's very likely he danced around his room last night in euphoric glee.
Oh, I forgot the narrative:

People in remote village. Some are Werewolves. Find out who they are before the entire village dies.
Lynch Mott

Gotta stick with what I know. And that's that no one in Ohio is completely human. Therefore it's a fair assumption that Mott is part wolf at least (or part Yorky, whichever).
I'm just putting this up so the thread has a list of all the players.

Final Cast:

Mott the Hoople
christie took the impetus on herself to go find the other thread, open it up, and scroll through it to find the final list. She never does stuff like that O_O