Origin of Life

I love the metaphysical implications of modern physics.

If I recall correctly, the multiverse was theorized as a way to get out of the implication of quantum mechanics that reality is probabilistic, not deterministic.

String theory implies universes with 11 dimensions. Holy smoke!

Let's face it, modern physics, cosmology, abiogenesis are just freaky topics which provide fertile ground for dummies like us to engage in arm waving.


I don't pretend to have even the most tenuous grasp of any of it.

But it's fun to imagine.

I like to imagine that every person who's ever lived has had not just his/her own reality, but several realities that branch off in different directions at crucial points within their lives.

And that these realities continue on and on until every infinite possibility has occurred.

And they are all occurring simultaneously.
The moment you realize there's no such thing as time existing independently. :whoa:

In General Relativity, there are two things called covariant and contravariance.

So, BidenTheWeakPresident, come at me, bro.
unless of course God created that as well.......

Magic man in the sky waves his magic wand.

"And that suggests an even more intriguing possibility. Rather than springing into existence just once in some chemically blessed primordial pond, life may have had many origins. It could have got going over and over again in many different forms for hundreds of thousands of years"

I have heard that hypothesis too; the multiple evolutionary events hypothesis..

I like the idea as a hypothesis. But the scientist in me sees it as speculative at this time.

that might explain substandard species, such as demmycrats.....