APP - Overpopulation Myth

Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Well, the ideal is for people to live and thrive for generations without fucking up the environment for future generations. No one said anything about "pacification" of the masses. Again, you keep trying to enforce some paranoid vision of a communist takeover based on an aversion to a simple, logical analysis of what a total industrializes nation has wrought upon the very land we depend on to survive. Once you create an artificial environment, you create artificial results. Our technology/industrial based society gives us the illusion that people can have as many kids as they want without reprocussions. NOTE THAT I'M NOT SAYING THAT OVER-POPULATION WOULDN'T EVENTUALLY HAPPEN IN AN AGRARIAN BASED SOCIETY(which does NOT mean throwing out capitalism, or industry), but the rate of population growth would be more in ratio as to what the earth could provide.

1) I consider criticism of property rights and ownership to be an indication of tyranny. A that, my friend, smacks of an attitude found in fascists gov't...where NO criticism on any level is tolerated. Again, I did NOT advocate a dismantling of property rights or the concept of ownership...I merely pointed out that the EXACT same formula brought over from Europe ends up with the same results....pollution, over-population of the land.
2) While pollution is far greater, there are actually more trees standing in the US today than there were in 1776. What? Was that do to natural occurence or through artificial means (transplanting)? And are taking into account the urbanization (major cities and suburbs) that now sits in areas once rambling with meadows or forests and streams? Sorry to inform you, but in Manhattan you can see works of art from a century ago that depict what parts of that city use to look like...and it puts a serious crimp in your statement. Deforestation may be occurring in Brazil, and other parts of the world, but it is not something we can really do anything about. Sorry to inform you, but the deforestation in Brazil is a direct result of demands from certain types of wood and such from outside countries, INCLUDING THE USA. Like it or not, we contribute to the bad policies of that country.

3) I actually don't think over-population would occur naturally in an agrarian society, because lack of scientific and technological progress would ensure a lower quality of life, and less access to underdeveloped medicines, etc. Not quite....look at the great societies of South America, who were destroyed not so much by famine but by their warring ways and over-extension of their empires. As I said, it would occur, but on a much slower rate. Remember, agrarian does NOT mean a total absence of technology (industrial and medicinal), or the development of such. Case in point, look at China. The reason why the populations of India and China are able to occur is a result of Western influence, such as volumes of bioengineered wheat to people in India (who would otherwise die of mass starvations) and the advances China has seen in the past 20 years, becoming a world power.

You're wrong....China and India had VAST empires centuries before the Europeans came to the point of developing certain medicines. Dynasties came and went, knowledge gained and lost. To date, much Chinese traditional medicine does what "modern" Euro-Western medicine can't...and visa versa.
You're wrong....China and India had VAST empires centuries before the Europeans came to the point of developing certain medicines. Dynasties came and went, knowledge gained and lost. To date, much Chinese traditional medicine does what "modern" Euro-Western medicine can't...and visa versa.

Yes they did, and like so many empires of the West, East, Africa, etc., they crumbled with the ages. Your comments about Chinese medicine remind me of the naturalpath debate which is going on in another thread, and which pops up occasionally on this site. I am aware of many of the criticisms outlining the deficiencies of Western medicine, but not of the praises of traditional Chinese medicine, so I will not comment further on it.
Yes they did, and like so many empires of the West, East, Africa, etc., they crumbled with the ages. Your comments about Chinese medicine remind me of the naturalpath debate which is going on in another thread, and which pops up occasionally on this site. I am aware of many of the criticisms outlining the deficiencies of Western medicine, but not of the praises of traditional Chinese medicine, so I will not comment further on it.

Having worked occasionally with physicians from China, I'll say only that I'm really not impressed, and leave it at that.
I know little? Besides your grievous lack of humor name one culture that does not protect their females who are at the beginning of their child bearing age. That was what the song was about. Running Bear wanted Little White Dove and that wasn't going to happen in this life.

However, they did go to the great hunting ground in the sky.

Your Running Bear and Don't Go Near the Indians were fantastic.
Not everyone can appreciate them.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
You're wrong....China and India had VAST empires centuries before the Europeans came to the point of developing certain medicines. Dynasties came and went, knowledge gained and lost. To date, much Chinese traditional medicine does what "modern" Euro-Western medicine can't...and visa versa.

Yes they did, and like so many empires of the West, East, Africa, etc., they crumbled with the ages. Your comments about Chinese medicine remind me of the naturalpath debate which is going on in another thread, and which pops up occasionally on this site. I am aware of many of the criticisms outlining the deficiencies of Western medicine, but not of the praises of traditional Chinese medicine, so I will not comment further on it.

You don't need to's a matter of fact and history that traditional Chinese medicine does a lot that modern Euro/Western medicine cannot. It ain't magic and has limitations, but is damned impressive in a lot of ways. And remember, were talking about what survived the purges of the Maoist during the Communist Revolution....stupid, evil bastards destroyed God knows how much accumulated texts in their insane quest to rewrite history.

But back to the original forget that China and India's population's and dynasties were both thriving by the time European invasions/infiltrations took place. Mind you, you had your plagues and such (dentistry severly limited if not non-existent), but it work and the civilization thrived. Here's a point of interest: India and over-population. A lot of lessons to be learned there.
You don't need to's a matter of fact and history that traditional Chinese medicine does a lot that modern Euro/Western medicine cannot. It ain't magic and has limitations, but is damned impressive in a lot of ways. And remember, were talking about what survived the purges of the Maoist during the Communist Revolution....stupid, evil bastards destroyed God knows how much accumulated texts in their insane quest to rewrite history.

But back to the original forget that China and India's population's and dynasties were both thriving by the time European invasions/infiltrations took place. Mind you, you had your plagues and such (dentistry severly limited if not non-existent), but it work and the civilization thrived. Here's a point of interest: India and over-population. A lot of lessons to be learned there.

India is not overpopulated. Some cities are dense, but that's just poor planning.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
You don't need to's a matter of fact and history that traditional Chinese medicine does a lot that modern Euro/Western medicine cannot. It ain't magic and has limitations, but is damned impressive in a lot of ways. And remember, were talking about what survived the purges of the Maoist during the Communist Revolution....stupid, evil bastards destroyed God knows how much accumulated texts in their insane quest to rewrite history.

But back to the original forget that China and India's population's and dynasties were both thriving by the time European invasions/infiltrations took place. Mind you, you had your plagues and such (dentistry severly limited if not non-existent), but it work and the civilization thrived. Here's a point of interest: India and over-population. A lot of lessons to be learned there.

India is not overpopulated. Some cities are dense, but that's just poor planning.

You're wrong. India's over-population is old news. If you think urbanizatin of farm and forestland would help, then guess what? You get the same BS you have now in the "industrialized world" my orginal point with 3D stands valid.

You're wrong. India's over-population is old news. If you think urbanizatin of farm and forestland would help, then guess what? You get the same BS you have now in the "industrialized world" my orginal point with 3D stands valid.


The myth of human overpopulation is old.

The carrying capacity of earth is great. The truth is that the internationalist fascist banking cartels funds lies to foment a fear of scarcity, so we agree to democide policy.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
You're wrong. India's over-population is old news. If you think urbanizatin of farm and forestland would help, then guess what? You get the same BS you have now in the "industrialized world" my orginal point with 3D stands valid.


The myth of human overpopulation is old.

The carrying capacity of earth is great. The truth is that the internationalist fascist banking cartels funds lies to foment a fear of scarcity, so we agree to democide policy.

Over-population is when the population exceeds the ability of the surrounding natural resources to sustain it. The over-crowded cities all over the world are testament to this, as you have dwindling resources unable to remain pristine in the face of encrouching urbanization and the demands of the international market. Essentially, you cannot adhere to the current format as to what a modern society should be without greatly altering the landscape to accomodate an ever growing population. We see the results in pollution, deforestation, strip mining, etc.

Your "democide" policy is a collection of contrary terms and definitions and neologisms.
Over-population is when the population exceeds the ability of the surrounding natural resources to sustain it. The over-crowded cities all over the world are testament to this, as you have dwindling resources unable to remain pristine in the face of encrouching urbanization and the demands of the international market. Essentially, you cannot adhere to the current format as to what a modern society should be without greatly altering the landscape to accomodate an ever growing population. We see the results in pollution, deforestation, strip mining, etc.

Your "democide" policy is a collection of contrary terms and definitions and neologisms.

Like I said. It's a logistics problem. The earth has the ability to house and nurture many more people than it is now, poor city planning aside.

And democide is not my policy, it's the green fascists policy.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Over-population is when the population exceeds the ability of the surrounding natural resources to sustain it. The over-crowded cities all over the world are testament to this, as you have dwindling resources unable to remain pristine in the face of encrouching urbanization and the demands of the international market. Essentially, you cannot adhere to the current format as to what a modern society should be without greatly altering the landscape to accomodate an ever growing population. We see the results in pollution, deforestation, strip mining, etc.

Your "democide" policy is a collection of contrary terms and definitions and neologisms.

Like I said. It's a logistics problem. The earth has the ability to house and nurture many more people than it is now, poor city planning aside.

Really? And just where do you suppose you'll get the farmland? Strip mine vast areas and try to force a viable soil source that will grow the necessary crops for food and materials? And as the population increases, where are you going to house everyone? Just turn forests, fields that contain all types of eco-systems into strip malls and tenements? Then what happens to all those lovely animals that people love to eat? I know these questions are tough, but they are the ones you have to consider if people just keep popping out kids as if life will magically remain the same for them.

And democide is not my policy, it's the green fascists policy.

Sorry, but your personal neologism has no place in reality. You just threw together another set of terms that contradict the previous ones you wrote. In short, logic and facts are not guiding what you say. You cannot disprove what I previously wrote, which nullifies your supposition and conjecture.
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Sorry, but your personal neologism has no place in reality. You just threw together another set of terms that contradict the previous ones you wrote. In short, logic and facts are not guiding what you say. You cannot disprove what I previously wrote, which nullifies your supposition and conjecture.

Green fascists use lies about environmental issues to grow the military industrial complex. It's real. It's too bad you're on their side.

The earth could support many more people than it is now.

The sad fact is the elite of this world hate humanity and trying to reduce the population using environmental hysteria to scare us into instituting democidal policy.

snap out of your idiotic daze.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Sorry, but your personal neologism has no place in reality. You just threw together another set of terms that contradict the previous ones you wrote. In short, logic and facts are not guiding what you say. You cannot disprove what I previously wrote, which nullifies your supposition and conjecture.

Green fascists use lies about environmental issues to grow the military industrial complex. It's real. It's too bad you're on their side.

So now environmental activists are in cahoots with the military? And what FACTS do you base this postulated insanity on?

The earth could support many more people than it is now.

You keep saying this, but you offer NOTHING in way of facts or logic to prove it. Youre opinion, supposition or conjecture are no substitute for facts and logic. I provided a link regarding overpopulation in the current real world...I also pointed out real world requirements to sustain a population, conducive to the documented facts of the provided link. To date, you have no logical or factual argument to counter this.

The sad fact is the elite of this world hate humanity and trying to reduce the population using environmental hysteria to scare us into instituting democidal policy.

Again, you offer nothing with regards to these conspiracy theories beyond your repetitve rhetoric and neologisms.

snap out of your idiotic daze.
Projecting again? You seem insistent upon proving the validity of your screen name. So unless you can actually mature or increase your intelligence to offer something beyond your moronic blatherings, I'd say we're done here.
Projecting again? You seem insistent upon proving the validity of your screen name. So unless you can actually mature or increase your intelligence to offer something beyond your moronic blatherings, I'd say we're done here.

Will cap and trade agreements be enforced by law? Looks like the greens ARE in bed with the state. DOY.

It's up to you to prove the earth CAN't support more people.

As far as I know we're still paying farmers not to grow food. *shrug*

Many nihilists are obsessed with population control. It's the same philosophy as nazis.

You can educate yourself at my thread:

[ame=""]Green Movement Eugenics[/ame]

I hope this helps you understand the WWF and the ‘green movement’ in general. The people and groups below fund and use NGO’s to convince you that ‘global warming’ is both real and a threat to the very survival of the human race. Global warming is neither real nor a threat.

Environmentalism (for their purposes) has nothing to do with the environment and the sooner people understand this the better.

UNESCO has control of the education system which means these people have control of your child’s mind.

Are these the people your want to entrust your children to?

Meet the real threat to humanity!



Prince Philip’s principal collaborators in launching the WWF as a funding and worldwide operations arm of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature, were Sir Julian Huxley and Max Nicholson, both ardent advocates of eugenics and racial purification. In fact, Huxley was president of the Eugenics Society when he co-founded the WWF. First, as head of the United Nations Educational, Social and Cultural Organization (Unesco), and later as a WWF founder, Huxley preached the need to revive race science and the urgent mission of “culling the human herd”–particularly of the darker-skinned races of Africa and South America. In the founding document of Unesco, Huxley had frankly acknowledged the difficulties he would encounter in reviving eugenics, in light of the Nazi genocide. “Even though it is quite true that any radical eugenic policy will be for many years politically and psychologically impossible,” he wrote, “it will be important for Unesco to see that the … public mind is informed of the issues at stake so that much that now is unthinkable may at least become thinkable.”
Will cap and trade agreements be enforced by law? If it's passed through the House and Senate, yep. That's how our gov't works....we're a country of laws. Geez, what are they teaching in the schools these days that you didn't know this? Looks like the greens ARE in bed with the state. DOY. Yeah, I guess after 8 years of the Shrub & company pissing on the Constitution and Bill of Rights, going through the system and having the gov't and citizens working together in legal agreement is a shocker for you. Don't worry, you'll get use to it.

It's up to you to prove the earth CAN't support more people. Actually, the debate was whether over-population was becoming a problem, not just more people in general. I provided a link to support my statements and added basic questions and statements as to what is needed to supply a growing population. All you can do is try to dodge by throwing in all types of off/near topic BS and repeating yourself ad the posts show.

As far as I know we're still paying farmers not to grow food. *shrug* And as a population expands, how do you propose to keep that farm land exempt from urbanization or from strip mining or oil drilling or acid rain (which ever applys to the area)? I'll wait why you try to shrug up a decent, honest, logical answer.
Many nihilists are obsessed with population control. It's the same philosophy as nazis. Ahhh, this is what...the third gonzo analogy of yours that essentially has no basis in reality or parallel with the definitions of the words and phrases you ignorantly slap together. You haven't even had the stones to explain the last ones, as I've asked.

You can educate yourself at my thread:

Green Movement Eugenics

You don't even have the stones to discuss the information I provided with my link...yet alone honestly respond to any of my questions or why in hell should I indulge more of your patented nonsense? Sorry toodles, but I don't indulge double standards.

Once again, you've earned your screen name here. You're done.