Online Misogyny, a thoughtful dissertation by Darla

You know more about Helen Mirren because your mother lives close to her? That's great, I bet you'd love to get your hands on her. Thank God she has security.

And yeah, she did, that's why i wouldn't attack her or something she said, but rather show how it's wrong. Not to you of course, because you hate women and want men to be free to slap those bitches back in their place if they dare get the idea they are free to go out dancing, wearing whatever they'd like... you know, like they were men or something. And we know your preferred method of slapping those mini-skirted sluts back down. There's no point talking to you. But Tom? You better know I've exposed you. :)

I was talking about Germaine Greer who lives in a village about 15 miles from my mother, maybe I will pass by that way and give her your regards. I believe it time to go back to ignoring your rantings, I can't be bothered talking to a pretentious poseur like you any more.
I was talking about Germaine Greer who lives in a village about 15 miles from my mother, maybe I will pass by that way and give her your regards. I believe it time to go back to ignoring your rantings, I can't be bothered talking to a pretentious poseur like you any more.

I believe a professor in NY came under fire for incest. He was sleeping with his hot daughter who was in her early twenties, and so therefore above the age of consent.
The leftists here have an agenda. They're not concerned about rape. Rape is only the vehicle. Sell that crap to some naive college kid.

So you know, in your infinite wisdom, that the outrage concerning the comments made about rape victims is part of an agenda and not due to actual concern for rape victims and the sick ways the system screws them repeatedly after they have been raped?

That would be laughable if it weren't so ridiculous.
Cunt is far more socially unacceptable because the word was first used in the past and still to this day to demean a woman and evoke feelings of filth, disease and disgust, lowly, unclean, vile!

Dick more implies a jerk.

another woman womansplaining about how inoffensive a word that isn't used against them is. typical.
So you know, in your infinite wisdom, that the outrage concerning the comments made about rape victims is part of an agenda and not due to actual concern for rape victims and the sick ways the system screws them repeatedly after they have been raped?

That would be laughable if it weren't so ridiculous.

There are women being raped in the Streets of Cairo and I don't hear one word of condemnation about those who are behind it.
Where is Prakosh, your cyber boyfriend these days?

He's in a cyber treatment center, after having a cyber melt down when his cyber marriage to Darla went through a cyber divorce.
He's still trying to recover that cyber $20 he cyber loaned her, for her cyber taxi ride home, after they had that cyber date in New York.
But she still probably can't get over how he cyber pranced around, while wearing her cyber underwear.

Thank God for the internet; because hopefully it keeps her off of the street corners, at night.
Why, wasn't your buddy Ice (and you sure knew how to buddy up to her when you wanted info Tom, so give it a rest) able to find out for you? Nope, she wasn't. There's a reason for that. The reason being I am smarter than she will ever be, and anything she ever read I knew she'd be reading. So you can sit around and guess...just like she has to. :)

Guess you'll have to leave that chapter out of your book "Memoirs of a Message Board Washwoman".

Will it include a chapter on how you lied to get your way; because there is proof that you lie about everthing, "GREAT AND SMALL"?
There are women being raped in the Streets of Cairo and I don't hear one word of condemnation about those who are behind it.

I explained this once, and you apparently do not care.

But lets try another angle. Ok, there are women being raped in the streets of Cairo, we have established that. Now, you are getting pissy because the people here are talking about another topic besides those rapes.

Here is what you do. Go thru every forum and look at every thread. Let us know which, if any threads should remain open as long as women are being raped in the streets of Cairo. I mean, if it the deciding factor for these few people, it should be the deciding factor for everyone.
I explained this once, and you apparently do not care.

But lets try another angle. Ok, there are women being raped in the streets of Cairo, we have established that. Now, you are getting pissy because the people here are talking about another topic besides those rapes.

Here is what you do. Go thru every forum and look at every thread. Let us know which, if any threads should remain open as long as women are being raped in the streets of Cairo. I mean, if it the deciding factor for these few people, it should be the deciding factor for everyone.

Here is what you do. Kiss my ass deeply.
women definitely have it worse in the middle east, but it's only natural for humans to focus on the issues most pressing to them. Same reason why so many talk about the right of healthcare when most of the world can't even get clean water. It's not very practical to wait until the middle east and all of africa are first world nations before you speak up for what you want. You'll end up waiting forever.
There are women being raped in the Streets of Cairo and I don't hear one word of condemnation about those who are behind it.

Do you really think that being against rape, speaking out against rape etc. is intended for this country only? Why would you think anything so ignorant?
Do you really think that being against rape, speaking out against rape etc. is intended for this country only? Why would you think anything so ignorant?

I never said that. Why would you say anything so ignorant?

I'm pointing out the fact that women are being raped in broad daylight in the streets of Cairo. No need to talk about hypotheticals when reality is happening. You and your pals don't want to discuss it because Islamists are responsible.