Online Misogyny, a thoughtful dissertation by Darla

THere's nothing to know you old drama queen. I don't know you from Adam, regardless of the airs you put on otherwise.There is no background or context. You put up a rape thread and in it, you made the choice to reveal what you are. And what you are is a big-time enabler of rape culture, a rape apologist, a person who blames women for rape, a person who actually denies rape unless the women is beaten bloody and you are satisfied as to her "innocence" in the matter, a misogynist, and an asshole.

That's the context. Stop being so dramatic. This isn't a fucking soap.

When a man here actually says he disagrees with you, you go into a full fledged temper tantrum. Most of them just ignore you and you take that silence as agreement. Wrongly in most cases. One took the time to call you out and look at you - you haven't stopped crying...and attacking...since.

I love the way that you twist and connive in an attempt to make yourself appear superior, you truly are a despicable piece of excrement. The majority of the men on here know what a vile baggage you are, you have never changed from the Scarlet Red days. SJ may be a little simple but he sure has got you pegged when he calls you the Queen Bee.
I've been here for a long time. I recall the threads on rapes. In fact, Darla and I had a falling out on one of them. We simply had the good taste and decency to keep most of the drama in private.

Well good for you, it would have been better if you had extended me the same courtesy.
I love the way that you twist and connive in an attempt to make yourself appear superior, you truly are a despicable piece of excrement. The majority of the men on here know what a vile baggage you are, you have never changed from the Scarlet Red days. SJ may be a little simple but he sure has got you pegged when he calls you the Queen Bee.

Well Tom I think the high esteem of the "majority of men" here means more to you than it does me. You are easily bruised by even the slightest hint of male disapproval...could be a hint as to why you hate women hmmm.

And BTW dummy, I crowned myself the Queen Bee on the RBB, that is why SJ calls me that, because unlike YOU he actually posted there and knows what he is talking about in regards to that board. Where as you just talk out your ass. The way you do about everything. :)
Well Tom I think the high esteem of the "majority of men" here means more to you than it does me. You are easily bruised by even the slightest hint of male disapproval...could be a hint as to why you hate women hmmm.

And BTW dummy, I crowned myself the Queen Bee on the RBB, that is why SJ calls me that, because unlike YOU he actually posted there and knows what he is talking about in regards to that board. Where as you just talk out your ass. The way you do about everything. :)

Where is Prakosh, your cyber boyfriend these days?
Where is Prakosh, your cyber boyfriend these days?

Why, wasn't your buddy Ice (and you sure knew how to buddy up to her when you wanted info Tom, so give it a rest) able to find out for you? Nope, she wasn't. There's a reason for that. The reason being I am smarter than she will ever be, and anything she ever read I knew she'd be reading. So you can sit around and guess...just like she has to. :)

Guess you'll have to leave that chapter out of your book "Memoirs of a Message Board Washwoman".
I love the way that you twist and connive in an attempt to make yourself appear superior, you truly are a despicable piece of excrement. The majority of the men on here know what a vile baggage you are, you have never changed from the Scarlet Red days. SJ may be a little simple but he sure has got you pegged when he calls you the Queen Bee.

Speak for yourself.
Why, wasn't your buddy Ice (and you sure knew how to buddy up to her when you wanted info Tom, so give it a rest) able to find out for you? Nope, she wasn't. There's a reason for that. The reason being I am smarter than she will ever be, and anything she ever read I knew she'd be reading. So you can sit around and guess...just like she has to. :)

Guess you'll have to leave that chapter out of your book "Memoirs of a Message Board Washwoman".

Maybe you can tell her yourself the next time you call her pissed up on cheap vodka in the middle of the night?
The thread is not about rape. The thread is about the misogynistic attitudes encountered in a variety of threads in which rape was the topic.

Now, if you would like to discuss the rapes in Cairo, the myriad of abuses of females in Africa, or the price of tea in China, feel free to start a new thread. But claiming that, because they are concerned about one topic, the women here are oblivious to the suffering elsewhere is simply bullshit.

The leftists here have an agenda. They're not concerned about rape. Rape is only the vehicle. Sell that crap to some naive college kid.
He probably couldn't take your crying anymore and wanted to get rid of you. Either way, the rules didn't change, so STFU about it. You failed to get me banned, and you failed in your quest to make being called out on the absolutely despicable things you say about women here, a bannable offense. It's still okay for women here, or anyone here, to point out what a monster you are. You know why? This is America that's why. And here the bitches don't have to STFU everytime you look at them sideways, got it? Good.

If you're going to tell other posters to STFU, then you're going to get it right back, You stinky bitch.
Well fortunately you've had the good sense to not have children, good for you and the world at large. I have two sons and they are both at university studying computer science, my oldest Paul graduates next year and is on target for a first class degree whilst Josh is in his second year and also doing really well. As regards rape, I subscribe to the views of Helen Mirren, is she dangerous as well?

Helen Mirren is your backup?

Helen Mirren is your backup?


Yes really, Helen Mirren is one of the finest examples of womanhood to come from England, so what's your problem? I would also call upon Germaine Greer as well, do you have a problem with that?

No one could take the uncorroborated statement of a complainant as sufficient basis for depriving a man of his liberty for years. But if what is alleged is common assault with a sexual component, and carries a lighter penalty, women’s testimony could safely be given more weight. And we would not all be subjected to the silliness of protracted and hugely expensive trials involving inebriated undergraduates who collapsed in bed together and woke up unable to remember exactly what transpired.
Yes really, Helen Mirren is one of the finest examples of womanhood to come from England, so what's your problem? I would also call upon Germaine Greer as well, do you have a problem with that?

you know nothing about Greer, who is fully cognizant of how difficult it is to prosecute date rape (because of disgusting pigs like you) and who has written extensively on this subject. She actually advocates naming and shaming rapists or anyone who did something to make a woman feel uncomfortable and wouldn't stop when told to, online. Because it is so hard to convict them. I am soooooooo sure you agree with her. LMAO

She would despise you.

As for Mirren she's a frigging actress. She's beautiful and has a great figure which is no doubt why you consider her a "fine example of womanhood", because that is how you judge a woman's worth. That's not surprising, that's how all woman-haters judge a woman's worth.

She's also a rape victim and sadly has internalized the abuse and views of men like you and is now regurgitating it and hurting others with that. That is sad, but it doesn't give her opinion any special validity.
you know nothing about Greer, who is fully cognizant of how difficult it is to prosecute date rape (because of disgusting pigs like you) and who has written extensively on this subject. She actually advocates naming and shaming rapists or anyone who did something to make a woman feel uncomfortable and wouldn't stop when told to, online. Because it is so hard to convict them. I am soooooooo sure you agree with her. LMAO

She would despise you.

As for Mirren she's a frigging actress. She's beautiful and has a great figure which is no doubt why you consider her a "fine example of womanhood", because that is how you judge a woman's worth. That's not surprising, that's how all woman-haters judge a woman's worth.

She's also a rape victim and sadly has internalized the abuse and views of men like you and is now regurgitating it and hurting others with that. That is sad, but it doesn't give her opinion any special validity.

Of course it's difficult to send someone to jail for several years on the uncorroborated testimony of somebody, that's how it should be. I know that people like you wouldn't even bother with a trial but then that's because you are a lunatic who had no respect for the law. I also know a bit more about her than you might think as my mother lives quite close to her in Essex. I just love the way you come out with the psychobabble so easily, "internalised the abuse" what a pretentious posturing prat you are.
Of course it's difficult to send someone to jail for several years on the uncorroborated testimony of somebody, that's how it should be. I know that people like you wouldn't even bother with a trial but then that's because you are a lunatic who had no respect for the law. I also know a bit more about her than you might think as my mother lives quite close to her in Essex. I just love the way you come out with the psychobabble so easily, "internalised the abuse" what a pretentious posturing prat you are.

You know more about Helen Mirren because your mother lives close to her? That's great, I bet you'd love to get your hands on her. Thank God she has security.

And yeah, she did, that's why i wouldn't attack her or something she said, but rather show how it's wrong. Not to you of course, because you hate women and want men to be free to slap those bitches back in their place if they dare get the idea they are free to go out dancing, wearing whatever they'd like... you know, like they were men or something. And we know your preferred method of slapping those mini-skirted sluts back down. There's no point talking to you. But Tom? You better know I've exposed you. :)