APP - Overpopulation Myth

This has got to be the funniest rebuttal in the entire history of political debate. AssHatZombie posts an OP piece in which the founders and leadership of WWF (an organization at the front of the "save us from global warming" push) are also tied to the leadership of an organization pushing for a world wide eugenics program.

TaiChiLiberal comes back with links about the successful use of a wind farm in Long Island.

Condensed, the argument would be thus:
AssHatZombie: It's interesting how some of those pushing hardest for people to accept AGW as a real threat are also those who are using another scare about over population to push an agenda promoting eugenics.

TaiChiLiberal: Oh yea? Well, wind power is too a viable source of energy!

Obviously, you didn't pay attention to all the posts. I gave TWO (2) SEPARATE REPSONSES. One was to the Ass post about the jokers with beliefs in eugenics......I merely asked for viable proof that the WWF was engaged in unwarranted sterilization programs against black folk?

To answer.

Then I provided a counter-point to his blogger link that rails against wind power.

It's all there in the chronological order of the posts...all one has to do is READ CAREFULLY AND COMPREHENSIVELY (damn, I'm tired of typing that....wish some people would actually do it). Once you've done that, the basis for your amusement quickly evaporates. Good luck with that.
Who mentioned abortion (besides you?) Your like minded buddies Asshat, Southie, Tinfoil, Tutu blabba, etc., consider abortion a genocidal program. Some of them have used Christian pro-life activist who happen to be black and advocate such a mindset as "proof". They've incorrectly tied eugenics to abortion. I'm just clarifying the debate.

Not only that, but you, also, seem to COMPELTELY lack the comprehension to understand that under a eugenics program, it would NOT be "their business".
If the child is damaged, it is not allowed to be born. THAT is the central action of negative ("prevent genetically damaged children from being born") eugenics. ie: FORCED abortion for "defective" children; and/or forced sterilization for carriers.

See above explanation.

It is truly incredible how utterly brain dead the modern liberal is becoming.

You should stop making dumbass statements like that....especially when time and again you don't read carefully and comprehensively what has previously transpired. That's the problem with neocons....they just run with the headline and a few excerpted paragraphs instead of taking the time to fully research and understand what is being said by others. You just did that here, as I pointed out above.
Very astute observations goodluck! How did taichiliberal get so stupid?

Once again, you earn your screen name.

The chronology of the posts show how I responded to everything your posts contained. Evidently, you didn't read them...and if you did you just pretend they don't exist, because let's face don't have the brains or the courage or the honesty to debate an issue beyond what some biased blogger tells you.

Your buddy here made a similar mistake....Good Luck telling each other how brilliant you are. :rolleyes:
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Please provide valid, documented recorded proof that black liberals and liberals in general advocate for genocide. Black people advocating self genocide would be an amazing find. Now I'm NOT talking about some anti-abortion/evangelical wonk giving their opinion sided with myopic stats. I want quotes from the horses mouth. If you can't produce such, then (once again) you've proven to be nothing more than some willfully ignorant neocon parrot steeped in bigoted notions.

Why would I do that? It doesn't bother me if liberals kill themselves with increasing frequency.

Translation: this clown has proven once again he's nothing more tha a willfully ignorant neocon parrot with a serious bigoted streak in him. Properly challenged, he takes the cowards way out by blowing smoke and avoiding a simple burden of proof regarding his beliefs and assertions. Well, having exposed him for what he is, my job is done here.
Translation: this clown has proven once again he's nothing more tha a willfully ignorant neocon parrot with a serious bigoted streak in him. Properly challenged, he takes the cowards way out by blowing smoke and avoiding a simple burden of proof regarding his beliefs and assertions. Well, having exposed him for what he is, my job is done here.
Have you committed suicide? Then you're job as a liberal is not done.
Have you committed suicide? Then you're job as a liberal is not done.

:palm: And he thinks this is a clever response, sad.

[ame=""]Just Plain Politics! - View Single Post - APP - Overpopulation Myth[/ame]
How sad to be a liberal, non-aborted.

So you wish to all liberals dead? Hmm, typical neocon parrot...flustered that all his BS can be logically and factually disproved, they just want to kill anyone that objects to them....a step from just labeling them "traitors".

Oh, and wishing to abort liberals would require you to determine political leanings in the womb. Neat trick that would be.

Keep blathering, asshole! :cof1:
So you wish to all liberals dead? Hmm, typical neocon parrot...flustered that all his BS can be logically and factually disproved, they just want to kill anyone that objects to them....a step from just labeling them "traitors".

Oh, and wishing to abort liberals would require you to determine political leanings in the womb. Neat trick that would be.

Keep blathering, asshole! :cof1:
I wish liberals to fulfill their dreams: abort their babies, sterilize their young men to limit the population of the earth, and euthanize their old folks to save precious resources. :)
Once again, you earn your screen name.

The chronology of the posts show how I responded to everything your posts contained. Evidently, you didn't read them...and if you did you just pretend they don't exist, because let's face don't have the brains or the courage or the honesty to debate an issue beyond what some biased blogger tells you.

Your buddy here made a similar mistake....Good Luck telling each other how brilliant you are. :rolleyes:

Your posts are inane and meritless..

Liberals are constantly repeating the Green Alarmism that will be used to institute democidal policy.

The people behind the green movement are on record as having introduced green hysteria to "make the unthinkable, thinkable".

Shall I repost the material?
And here's a little reality check from my hometown area that puts this neocon numbskulls blogger bullshit to rest:

I can give you more details on the second link, if you're up to it.

These posts have no relevance to stated intentions of those who began the UN programs of cooridnated green alarmism.
Yeah, you already stated this....and like I said when you can provide ONE instance where genocide or warrantless mass sterilization has taken place under these organizations, then you might have a case. I'll wait.

Just go look at Planned Parenthoods abortion stats.

Democides occur one child at a time.
Your posts are inane and meritless..

Liberals are constantly repeating the Green Alarmism that will be used to institute democidal policy.

The people behind the green movement are on record as having introduced green hysteria to "make the unthinkable, thinkable".

Shall I repost the material?

Green Alarmism? Soylent Green coming to a supermarket near you. :corn:
I wish liberals to fulfill their dreams: abort their babies, sterilize their young men to limit the population of the earth, and euthanize their old folks to save precious resources. :)

[ame=""]Just Plain Politics! - View Single Post - APP - Overpopulation Myth[/ame]

Your posts are inane and meritless.. Projecting again...this man is sad, folks.

Liberals are constantly repeating the Green Alarmism that will be used to institute democidal policy. More neologisms from a intellectually bankrupt neocon with his ass in his hat.

The people behind the green movement are on record as having introduced green hysteria to "make the unthinkable, thinkable". More unsubtantiated blatherings in an effort to substitute an Asshhat's supposition and conjecture as fact and truth.

Shall I repost the material?
Why? All one has to do is just click back on the thread and read the chronology of the posts and responses again. If you don't know how, ask an adult to show you. Then read EVERYTHING CAREFULLY AND COMPREHENSIVELY. Maybe it'll sink in this time. :rolleyes:
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
And here's a little reality check from my hometown area that puts this neocon numbskulls blogger bullshit to rest:

I can give you more details on the second link, if you're up to it.

These posts have no relevance to stated intentions of those who began the UN programs of cooridnated green alarmism.

As the recorded posts show, YOU gave a link to some blogger he gave all types of one sided information and claims as to why wind power is a failure and a scam.

All I did was just provide two articles on how wind power not only works, but has SAVED a local small industry on the suburban hub of New York City.

FACTS that you are too cowardly or willfully ignorant to deal with in an honest manner. So instead, you ignore the content and just repeat your baseless accusations.

Grow up.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Yeah, you already stated this....and like I said when you can provide ONE instance where genocide or warrantless mass sterilization has taken place under these organizations, then you might have a case. I'll wait.

Just go look at Planned Parenthoods abortion stats.

Warrantless means without cause or without approval (official and civilian). Since Planned Parenthood gets it's stats on LEGAL abortions, that means that the abortion was done by the request and consent of the woman. So your statement is non-applicable to the assertion you are making.

And at last check, the birth rate of black Americans FAR EXCEEDS the number of abortions in the black community. So again, your statement is non-applicable to the assertion you are making.

Democides occur one child at a time.

Your neologism is not applicable to a discussion of a fact based subject. Extremist viewpoints that abortion equals genocide has yet to be factually proven...because that claim has been around for over 30 years...and last time I checked the population growth in America is just chugging along nicely.
Sanger's dream has been realized: blacks are killing their own children.

Actually, Sanger's dealings were primarily with the turn of the century immigrants that population the tenements of America's major cities.....those were Europeans of various countries and ethnicities.

And since black folk are not the sole or major user's of the abortion option in a country that they make 13% of the population, your statement smacks of racial myopia....not surprising.