Ok, So, What Else You Got?


You guys are kidding us right? If you watched that debate last night, name me one of those guys who looked like they should be President? I sure hope you guys have someone else you're going to put up. What is up with Brownback's squint? He looks like George Allen. Is there some mold these guys get baked in? And his smile? Both he and his wife look insane to me. Literally bug-f*ck nuts.

Didn't they all basically come out and sing "bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran"?

Rudy, when pressed, actually said that he was pro-choice. He personally "hates abortion" and would counsel a person not to "go that route" but when it comes down to it the choice is the woman's. That's pro-choice. He also said public funding should be left up to the states, and admitted he supported public funding (of abortions) while mayor of NY. Other than the fact that Rudy in no way looks, nor sounds, at all Presidential, I'd like to see a pro-choice candidate pull off getting the R nomination. I don't see how it can be done.

Back to the drawing board for the R's. You better start interviewing your neighbors and see what you can scrounge up. When McCain, whose war mongering has caused his support among independent voters to crater, is the only guy on the stage who looks like he could even be a possibility, you guys are in big trouble. Romney, I thought, looked the most calculating, and I don't see it happening, but he is the only other possibility from what was up there, I guess.
Come on Damo, you're one of the few repubs on here, tell me what you thought about the debate? Did you like any one of them?
I did not watch it. Mom just gets confused on those kinds of shows. She is about senile enough to become a Bush supporter....
Come on Damo, you're one of the few repubs on here, tell me what you thought about the debate? Did you like any one of them?
I liked Ron Paul. When speaking on the war and many other issues he pretty much gave my POV.

I like Tancredo. But then he is a friend.

As a Presidential Candidate?

With 10 of them up there, there really wasn't enough time to really get a solid idea how they would be as candidates. If you notice, each that you mention "looked" presidential went over their time consistently to pump out practiced stumps regularly.

I kind of wish Fred Thompson was officially in the running, I'd like to hear more from him.

Mitt has no shot, he has about as many people who say they wouldn't vote for a Mormon as those who say they wouldn't vote for HillBilly.
Ron Paul is a Texican I think, I have evolved a policy based on empirical evidence, never vote for a texican. Johnson, both Bushes, etc...
Ron Paul is a Texican I think, I have evolved a policy based on empirical evidence, never vote for a texican. Johnson, both Bushes, etc...
You will never have to worry about that. Ron Paul isn't going to win the nomination. However much people say they want people to follow the constitution, those that do are not popular politicians.
Darla... did not watch the debate, but thus far I haven't seen anyone from either party that I would want to vote for. Time for both parties to toss thier leading candidates aside and try again.
I liked Ron Paul. When speaking on the war and many other issues he pretty much gave my POV.

I like Tancredo. But then he is a friend.

As a Presidential Candidate?

With 10 of them up there, there really wasn't enough time to really get a solid idea how they would be as candidates. If you notice, each that you mention "looked" presidential went over their time consistently to pump out practiced stumps regularly.

I kind of wish Fred Thompson was officially in the running, I'd like to hear more from him.

Mitt has no shot, he has about as many people who say they wouldn't vote for a Mormon as those who say they wouldn't vote for HillBilly.

The format is horrible, but with that many candidates, I guess there really is no choice. As for Romney, I didn't see anyone up there last night who looked to me like someone I'd be worried about running the dem candidate against. So he is in no way unique.
Darla... did not watch the debate, but thus far I haven't seen anyone from either party that I would want to vote for. Time for both parties to toss thier leading candidates aside and try again.

I think the dems have their strongest field of candidates in some years, and that the repubs have their weakest field in year. The repubs are so weak, I am doubtful that their eventual candidate was on stage last night.
Darla... if THAT bunch is considered your strongest group in years, then I truly feel sorry for the Dems. Richardson is good. Obama I just don't know enough about yet. Hillary is a definite no vote. As is Edwards. Gore would be an absolute no. Your best candidate is Clark - the one least likely to run and if he were to run, no way he would win the Dem nod....

As for the Reps, I would likely vote McCain or Rudi over the majority of dems.... with Richardson being the only toss up for me. I don't know enough about Romney. Hagel or Ron Paul would be preferred, but they won't get the Rep nod. Not a fan of Tancreepo... Brownback would be a nightmare.

I don't know. This is definitely the most disappointing field in my brief lifetime.
Gore is almost a hero among college age people...
Apparently the earth movement is rising a bit.

Maybe an old hippie like me will come back into fashion ;)
"Gore is almost a hero among college age people...
Apparently the earth movement is rising a bit."

I'll just waive something shiny in the air and their ADD will kick in.

I like the fact that Gore is bringing attention to the environment, I just don't like the scare tactics he uses.
Darla... if THAT bunch is considered your strongest group in years, then I truly feel sorry for the Dems. Richardson is good. Obama I just don't know enough about yet. Hillary is a definite no vote. As is Edwards. Gore would be an absolute no. Your best candidate is Clark - the one least likely to run and if he were to run, no way he would win the Dem nod....

As for the Reps, I would likely vote McCain or Rudi over the majority of dems.... with Richardson being the only toss up for me. I don't know enough about Romney. Hagel or Ron Paul would be preferred, but they won't get the Rep nod. Not a fan of Tancreepo... Brownback would be a nightmare.

I don't know. This is definitely the most disappointing field in my brief lifetime.

They're a strong, highly-qualified and polished group. Far stronger than what the repubs have fielded. I will vote for Gore if he enters, if not, I will happily vote for Edwards. In either case, I'd like to see Obama as the VP pick. I don't think we're getting your vote anyway SF. So I'll be guided by my own council on this. If I was looking to attract Republicans, I'd be hoping for Lieberman. I'm not. :)
I think this type of thing is the reason that early announcements are a sign of those who will not be the candidate later.
Rudy, when pressed, actually said that he was pro-choice. He personally "hates abortion" and would counsel a person not to "go that route" but when it comes down to it the choice is the woman's. That's pro-choice. He also said public funding should be left up to the states, and admitted he supported public funding (of abortions) while mayor of NY. Other than the fact that Rudy in no way looks, nor sounds, at all Presidential, I'd like to see a pro-choice candidate pull off getting the R nomination. I don't see how it can be done.
Give Rudy -- I'm going to call him Rudy when I don't call him Julie; that will be a good indicator of my mood towards him at any given moment -- his props. He had the guts to stand up there and buck the party line. He was, I believe, the only one who really did. I still think he'd be an exceedingly bad president and probably wouldn't vote for him if he were running against Ronald Reagan's old leading man, Bonzo, but he didn't go all squishy. This time.
Give Rudy -- I'm going to call him Rudy when I don't call him Julie; that will be a good indicator of my mood towards him at any given moment -- his props. He had the guts to stand up there and buck the party line. He was, I believe, the only one who really did. I still think he'd be an exceedingly bad president and probably wouldn't vote for him if he were running against Ronald Reagan's old leading man, Bonzo, but he didn't go all squishy. This time.

Agree on all counts.

I was scratching my head trying to figure it out. The only conclusion I could come to is that Rudy is going to make terrorism, and fearmongering the central issue of his campaign. He thinks that when it comes down to the wall, fear will overcome the abortion issue. And, for all I know, he could be right. We've all seen what fear can do to people in the past several years.
"They're a strong, highly-qualified and polished group."

I disagree with the highly-qualified part.

"Far stronger than what the repubs have fielded."

Obviously that is a matter of opinion. Personally I think both groups are weak.

" I will vote for Gore if he enters, if not, I will happily vote for Edwards. In either case, I'd like to see Obama as the VP pick. I don't think we're getting your vote anyway SF. So I'll be guided by my own council on this. If I was looking to attract Republicans, I'd be hoping for Lieberman. I'm not."

While we certainly share different views.... I am not a Republican. Never have been. Dems put up Clark, they have my vote. Richardson would also currently get it, unless Clinton was his VP (but I seriously doubt she would accept the VP position, so not likely). Since you bring up Lieberman... yes, he would also get my vote over any of the Reps. But the Dems wouldn't even give him the nod as their Senatorial candidate in CT... so he is as likely to run as Clark.
" So I'll be guided by my own council on this."

Side note... wasn't trying to "guide" you.... just sharing MY opinion... sooooo nana nana na na....:tongout:
"They're a strong, highly-qualified and polished group."

I disagree with the highly-qualified part.

"Far stronger than what the repubs have fielded."

Obviously that is a matter of opinion. Personally I think both groups are weak.

" I will vote for Gore if he enters, if not, I will happily vote for Edwards. In either case, I'd like to see Obama as the VP pick. I don't think we're getting your vote anyway SF. So I'll be guided by my own council on this. If I was looking to attract Republicans, I'd be hoping for Lieberman. I'm not."

While we certainly share different views.... I am not a Republican. Never have been. Dems put up Clark, they have my vote. Richardson would also currently get it, unless Clinton was his VP (but I seriously doubt she would accept the VP position, so not likely). Since you bring up Lieberman... yes, he would also get my vote over any of the Reps. But the Dems wouldn't even give him the nod as their Senatorial candidate in CT... so he is as likely to run as Clark.

I'd shoot Joe Lieberman before I'd vote for him on a dem ticket. Can't get any clearer than that, and I don't like to be ambigious.

Richardson really? I heard so many good things about him, and then, he did nothing impressive at all in the debate. Of course, that format also sucked, so...we'll see what happens as the field winnows down, the debates become more manageable, and you can get a better sense.

Clark isn't running, so you can't blame dems for "not putting him up". I didn't dislike Clark the last time he ran, and I even considered him for a while. But by time the primary happened here, Kerry was a done deal. I'd have to see what he has to say about Iraq, today, though.