We have already established that you are not involved in farming.
I'm friends with those who are. I live among them. I can provide for myself, if need arises. Can you?
We have already established that you are not involved in farming.
I'm friends with those who are. I live among them. I can provide for myself, if need arises. Can you?
What do you think happens to a farmer who refuses to sell their food? Running a farm is expensive, with a low profit margin, so you take away any revenue, and they fail... AND THEN THEY STARVE!!! Do you think your "friends" are willing to starve their families for you?
But you know who does not starve when farms fail? People who are not farmers. I can buy food from anywhere in the world. Food is a tiny part of my budget, so even if food prices go up a hundred fold, I am surviving.
Lol! Yeah, OK Walt You are a funny man![]()
Famine rarely hits urban populations, especially educated urban populations. Famine is almost entirely a rural problem.
Everybody seems pretty much on board with my assessment. Not much in the way of rebuttal.
At least in the blues song, the singer was Goin' Down Slow.
We've had the industriousness to speed it up.
A lot of other countries have people who have an equivalent of an American high school education. Just having a bunch of unemployed high school graduates will not make America a world beater.
trump will go down in history as being slightly less of a cancer to a nation than Hitler was to Germany.
Could be. My guess, though, is he will be considered a greater cancer to our nation.
And if things go the way they appear headed, history may well consider him to be a worse cancer to the world than Hitler managed to be to it.
I don't think he'll have the body count that Hitler did, but he would if he thought he could get away with it.Could be. My guess, though, is he will be considered a greater cancer to our nation.
And if things go the way they appear headed, history may well consider him to be a worse cancer to the world than Hitler managed to be to it.
You're right. America is destined to become a 3rd World country; and maybe sooner than you think (?)
One major cause was LBJ's "Naturalization and Immigration Act" of 1965.
It opened America's borders to 60 - odd- years of massive migrant influx from low average IQ, coloured, non- Western European, 3rd-world countries.
Now the population of Hispanics/Latinos, AVE IQ = 88 points + Blacks AVE IQ =85 points (MAX) + sundry other low AVE IQ racial/ethnic groups is officially predicted to outnumber the native White Western - European descended White Americans by the year 2042. In the decades after 2024, the population of White Americans will increasingly diminish through steadily decreasing birth-rate, "White-flight" (for those who can afford to relocate in what civilized Western nations remain abroad) and other factors.
The coloured Blace and brown racial/etnnic groups, apart from increasingly lowering the AVE IQ of America as a whole, will also mostly vote Democrat in order to continue suckling on the (bloated) Welfare State: free public housing; free education; SNAP; Medicaid; generous unemployment benefits and a host of other freebies. This will inevitably result in a one-Party socialist state (You are getting a little preview of what this will look like, right now, as the present Democrat government in America is literally a Marxist/socialist administration) and economic ruin. Moreover, you will ultimately lose every vestige of civilized culture you currently still have. They always were grounded in centuries of White Anglo-Europen culure/civilization, that is, to put it bluntly, in White DNA. When American Whites become an oppressed minority, every aspect of your entire (traditional) American culture will die.
BTW, a liberal- democratic form of government requires an electorate with at least an AVE IQ of 90 points in order to FUNCTION. So you can kiss that goodbye as well.
DLM....Dachshund Lives Matter !
Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
“Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!” cries she
With silent lips. “Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”
I'll accept your surrenderDo you know the names of the 'twin cities' referred to in the verse ?
I'm betting, "No", you don't.
Which means that you are just another dumb, Leftie, utopist who doesn't geddit.
See ya later, alligator !!
DLM...Dachshund Lives Matter !
I'll accept your surrender
I'll accept your surrender
Inevitable? I grew up in New Orleans and never realized that it was third world until I visited Scotland for a two week golf vacation in 1989. I was the fabled frog in a boiling pot of water that saw what civilization looked like for the first time.I certainly agree strongly with that highlighted part of the quote.
And, I agree that our descent into third world status is ALMOST inevitable.
Inevitable? I grew up in New Orleans and never realized that it was third world until I visited Scotland for a two week golf vacation in 1989. I was the fabled frog in a boiling pot of water that saw what civilization looked like for the first time.
That was a real eye opener and the beginning of a new life for me. Moved to a small town in the New Mexico Rockies within a year after and never looked back.
Many American cities have been third world for a long time, they’re getting worse and multiplying. Look at San Francisco.
the dumbest comment ever made on the internet
Have you ever considered updating your comedy material?