Online Misogyny, a thoughtful dissertation by Darla

This is how I see it, Darla. Some women are bitches and 'cunts' just like some men are bastards and pricks. It has nothing to do with hating an entire gender, IMO.

Again, I had an illiterate troll chase me around a board for six months calling me a racist cunt and I ignored every post. If you want to get under someone's skin, being oblivious to them is the best medicine. The said troll had a 4-alarm meltdown when I welched on a bet, which was nullified the moment I started ignoring it, and cried to the mods to change my ID against my will. One of them did that, another made them change it back. I went back for a while and then left permanently. As an aside, this board is great in that it seems pretty lenient and the mods don't appear to be power tripping assholes.

Why did you welch on the bet?
Grind, I appreciate the thought, but in case you haven't noticed everyone here hates me. Because I am the "loudmouthed" feminist. No one is going to join a group I create. :)

It's okay, my feelings aren't hurt. I am that way here because IRL I do the opposite and use men's sexism against them by playing it. It's more subversive and fun in it's own way, but it does build up in me.

You are just a loud mouth. You are no feminist. You only care about certain women. You aren't special. Get over yourself
Calling someone a cunt is not an affront to all women nor does it mean the person hates all women. It's no different than calling a man a prick or a dick. It's just another victim card you think can insulate you from being called names while you (apparently) call others any name in the book.

The Golden Rule. Use it. If you dish it out, then don't cry about the predictable results.

Cunt is far more socially unacceptable because the word was first used in the past and still to this day to demean a woman and evoke feelings of filth, disease and disgust, lowly, unclean, vile!

Dick more implies a jerk.
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That would explain why you left that forum, obviously.
I left because I chose to, no other reason.

It never sat well with me someone changed my ID against my will just to dry the tears of an illiterate, vulgar-mouthed crybaby troll and a blowhard egomaniac. Now, they can have the run of the place. I'm done with it.

Most of the posters there thought it was wrong as well. After they upgraded the software, everything went downhill from there, on course to a full-on crybaby hub. That I contributed money to it makes me especially disgusted.
Cunt is far more socially unacceptable because the word was first used in the past and still to this day to demean a woman and evoke feelings of filth, disease and disgust, lowly, unclean, vile!

Dick more implies a jerk.
Yes, it is a gross term, no doubt. I just don't see it as a slam to all women, but that's just me.
Talk about sob sisters...boy that spiteful hatred of women is really coming out now. Good. That's five more people who know what you are and two more who will find it harder to deny. Keep it coming. :)

Incest survivors, too, that is also rape and it is vile.
Do you kinow what makes me laugh about you? This has been going on for some time yet you are obviously blissfully unaware of the background or context.

THere's nothing to know you old drama queen. I don't know you from Adam, regardless of the airs you put on otherwise.There is no background or context. You put up a rape thread and in it, you made the choice to reveal what you are. And what you are is a big-time enabler of rape culture, a rape apologist, a person who blames women for rape, a person who actually denies rape unless the women is beaten bloody and you are satisfied as to her "innocence" in the matter, a misogynist, and an asshole.

That's the context. Stop being so dramatic. This isn't a fucking soap.

When a man here actually says he disagrees with you, you go into a full fledged temper tantrum. Most of them just ignore you and you take that silence as agreement. Wrongly in most cases. One took the time to call you out and look at you - you haven't stopped crying...and attacking...since.
Yet you told that you were considering changing the rules.

He probably couldn't take your crying anymore and wanted to get rid of you. Either way, the rules didn't change, so STFU about it. You failed to get me banned, and you failed in your quest to make being called out on the absolutely despicable things you say about women here, a bannable offense. It's still okay for women here, or anyone here, to point out what a monster you are. You know why? This is America that's why. And here the bitches don't have to STFU everytime you look at them sideways, got it? Good.
Do you kinow what makes me laugh about you? This has been going on for some time yet you are obviously blissfully unaware of the background or context.

I've been here for a long time. I recall the threads on rapes. In fact, Darla and I had a falling out on one of them. We simply had the good taste and decency to keep most of the drama in private.