Still proving you're both a "nigger" and a "coon".

These suicidal "man is God" homicidal sociopsychopathilogical human farming super ego credentials ought to rival SCOTUS Rehnquist's immaculate drug conceptions for that "serve the Pope or die" Islamophobia Christiananality pedophilia thieving old glory & old testament arsonists of the 1970's along with an immaculate drug conception prior to those burning Bush's 9/11 Al Qaeda "death to the infidels" Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate enforcement Mengele Angel of Death WW II concentration camp baptize thine eyes by urinations of one of Ike's Pentagon staff sergeants.
These suicidal "man is God" homicidal sociopsychopathilogical human farming super ego credentials ought to rival SCOTUS Rehnquist's immaculate drug conceptions for that "serve the Pope or die" Islamophobia Christiananality pedophilia thieving old glory & old testament arsonists of the 1970's along with an immaculate drug conception prior to those burning Bush's 9/11 Al Qaeda "death to the infidels" Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate enforcement Mengele Angel of Death WW II concentration camp baptize thine eyes by urinations of one of Ike's Pentagon staff sergeants.

And it keeps on coming.
Republicans have been trying to divide our nation by race for years.

Today's Republicans are nothing more than a WHITE NATIONALISTIC agenda being led by Donald Trump and his White Nationalist cronies.

In southern states, that have been mired with voter suppression, gerrymandered districts, racial hatred toward people of color, if you are WHITE- you vote Republican. Children are raised to believe that by their parents, it is taught in schools, and that is the way it has been since the Civil War.

It is a racial divide, built into the Republican playbook!
Do you mean like New York, Massachusetts and Delaware?

Those states ended slavery far earlier. I was using the term, "slave-owning states," to refer to the Southern states because they used that term to define themselves during the Civil War.
The states that fought for slavery and segregation now vote Republican. Denying that the parties switched positions on at least some issues is just insane.
Those states ended slavery far earlier. I was using the term, "slave-owning states," to refer to the Southern states because they used that term to define themselves during the Civil War.
The states that fought for slavery and segregation now vote Republican. Denying that the parties switched positions on at least some issues is just insane.

The North had plenty of slaves. Still do.
Democrats. Nothing else need be said.

Sure, before the parties switched positions. The South used to vote Democrat because they liked slavery and segregation. Now the Republicans are fighting for segregation, so the South votes Republican.
Sure, before the parties switched positions. The South used to vote Democrat because they liked slavery and segregation. Now the Republicans are fighting for segregation, so the South votes Republican.

That is the biggest fallacy out there. Been debunked so many times I am unsure why it is still a left wing talking point.
That is the biggest fallacy out there. Been debunked so many times I am unsure why it is still a left wing talking point.

It's never been debunked. And really, how could it be? Is there a single racist organization that supports the DNC today? Today, if racists support a party, they support the RNC. And again, the same states that held on to segregation the longest now vote for Republicans.

It's funny, all Republicans can do is bring up the past to say Democrats are racist. If Democrats want to call Republicans racist, they can bring up the present.
It's never been debunked. And really, how could it be? Is there a single racist organization that supports the DNC today? Today, if racists support a party, they support the RNC. And again, the same states that held on to segregation the longest now vote for Republicans.

It's funny, all Republicans can do is bring up the past to say Democrats are racist. If Democrats want to call Republicans racist, they can bring up the present.

It certainly has. Time and time again. Democrats are still trying to hide their history and present. Not working.
New research finds that white Americans are more likely to hold unconscious racism against black Americans if their home region was once heavily dependent on slavery.

Among white residents, "counties and states more dependent on slavery before the Civil War display higher levels of pro-white implicit bias today," a research team led by University of North Carolina psychologist B. Keith Payne writes in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Bullshit. I grew up in Boston Mass, and it's still the most racist city that I've ever lived in. Moving to North Carolina was a breath of fresh air with respect to that bullshit.
It certainly has. Time and time again. Democrats are still trying to hide their history and present. Not working.

Just saying it's been debunked doesn't actually debunk it.

Explain to me why Neo-Nazis, the KKK, and other racists vote Republican. Explain to me why the South went from voting Democrat to voting Republican.
It's never been debunked. And really, how could it be? Is there a single racist organization that supports the DNC today? Today, if racists support a party, they support the RNC. And again, the same states that held on to segregation the longest now vote for Republicans.

It's funny, all Republicans can do is bring up the past to say Democrats are racist. If Democrats want to call Republicans racist, they can bring up the present.

From the OP link:
Racial bias is often discussed in psychological terms—as a defense mechanism, a product of emotional immaturity, a way to project one's fears and insecurities onto others.

Certainly sounds like the typical Democrat...