Our for-profit government

Government should NOT run a profit.

I agree.

Now tell me why you were fine with private for profit prisons.
About that $170 billion, I'm assuming that was before the bill Obama signed in August and was operating under the assumption that student loan interest rates would double in July and stay that way, no?

The math on this is pretty straightforward. The US government borrows money at X% interest and lends money to students at Y% interest. Currently, the interest rate the government pays is pretty low, 2.87% (on the 10 year) and as of July student loan interest rates were set to increase to 6.8%. There's your profit.

The bill that recently passed pegs student loan interest to Treasury rates, which is a better approach.

Oh - you bought into the hype around that bill?

You know that bill just affects the $5K loans, right? Not the 10's of thousands that most kids take out?

That bill did very, very little to affect anything.
Its about the government making a profit.

Now does the right have a problem with the government making a profit or not?
But the goal is that everyone should go to college, right? Premise behind 'Common Core.' Actually this is one area that I could go along with 'blame Bush' and oh yeah, Ted Kennedy.

tell us annie how teddy is at fault?
Would this be the same young Americans that the government wants to carry the burden of its crumbling as we speak health insurers plan?

Of course it is.

Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) Advocates , Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) Critical of Obama on Student Loans

Arne Duncan is a corporate shill that has ushered in an unprecedented attack on public schools all across the country.

Neither side of the aisle wants to really talk about corporate ownership of the American government.
Dung, it isn't "jaded" or cynical to say that the gov't trumpeting the fact that they kept interest rates from doubling on a very, very small % of the actual student loan debt is ridiculous.

The fact that you bought into that hype is what is concerning, quite frankly.
Dung, it isn't "jaded" or cynical to say that the gov't trumpeting the fact that they kept interest rates from doubling on a very, very small % of the actual student loan debt is ridiculous.

The fact that you bought into that hype is what is concerning, quite frankly.

I could have sworn this was a thread about the government making a profit off of student loans, but I suppose I was wrong.
Aw, are you mad about the IPCC thread?

Rune - the government shouldn't be making a PROFIT when young Americans are buckling under crushing debt. And, as I mentioned, the ease of huge loans is enabling colleges to raise tuitions without reprucussions.

You're a complete idiot, btw.

You are either off your meds, off the wagon or have had a stroke. Either way, you are off my list of rational people.

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If anyone is going to make a profit off student loans, I'd rather the govt than private banks, because the govt will reinvest that money in the country, not just pocket it.

But if we want students educated, not sure this is the place to make profits. Or put those profits back into the universities.

I believe it was the repubs who wouldn't let interest rates stay low.
If anyone is going to make a profit off student loans, I'd rather the govt than private banks, because the govt will reinvest that money in the country, not just pocket it.

But if we want students educated, not sure this is the place to make profits. Or put those profits back into the universities.

I believe it was the repubs who wouldn't let interest rates stay low.

Thanks for the strong language about this issue.

The interest rates thing was a big sham. It's only on the Stafford-type loans, which cap at $5K. it's not for the vast majority of student loan debt.