OMG Another Confederate rememberance that must be destroyed


Well-known member
Oh the horror a rock carving showing Confederate leadership. Where are the asshole hide history social justice warriors?

"Which ones Sherman"?

Naa..Sherman was the one who made these traitors howl. LOL A great American, Patriot and Buckeye. He warned the South that they didn't know what the hell they were doing even thinking about going to war with the North. They laughed at him. He got the last laugh on them and while he was laughing....they were howling. Good ole Uncle Billy....don't make many Generals better than him. Certainly none of the Confederate generals.
South still can't handle Sherman fucked with their heads!

He only showed them that going to war against their own country was a very, very bad idea. Sherman was not a great of an all around General as Grant. He lacked Grants all over military ability and determination and no one in the 19th Century was even close to Grant as a military strategist (except Napoleon, of course) but in many respects Sherman was the first modern General and none of the Confederate Generals were as able as he was.
Oh give me a break. Who gives a rats ass about a bunch of traitors. Remove them from public display? I think it's a great idea. Rat bastards should have been shot!

Who the fuck cares about something that happened 150+ years ago there are problems facing this nation today that are more important than dwelling on the past.