Online Misogyny, a thoughtful dissertation by Darla

Women are being raped and murdered in the middle east for exercising their free speech and all you can do is whine about imaginary ghosts online. Hypocritical cunt.

all of a sudden wise old man worries about the plight of women in the middle east. I'm sure it just eats him alive and keeps him from sleeping at night
I'd love to see you sue me for not believing a story you told about a "friend". That would be hilarious. BTW in the United States you must first prove the statement is untrue, then prove it caused harm. You incredibly ignorant whiner. I swear I think you are really an 85 yo woman with a bitter history.

Move here and bring your lawyer, I could use the laughs.

I would sue you for calling me a rapist, you dozy twat!!
Talk about sob sisters...boy that spiteful hatred of women is really coming out now. Good. That's five more people who know what you are and two more who will find it harder to deny. Keep it coming. :)

Yeah, it'll all come out and stink!

Here's a nice blog Darla...he mocks misogyny

Misogyny. I mock it.

I find a lot of it in what's called the "manosphere," a loose collection of Men's Rights, Men Going Their Own Way (MGTOW), and Pickup Artist (PUA) sites. That said, there are numerous posts here that don't have anything to do with MRAs, or PUAs or any of their ilk.

Manosphere misogynists love fantasizing about a coming apocalypse, invariably caused by the bad behavior of feminists and/or women in general, and invariably resulting in feminists and/or women in general lost and forlorn and realizing their mistakes, returning to men begging for help and asking for forgiveness. Like Doomsday Preppers waiting for the planet to suddenly shift on its axis due to the sudden reversal of the magnetic poles, most of the apocalyptic misogynists don’t seem to have the faintest idea of what they’re talking about.
Talk about sob sisters...boy that spiteful hatred of women is really coming out now. Good. That's five more people who know what you are and two more who will find it harder to deny. Keep it coming. :)

I rather listen to someone like Germaine Greer that a nasty baggage like you. You would quite happily put someone away for years on uncorroborated testimony because you believe that a sista cannot lie!!

No one could take the uncorroborated statement of a complainant as sufficient basis for depriving a man of his liberty for years. But if what is alleged is common assault with a sexual component, and carries a lighter penalty, women’s testimony could safely be given more weight. And we would not all be subjected to the silliness of protracted and hugely expensive trials involving inebriated undergraduates who collapsed in bed together and woke up unable to remember exactly what transpired.
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I am used to stupid cons, but even so, you seem unusually slow-witted. Whom have I tried to have banned? The only person on this thread who tried to get someone banned for something they said is the guy you're talking to dimwit.

All I've done is utilized my free speech to talk about online misogyny specifically as displayed on this board. And all you've done is whine about my free speech. Typical con.
This is how I see it, Darla. Some women are bitches and 'cunts' just like some men are bastards and pricks. It has nothing to do with hating an entire gender, IMO.

Again, I had an illiterate troll chase me around a board for six months calling me a racist cunt and I ignored every post. If you want to get under someone's skin, being oblivious to them is the best medicine. The said troll had a 4-alarm meltdown when I welched on a bet, which was nullified the moment I started ignoring it, and cried to the mods to change my ID against my will. One of them did that, another made them change it back. I went back for a while and then left permanently. As an aside, this board is great in that it seems pretty lenient and the mods don't appear to be power tripping assholes.
This is how I see it, Darla. Some women are bitches and 'cunts' just like some men are bastards and pricks. It has nothing to do with hating an entire gender, IMO.

Again, I had an illiterate troll chase me around a board for six months calling me a racist cunt and I ignored every post. If you want to get under someone's skin, being oblivious to them is the best medicine. The said troll had a 4-alarm meltdown when I welched on a bet, which was nullified the moment I started ignoring it, and cried to the mods to change my ID against my will. One of them did that, another made them change it back. I went back for a while and then left permanently. As an aside, this board is great in that it seems pretty lenient and the mods don't appear to be power tripping assholes.

They are OK, Grind is a 27 year old virgin geek, Billy is a professional drunk/gun nut and Damo is an amateur beekeeper with kidney stones.
That's not my point. I guess what I said goes for you, too. Your phoney cries of rape and finger pointing are ignoring real violations of human rights going on right now.

What phony cries of rape? Be specific.

You have no clue about what I support, but I'll bet I've supported more human rights causes than you even know exist.
Calling names as you put it, is also known as libel and if I lived in the US I would sue her arse. Listen, you are not really helping I have a lot of time for you but you just don't get it.

No I don't. It is an online forum. I doubt your name is actually Aoxomoxoa, so there was no harm to your actual reputation in real life.