OMG Another Confederate rememberance that must be destroyed

He only showed them that going to war against their own country was a very, very bad idea. Sherman was not a great of an all around General as Grant. He lacked Grants all over military ability and determination and no one in the 19th Century was even close to Grant as a military strategist (except Napoleon, of course) but in many respects Sherman was the first modern General and none of the Confederate Generals were as able as he was.

I still like Sherman more than Grant.

Also: Wellington > Napoleon

I still like Sherman more than Grant.

Also: Wellington > Napoleon

Well both were great generals but when you look at Grants abilities objectively, his determination, his command structure, his mastery of all levels of military skill from tactics, maneuvers, operations, logistics, tactics, strategy, grand strategies and political realities and his battle field accomplishments and victories the only 19th century general who is comparable (and was actually better) is Napoleon.

Also Sherman’s command record was actually pretty poor until he was subordinated under Grant. Some argue that Sherman was the first modern General and they have good arguments it Grant was the first General to use combined army operations coordinated with the same strategic goals commanding five field armies. That had never been done before successfully so I would argue that made Grant the first truly modern General.
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Well both were great generals but when you look at Grants abilities objectively, his determination, his command structure, his mastery of all levels of military skill from tactics, maneuvers, operations, logistics, tactics, strategy, grand strategies and political realities and his battle field accomplishments and victories the only 19th century general who is comparable (and was actually better) is Napoleon.

Also Sherman’s command record was actually pretty poor until he was subordinated under Grant. Some argue that Sherman was the first modern General and they have good arguments it Grant was the first General to use combined army operations coordinated with the same strategic goals commanding five field armies. That had never been done before successfully so I would argue that made Grant the first truly modern General.
I never really got a tremendous impression of Grant. Obviously, I'm joking about the Wellington/Napoleon comparison. But, you tend to specialize in military commanders, so, I'll assume that Grant was much more than marginally superior to Sherman.
Who the fuck cares about something that happened 150+ years ago there are problems facing this nation today that are more important than dwelling on the past.

Aren't you the author of this thread- that brought all this shit to the forefront as perhaps a distraction to the more serious matter of our president intentionally rallying up his racist followers by using racist comments in his stump speeches?
Aren't you the author of this thread- that brought all this shit to the forefront as perhaps a distraction to the more serious matter of our president intentionally rallying up his racist followers by using racist comments in his stump speeches?

I don't give a flying fuck what skin color the four bitches are. They do nothing but bad mouth the nation they swore an oath to support and defend if you want to play the race card and say we are racists for calling them out have a nut, that makes you as bad if not worse than they are.
I don't give a flying fuck what skin color the four bitches are. They do nothing but bad mouth the nation they swore an oath to support and defend if you want to play the race card and say we are racists for calling them out have a nut, that makes you as bad if not worse than they are.

You are the BITCH- you whiny little racist BITCH!

These congress women did not bad mouth our nation- they called Trump a racist!

AND THAT IS THE ABSOLUTE TRUTH! Can't blame them for telling the truth!

I agree with them!
I never really got a tremendous impression of Grant. Obviously, I'm joking about the Wellington/Napoleon comparison. But, you tend to specialize in military commanders, so, I'll assume that Grant was much more than marginally superior to Sherman.

Part of that was Grant's fault as he was a nondescrept, almost seed looking, fellow who didn't give a very good first impression. His stellar accomplishments have also been beslimed by Southern "Lost Cause" Apologist who could only deify Lee by denigrating the General who defeated him and because most Northerners didn't give a shit and wanted to get on with life, they ignored the Lost Cause apologist and thus Grants substantial historical accomplishments were denigrated. The view by many uninformed people on Grant was that he was an untalented butcher and a drunk who used overwhelming force to defeat the Confederacy, which is an unmitigated lie. So the propaganda published post war about Grant by the Lost Cause Apologist was effective.

But it doesn't take a whole lot of research to discover what a remarkable General Grant was. Unquestionably one of the top 2 or 3 generals this nation has ever produced. Certainly the best of the Civil War era Generals, though Sherman, Thomas and Forest were top notch Generals too. Forest in particular, given his background and character is a very interesting study. Forest was with out a doubt the best of the Confederate Generals followed closely by Johnston and Jackson. Lee, was a brilliant tactician and a genius at manuevers but over all was a mediocre General. Brilliant in defense, Lee blew chunks on the offensive and on strategy. Every time Lee went on the offensive it resulted in uneccessary and catastrophic strategic failure that played a large role in the Confederacy losing the Civil War. Lee went on the offensive in West Virginia and lost West Virginia and I'm sure you are well aware what strategic catastrophes Antietam and Gettysburg was for the Confederacy.
You are the BITCH- you whiny little racist BITCH!

These congress women did not bad mouth our nation- they called Trump a racist!

AND THAT IS THE ABSOLUTE TRUTH! Can't blame them for telling the truth!

I agree with them!
Try listening instead of giving Obama blow jobs and you might learn something.
Go suck a donkey dick you brainless closet KKK whore.
I don't give a flying fuck what skin color the four bitches are. They do nothing but bad mouth the nation they swore an oath to support and defend if you want to play the race card and say we are racists for calling them out have a nut, that makes you as bad if not worse than they are.

Does that give Trump a pass?
Part of that was Grant's fault as he was a nondescrept, almost seed looking, fellow who didn't give a very good first impression. His stellar accomplishments have also been beslimed by Southern "Lost Cause" Apologist who could only deify Lee by denigrating the General who defeated him and because most Northerners didn't give a shit and wanted to get on with life, they ignored the Lost Cause apologist and thus Grants substantial historical accomplishments were denigrated. The view by many uninformed people on Grant was that he was an untalented butcher and a drunk who used overwhelming force to defeat the Confederacy, which is an unmitigated lie. So the propaganda published post war about Grant by the Lost Cause Apologist was effective.

But it doesn't take a whole lot of research to discover what a remarkable General Grant was. Unquestionably one of the top 2 or 3 generals this nation has ever produced. Certainly the best of the Civil War era Generals, though Sherman, Thomas and Forest were top notch Generals too. Forest in particular, given his background and character is a very interesting study. Forest was with out a doubt the best of the Confederate Generals followed closely by Johnston and Jackson. Lee, was a brilliant tactician and a genius at manuevers but over all was a mediocre General. Brilliant in defense, Lee blew chunks on the offensive and on strategy. Every time Lee went on the offensive it resulted in uneccessary and catastrophic strategic failure that played a large role in the Confederacy losing the Civil War. Lee went on the offensive in West Virginia and lost West Virginia and I'm sure you are well aware what strategic catastrophes Antietam and Gettysburg was for the Confederacy.

Forest was not a General of a full fledge army.
Who the fuck cares about something that happened 150+ years ago there are problems facing this nation today that are more important than dwelling on the past.

But you're the one always defending Confederate statues!
Who needs them "150+ years ago"