Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win
New research finds that white Americans are more likely to hold unconscious racism against black Americans if their home region was once heavily dependent on slavery.

Among white residents, "counties and states more dependent on slavery before the Civil War display higher levels of pro-white implicit bias today," a research team led by University of North Carolina psychologist B. Keith Payne writes in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Only the southern aristocracy was invested in the great sin of slavery.
The inbred, toothless crackers who are the most virulently racist had nothing to do with slavery.
They're just people who are so low on society's totem pole that they desperately need to think that somebody is below them.

The parasites who live in whale shit at the bottom of the Mariana Trench are a higher life form than crackers like banjofuck and the rest,
so dwelling in reality is much too painful for them.
Only the southern aristocracy was invested in the great sin of slavery.
The inbred, toothless crackers who are the most virulently racist had nothing to do with slavery.
They're just people who are so low on society's totem pole that they desperately need to think that somebody is below them.

The parasites who live in whale shit at the bottom of the Mariana Trench are a higher life form than crackers like banjofuck and the rest,
so dwelling in reality is much too painful for them.

What you posted is true throughout the country, the losers in this country are the ones who are most likely to be racist, for the reason that you stated.
New research finds that white Americans are more likely to hold unconscious racism against black Americans if their home region was once heavily dependent on slavery.

Among white residents, "counties and states more dependent on slavery before the Civil War display higher levels of pro-white implicit bias today," a research team led by University of North Carolina psychologist B. Keith Payne writes in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

In other words, fake research that claims to be able to read minds.
Only the southern aristocracy was invested in the great sin of slavery.
The inbred, toothless crackers who are the most virulently racist had nothing to do with slavery.
They're just people who are so low on society's totem pole that they desperately need to think that somebody is below them.

The parasites who live in whale shit at the bottom of the Mariana Trench are a higher life form than crackers like banjofuck and the rest,
so dwelling in reality is much too painful for them.

I don't think you're below me, boy. I know it. It's clear, based on how you respond, you know it.

Although you claimed to be white, you may as well consider yourself a fucking nigger based on how you live your life. That's reality.
Only the southern aristocracy was invested in the great sin of slavery.

Yes yes, we are all well aware of the history of the Democrat Party. Thanks for the history lesson though.

The inbred, toothless crackers who are the most virulently racist had nothing to do with slavery.

Obviously the Democrat Party hasn't changed much since those days. Still just as racist and bigoted as ever. Again, thanks for the demonstration.

They're just people who are so low on society's totem pole that they desperately need to think that somebody is below them.

More democratic Party history

The parasites who live in whale shit at the bottom of the Mariana Trench are a higher life form than crackers like banjofuck and the rest,
so dwelling in reality is much too painful for them.

Alright alright, we get it, Democrats are scum. No need to belabor the point.
When I read the title of this thread I immediately thought it MUST be yet ANOTHER misguided rant by a lunatic left wing nut. I was correct.
By the way, did you know that the banjo is a musical instrument that was invent by African Americans?????????????????

What's your point. White people had to take an inferior product and make it better than any AA could have ever made it.
Yes yes, we are all well aware of the history of the Democrat Party. Thanks for the history lesson though.

Obviously the Democrat Party hasn't changed much since those days. Still just as racist and bigoted as ever. Again, thanks for the demonstration.

More democratic Party history

Alright alright, we get it, Democrats are scum. No need to belabor the point.

You know all of the former slave-owning states vote Republican today, right?

Only the southern aristocracy was invested in the great sin of slavery.
The inbred, toothless crackers who are the most virulently racist had nothing to do with slavery.
They're just people who are so low on society's totem pole that they desperately need to think that somebody is below them.

The parasites who live in whale shit at the bottom of the Mariana Trench are a higher life form than crackers like banjofuck and the rest,
so dwelling in reality is much too painful for them.

Even those "inbred toothless crackers" benefited from slavery. In fact, all of white america benefited from slavery. To deny this fact is to deny slavery and it's effects on America didn't exist.

To this day.......white america STILL benefits from slavery.
Even those "inbred toothless crackers" benefited from slavery. In fact, all of white america benefited from slavery. To deny this fact is to deny slavery and it's effects on America didn't exist.

To this day.......white america STILL benefits from slavery.

Let me guess,you're campaigning for your reparations check!
Let me guess,you're campaigning for your reparations check!

YUP reparations are long overdue to Black Americans in this county.

But I don't expect you to be intelligent enough to understand or discuss the topic.

Just keep calling me a racist and move on.
YUP reparations are long overdue to Black Americans in this county.

But I don't expect you to be intelligent enough to understand or discuss the topic.

Just keep calling me a racist and move on.

You and Guano are the two biggest racists aside from TDAK and CFM.
Even those "inbred toothless crackers" benefited from slavery. In fact, all of white america benefited from slavery. To deny this fact is to deny slavery and it's effects on America didn't exist.

To this day.......white america STILL benefits from slavery.

Blacks that still choose to be Democrats benefit from slavery. The sad part is it is self imposed.
Stating facts isn't racist except to a racist.

These immaculate "nigger""coon" conceptions aren't racist just as SCOTUS Rehnquist's Christian Nation immaculate drug conceptions for all those thieving old glory old testament arsonists for one not being available to see the assassination of JFK on TV is only federal sin to suicidal Christiananality pedophilia super egos.
These immaculate "nigger""coon" conceptions aren't racist just as SCOTUS Rehnquist's Christian Nation immaculate drug conceptions for all those thieving old glory old testament arsonists for one not being available to see the assassination of JFK on TV is only federal sin to suicidal Christiananality pedophilia super egos.

And you keep proving you're both.