Online Personality: Fantasy or Reality?

(Anonymous) Please rank your JPP personality on a scale of 1 to 5

  • The Real Me. WYSIWYG

    Votes: 12 80.0%
  • An Idealized Me. All the good parts, none of the bad

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • A little of both. Exaggerations mostly.

    Votes: 2 13.3%
  • Mostly me but I like fantasy too.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The Internet is a Wonderland were we can be anything we want to be!

    Votes: 1 6.7%

  • Total voters
On it now. I don't know what she said but it appears she had fair warning. "They" only have themselves to blame. :)

I'm glad Damo commuted it to 30 days. She's an awesome person, obviously very bright and well-educated. She backs up her opinions with evidence and data. She doesn't let the Reichtards, trolls, and assholes provoke her into an emotional response... most of the time. The Biden-is-a-perv thing was her Kryptonite, I guess.
He's a good salesman, but that's far below "creators of new things" like Beethoven and Lennon. :)

Except for banging several golddiggers and making them pregnant, I doubt Trump has ever created a single thing as an adult.

Chaos. He's definitely created chaos, division, hate, prejudice, violence.
I'm glad Damo commuted it to 30 days. She's an awesome person, obviously very bright and well-educated. She backs up her opinions with evidence and data. She doesn't let the Reichtards, trolls, and assholes provoke her into an emotional response... most of the time. The Biden-is-a-perv thing was her Kryptonite, I guess.

Oh! So mina did catch teh 12b, aye?

Maybe not even for when she did it to me. :dunno:
I'm glad Damo commuted it to 30 days. She's an awesome person, obviously very bright and well-educated. She backs up her opinions with evidence and data. She doesn't let the Reichtards, trolls, and assholes provoke her into an emotional response... most of the time. The Biden-is-a-perv thing was her Kryptonite, I guess.

mina's coming back in 30?
She's awesome. Guilty, but awesome nevertheless.

Smart people are always interesting. Unfocused smart people are interesting, but erratic. Mostly to much emotion channeling their intelligence instead of their intelligence channeling their emotions. The whole Dr. McCoy vs. Spock thing. Mina being in the nature of Bones, the Id in Gene Roddenberry's Freudian space opera with Spock being the Super Ego and Kirk the if William Shatner needed help with ego. LOL
I'm glad Damo commuted it to 30 days. She's an awesome person, obviously very bright and well-educated. She backs up her opinions with evidence and data. She doesn't let the Reichtards, trolls, and assholes provoke her into an emotional response... most of the time. The Biden-is-a-perv thing was her Kryptonite, I guess.

Hopefully she puts her smarts to better use than simply flaunting rules like a distraught teenager.
I'm glad Damo commuted it to 30 days. She's an awesome person, obviously very bright and well-educated. She backs up her opinions with evidence and data. She doesn't let the Reichtards, trolls, and assholes provoke her into an emotional response... most of the time. The Biden-is-a-perv thing was her Kryptonite, I guess.

I get it about the Biden-is-a-perv thing and really have to watch my mouth (fingers) when the idiots keep harping on it.
I get it about the Biden-is-a-perv thing and really have to watch my mouth (fingers) when the idiots keep harping on it.

Here's the secret: Anyone pushing the "Biden is a pedophile" meme is a fucking moron or a liar. Ergo, they are to be ridiculed, not feared much less their opinions respected since they are either sick or malicious.

Either way, they aren't to be trusted for pushing what is clearly projection since Donald J. Trump was clearly a pedophile when he partied in the 80s and 90s with his pedophile friends.

FWIW, I credit Melania for pushing Trump to break with the pedo partiers. Once they were married, Trump dumped the pedo parties. Still, once a pedo, always a pedo unless they fess up and get help.

Trump's got one talent: he has the gift of ̷g̷r̷a̷b̷ gab and the ability to convince at least the under-educated and credulous that he is everything he claims to be.

Alexander the Great, Ceasar Augustus, Galileo, Isaac Newton used their brash cockiness and self promotion to advance humanity beyond the traditional boundaries that constrained it. It might have taken that supreme confidence their cockiness gave them to have both the vision and drive to go beyond conventional standards.

I can excuse their self promotion and narcissism on that basis.

Trumpf's narcissism and cockiness is not backed up by any real skill or talent that has ever benefited the human condition. And as much as I like vodka, even Trump Vodka did nothing to benefit human commerce, technology, or culture.
Another test. Some of them are just for fun but it interests me that all collect data on volunteers. I always share my data and answer the survey.
Multidimensional Introversion-Extraversion Scales
This is an interactive personality test measuring traits that differ between introverts and extraverts...

..Procedure: The test has 91 statements of opinion that you must rate on a five point scale of how much you agree with each. It should take most people 10-15 minutes to complete.
Overall score
Your score for overall Introversion-Extraversion was 68. The distributions of how self identified introverts (blue) and self identified extraverts (red) score are shown below.

There is a lot of overlap in the middle, which seems may seem strange given that introverts and extroverts are usually considered be different categories. Shouldn't all extraverts get a higher score than all introverts? The reason for this overlap is differences in what definitions people are using to decide if they are introverts or extraverts. For example one person who has social anxiety but likes dancing at the club might consider themselves an introvert because they believe that introversion-extraversion is about how good/confident you feel when interacting with people, while a second person with those same traits might consider themselves an extrovert because they think that introversion-extraversion is about how often you leave your house to be around people. There is no one correct definition of I-E, only definitions that are more or less similar to the average definition. Every question on this test was selected because self identified introverts and extroverts answer them differently on average.

Subscore 1
You score for the first subcomponent of Introversion-Extraversion was -133. This scale reflects how much you like being around people, more or less.

Subscore 2
You score for the second subcomponent of Introversion-Extraversion was 235. This scale reflects how socially confident you are and your inclination towards leadership.
