APP - Overpopulation Myth

Actually, Sanger's dealings were primarily with the turn of the century immigrants that population the tenements of America's major cities.....those were Europeans of various countries and ethnicities.

And since black folk are not the sole or major user's of the abortion option in a country that they make 13% of the population, your statement smacks of racial myopia....not surprising.

While Sanger's early campaign was aimed primarily at east Europeans, in 1939 she began to target blacks by creating the "Negro Project," to promote birth control and sterilization specifically within the black community. To carry out her plan, she sought the support of prominent black ministers and political leaders. She wrote, "The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal. We do not want the word to get out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it occurs to any of their more rebellious members."

I read that article. Second to last sentence reads, "Marchers and organizers for women's rights, if they truly are concerned about the fate of black women, must be equally honest about the racial reality of abortion--and its eugenicist roots."

And people who protest against smokers, those who advocate higher taxes on tobacco, those who want to forbid adults smoking in the vicinity of children, those who are trying to stamp out cigarette smoking should be aware the most infamous non-smoker, Hitler!

The majority of western countries that are pro-choice are populated primarily by Caucasians and it is Caucasians who want the choice so to infer pro-choice is some kind of eugenics program is complete and utter nonsense.

The majority of western countries that are pro-choice are populated primarily by Caucasians and it is Caucasians who want the choice so to infer pro-choice is some kind of eugenics program is complete and utter nonsense.

In the US most of the abortion clinics operate in black neighborhoods.
In the US most of the abortion clinics operate in black neighborhoods.

Maybe that's where they are needed. If the people are poor they have easy access. Maybe they can't afford certain types of birth control such as the pill. Maybe some neighborhoods don't want a clinic.

Consider the following:

Within the past two decades, fertility rates have declined substantially among non-Hispanic blacks (from 91 births per 1,000 women aged 15 to 44 in 1980 to 67 per 1,000 in 2005)* and among American Indian and Alaska Native women (from 83 births per 1,000 to 60 births per 1,000 women between 1980 and 2005)*. Fertility rates also declined slightly overall among non-Hispanic whites (from 62 births per 1,000 women in 1980 to 58 births per 1,000 women in 2005)*.

Blacks: births declined from 91 per 1000 to 67 per 1000
Whites: births declined from 62 per 1000 to 58 per 1000

Either more white women choose abortion or fewer white women become pregnant. In either case blacks are bearing more children so whomever believes abortion clinics are some sort of master plan to eradicate the black folks....well, I guess they aren't too good at math.

You're not telling me anything new...I did say "primarily", didn't I? Well bunky, old Maggie is turning in her grave, and shaking her fist in frustration from hell....because to date there has been NO genocide of black folk, and Planned Parenthood DOES NOT emphasize abortion as the first and only method of birth control. To date, you can't prove otherwise...and the black population of 2 parent families has been chugging along quite nicely since old Maggie kicked the bucket.

You've failed again to logically and factually prove your statements and assertions....but that's never stopped you before. Carry on.
Originally Posted by Southern Man
In the US most of the abortion clinics operate in black neighborhoods.

Maybe that's where they are needed. If the people are poor they have easy access. Maybe they can't afford certain types of birth control such as the pill. Maybe some neighborhoods don't want a clinic.

Consider the following:

Within the past two decades, fertility rates have declined substantially among non-Hispanic blacks (from 91 births per 1,000 women aged 15 to 44 in 1980 to 67 per 1,000 in 2005)* and among American Indian and Alaska Native women (from 83 births per 1,000 to 60 births per 1,000 women between 1980 and 2005)*. Fertility rates also declined slightly overall among non-Hispanic whites (from 62 births per 1,000 women in 1980 to 58 births per 1,000 women in 2005)*.

Blacks: births declined from 91 per 1000 to 67 per 1000
Whites: births declined from 62 per 1000 to 58 per 1000

Either more white women choose abortion or fewer white women become pregnant. In either case blacks are bearing more children so whomever believes abortion clinics are some sort of master plan to eradicate the black folks....well, I guess they aren't too good at math.

Well, contrary facts have yet to deter folks like Southie from stubbornly repeating their beliefs ad nauseum.