OMG Another Confederate rememberance that must be destroyed

But you're the one always defending Confederate statues!
Who needs them "150+ years ago"

That's right simply because of assholes who think their feelings are more important that the rights of the people who erected those statues.

Forest was not a General of a full fledge army.

No he wasn’t and I wouldn’t compare him to Grant but Forest was a remarkable man. The uneducated son of a frontiersman he became a millionaire (ok, it was in the slave trade which isn’t admirable at all) the joined the Confedearate Army as a private and rose to Lieutenant General. No single individual in the entire Civil War rose as far as he did. He and General Thomas were the only Civil War Generals to never lose a battle and Forest was the only Confederate General not defeated in the field and did not surrender. His tactics were the basis of today’s modern mobile arms and reads straight out out today’s army field manual. General Guiderion of Blitzkreig fame modeled his tactics after Forest and this from an uneducated frontiersman with no formal military education or training. No modern General has ever killed as many enemy combatants in hand to hand combat either. So Forest, warts and all was a fascinating man, a natural genius and a war criminal and racist but he was still the best General The Confederacy had and had he been in over all command the Confederacy probably wouldn’t have lost.
No he wasn’t and I wouldn’t compare him to Grant but Forest was a remarkable man. The uneducated son of a frontiersman he became a millionaire (ok, it was in the slave trade which isn’t admirable at all) the joined the Confedearate Army as a private and rose to Lieutenant General. No single individual in the entire Civil War rose as far as he did. He and General Thomas were the only Civil War Generals to never lose a battle and Forest was the only Confederate General not defeated in the field and did not surrender. His tactics were the basis of today’s modern mobile arms and reads straight out out today’s army field manual. General Guiderion of Blitzkreig fame modeled his tactics after Forest and this from an uneducated frontiersman with no formal military education or training. No modern General has ever killed as many enemy combatants in hand to hand combat either. So Forest, warts and all was a fascinating man, a natural genius and a war criminal and racist but he was still the best General The Confederacy had and had he been in over all command the Confederacy probably wouldn’t have lost.

There is so much more to commanding a whole army than fighting,there is supplies,dealing with subordinates,etc.
To say Forest would have won the war for the South is laughable.
Oh the horror a rock carving showing Confederate leadership. Where are the asshole hide history social justice warriors?

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A lot of us do not respect traitors who decided they did not want to be American citizens anymore, left our nation to form their own country, took up arms with the aim of killing American soldiers serving under the Stars and Stripes, and attacked American military installations.

That kind of treason rubs a lot of us the wrong way
A lot of us do not respect traitors who decided they did not want to be American citizens anymore, left our nation to form their own country, took up arms with the aim of killing American soldiers serving under the Stars and Stripes, and attacked American military installations.

That kind of treason rubs a lot of us the wrong way

And the north committed a lot of atrocities against the South also. But that is unimportant. The civil war ended over 150 years ago. It is only idiot social warriors that make an issue of it! Anyone who had any part in the war is long gone! It fucking happened let it go.
He only showed them that going to war against their own country was a very, very bad idea. Sherman was not a great of an all around General as Grant. He lacked Grants all over military ability and determination and no one in the 19th Century was even close to Grant as a military strategist (except Napoleon, of course) but in many respects Sherman was the first modern General and none of the Confederate Generals were as able as he was.

Napoleon is overrated
There is so much more to commanding a whole army than fighting,there is supplies,dealing with subordinates,etc.
To say Forest would have won the war for the South is laughable.

No actually it isn’t at all. I didn’t say he would have won I said the Confederacy could have won the war because Forest was an extremely competent guerrilla commander and had the Confederacy gone that route they probably could have won. Keep in mind that the Confederacy could have won the Civil War by simply not losing it. They only needed a stalemate to win. The Union had the considerably more difficult task of having to conquer a vast territory. Had the Confederacy had a Commander who didn’t waste limited and irreplaceable resources as Lee did, they very well could have.