The Alt-Right are known Trump supporters. The Neo-Nazis at the Unite the Right rally were Trump supporters. David Duke urged people to vote for Trump. Seriously, have you ever found a racist organization that supported Democratic candidates?
So all of the Republicans moved to the South, meanwhile all of the Democrats moved to the North. And evidence for this mass migration?

Excluding all those thieving US Constitution - old glory - old testament arsonists of Byrd's Democratic KKK West Nazi Germany Virginia churchstate fiefdom so they can all remain just too dang lily brilliant white in history ?
Revised history,the Southern Whites turned Republican because of Johnson's civil rights legislation.

Contrary to popular belief, President Lyndon Johnson did not predict a racist exodus to the Republican Party from the Democratic Party because of Johnson’s support of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Omitted from the Democrats’ rewritten history is what Johnson actually meant by his prediction.

Johnson feared that the racist Democrats would again form a third party, such as the short-lived States Rights Democratic Party. In fact, Alabama’s Democrat Governor George C. Wallace in 1968 started the American Independent Party that attracted other racist candidates, including Democrat Governor Lester Maddox.

Behind closed doors, Johnson said:

“These Negroes, they’re getting uppity these days. That’s a problem for us, since they got something now they never had before. The political pull to back up their upityness. Now, we’ve got to do something about this. We’ve got to give them a little something. Just enough to quiet them down, but not enough to make a difference. If we don’t move at all, their allies will line up against us. And there’ll be no way to stop them. It’ll be Reconstruction all over again.”

Little known by many today is the fact that it was Republican Senator Everett Dirksen from Illinois, not Johnson, who pushed through the 1964 Civil Rights Act. In fact, Dirksen was instrumental to the passage of civil rights legislation in 1957, 1960, 1964, 1965 and 1968. Dirksen wrote the language for the 1965 Voting Rights Act. Dirksen also crafted the language for the Civil Rights Act of 1968 which prohibited discrimination in housing.

Link provided in post 42.
The Alt-Right are known Trump supporters. The Neo-Nazis at the Unite the Right rally were Trump supporters. David Duke urged people to vote for Trump. Seriously, have you ever found a racist organization that supported Democratic candidates?
So? Racists are stupid people. They believe the lie that you and your ilk spread.

So all of the Republicans moved to the South, meanwhile all of the Democrats moved to the North. And evidence for this mass migration?
Did I say all? Do you think that the South was uniformly Democrat? That wasn't even the case during the Civil War.

I'm most familiar with NC history because I live here and therefore wanted to learn it. NC is red, but barely so. I'm ashamed that we gave our electoral votes to The Obama. The counties that vote Democrat today were the economic power during the Antebellum period, and of course money influences politics. They voted 'rat then, and still do.

However residents of of poor counties, who had no political voice at all during Antebellum, didn't own slaves and many rebelled against the Confederacy. Ever hear of the Underground Railroad? It started in the mountain counties of NC which still today are deep red Republican.

Soldiers from these counties were mostly drafted unwillingly. Why would they fight for the rich man's slave ownership? If you're too lazy to read, watch the Movie Cold Mountain, which is an accurate depiction of attitudes of the day.
Resting on your almost 20 years old Islamophobia super ego in those burning Bush's Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate 9/11 Al Qaeda "death to the infidels" dhimmitude servitude & almost 65 years old Byrd's KKK churchstate fiefdom West Nazi Germany Virginia of thieving US Constitution - old glory - old testament arsonists as if it's the second coming for keeps.....

Resting on what you are is embarrassing.
As the only reply is little more than a repetitive autistic cross conditioned way beyond therapy diatribe tautology of higher than one nation under God for keeps.....

It's the only reply that's needed to someone more than willing to prove he's nothing more than a nigger. When you make yourself so simple, only a simple reply is needed, BOY.
You don't think that's a fair question?

The Republicans allowed him to run as a Republican, so now I'm wondering if any at least denounced him.

Bernie, a socialist, is running as a Democrat. In fact, he's currently 2nd in the polling. Does that mean you Democrats are willing to admit you're socialist?
5th graders are asking their parents questions.

"So it's now OK to cheat, Lie, and Bully people?"

5th graders in 2008 and 2012 were asking their parents if black skin color was a qualification. Blacks and guilt ridden white trash that though it was told them "yes".
It's the only reply that's needed to someone more than willing to prove he's nothing more than a nigger. When you make yourself so simple, only a simple reply is needed, BOY.

So a nigger to thieving recently purchased US Constitution arsonists at SCOTUS, or a nigger to KKK lynching enforcement thieving US Constitution from a Navy Hospital arsonists on a cross or a nigger to those burning Bush's thieving 9/11 Al Qaeda "death to the infidels" Islamophobia Christiananality pedophilia national religion master race?
YUP reparations are long overdue to Black Americans in this county.

But I don't expect you to be intelligent enough to understand or discuss the topic.

Just keep calling me a racist and move on.

I support reparations for anyone that was held in slavery!Do you qualify?

Saying this is a video doesn't debunk the points made in the video, including the audio of a Republican admitting to using racism to get Republican support.

#dumbasfuck. You are an easily duped and gullible young person. That is a polite way of saying stupid as fuck and your parents should have done a better job.
No, just a simple, low class nigger.

Would that be as simple as from the past of McHeil's Navy low class attempted nigger brainwashing to protect & serve those thieving US Constitution arsonists & possible Naval medical doctor murderers ?
Would that be as simple as from the past of McHeil's Navy low class attempted nigger brainwashing to protect & serve those thieving US Constitution arsonists & possible Naval medical doctor murderers ?

It's even more simple than that and you're still too fucking stupid to understand it, BOY.
#dumbasfuck. You are an easily duped and gullible young person. That is a polite way of saying stupid as fuck and your parents should have done a better job.


You're just triggered because you can't argue against the facts. How embarrassing for you.
Bernie, a socialist, is running as a Democrat. In fact, he's currently 2nd in the polling. Does that mean you Democrats are willing to admit you're socialist?

I'm not a Democrat, but I'd say sure, Democrats are ok with having Democratic Socialists in their party. Much like Republicans are ok with having Neo-Nazis in their party.
I'm not a Democrat, but I'd say sure, Democrats are ok with having Democratic Socialists in their party. Much like Republicans are ok with having Neo-Nazis in their party.

You're lying again. That's why nothing you say after that matters, cunt.