APP - Overpopulation Myth

citizen brings up a good point that it may be racism behind the overpopulation myth. Along those lines racism is probably behind global warming as well. White areas such as North America and Europe have already had their industrial revolution and thus want to stop growing darker countries such as China and India from achieving the same success. Thus under the guise of global warming we can limit those countries economic opportunities. Who knew Al Gore was heading up a racist movement?
citizen brings up a good point that it may be racism behind the overpopulation myth. Along those lines racism is probably behind global warming as well. White areas such as North America and Europe have already had their industrial revolution and thus want to stop growing darker countries such as China and India from achieving the same success. Thus under the guise of global warming we can limit those countries economic opportunities. Who knew Al Gore was heading up a racist movement?
Since the Democrat Party is the racist party that does make perfect sense.
If anything the green movement is anti-white. Predomoninantly non white countries are not even expected to adhere to the standards, while the european/north american "developed" nations are expected to "lead the way".
Overpopulation is one of the greatest of modern myths.
It has become the bogeyman used to scare us into accepting desperate measures to curb this threat to our way of life A vivid picture is painted of our being submerged in the struggle for survival. We will drown in a sea of people, gasping for the room to breathe, as the last square foot of inhabitable land sinks beneath the overwhelming tide of surging humanity.

Yeah it is a myth.
Your regional bigotry is showing again. Where again are the highest percentages of fatherless families? I suspect Democrat controlled inner cities.

Your knee jerk reactionism is showing.

The south has the highest divorce rate providing ready made families as my post said.
And not just Rascism. What is the term for fear of different religions?

The Muslims are procreating faster than Christians! :shock:

Buy guns, etc.
Your knee jerk reactionism is showing.

The south has the highest divorce rate providing ready made families as my post said.
My question was not divorce rates but fatherless families; those where the father has abandoned his family. Where do you suppose this most often occurs?
My question was not divorce rates but fatherless families; those where the father has abandoned his family. Where do you suppose this most often occurs?

In divorces.

You are trying but pitifully so.
What you are referring to is where the father was never part of the family.
And that is in big cities primarially (notrh, south, east and west) but growing in rural areas of the south as well.
Somehow it is not frowned upon by society in recent years.

You are such a kneejerk reactionary it must be dangerous to sit around you while you watch Fox.
Go thru many coffee tables?
In divorces.

You are trying but pitifully so.
What you are referring to is where the father was never part of the family.
And that is in big cities primarially (notrh, south, east and west) but growing in rural areas of the south as well.
Somehow it is not frowned upon by society in recent years.

You are such a kneejerk reactionary it must be dangerous to sit around you while you watch Fox.
Go thru many coffee tables?

it is clear you just got done watching jerry springer reruns.....should we be...ware of you?
In divorces.

You are trying but pitifully so.
What you are referring to is where the father was never part of the family.
And that is in big cities primarially (notrh, south, east and west) but growing in rural areas of the south as well.
Somehow it is not frowned upon by society in recent years.

You are such a kneejerk reactionary it must be dangerous to sit around you while you watch Fox.
Go thru many coffee tables?
The correct answer is your second one. Mos fathers who abandon their families do so in accordance with liberal social values, and these are prevalent in big Democrat controlled cities. And yes it is infecting The South.
Bring 'em on! Make sure after three years they can speak English, have held jobs with increasing responsibility, have stayed out of the court system, pay taxes and can have at least three naturally born citizens of three different cultural ancestry vouch for them. Otherwise they have to go back home.
In reality we aren't over populated, but the economy is artificially restricted by an engineered credit collapse. I know the land could handle more people.

IN some of the most desired areas we cannot handle much more.
Water, etc are problems.

The Colorado will be sucked virtually dry in a few more years.
The ogalla aquifer is drying up.
The sinkholes in FL from excessive groundwater use.
IN some of the most desired areas we cannot handle much more.
Water, etc are problems.

The Colorado will be sucked virtually dry in a few more years.
The ogalla aquifer is drying up.
The sinkholes in FL from excessive groundwater use.

Not only that, but people in cities, especially, don't appear to realize that land mass doesn't usually represent arable land; much of it is rocky and relatively infertile. Fertilizers have to come from somewhere, and even those have a finite applicability. We need forested areas for oxygen. Recent findings are that overfishing has reached a far more critical point than ever previously thought, and the oceans were believed to represent the earth's true breadbasket.

We have to start being more aware and taking better care of this planet. Contrary to what's been thought in the past, it won't take several generations to reach crisis point; this could even happen during our own lifetime, and realistically we don't have anywhere else to go.
Not only that, but people in cities, especially, don't appear to realize that land mass doesn't usually represent arable land; much of it is rocky and relatively infertile. Fertilizers have to come from somewhere, and even those have a finite applicability. We need forested areas for oxygen. Recent findings are that overfishing has reached a far more critical point than ever previously thought, and the oceans were believed to represent the earth's true breadbasket.

We have to start being more aware and taking better care of this planet. Contrary to what's been thought in the past, it won't take several generations to reach crisis point; this could even happen during our own lifetime, and realistically we don't have anywhere else to go.

Ahh anotheer true conservative. Conservationists are the ultimate conservatives. Conserving our world, the only place we can live.

We are too few though Thorn and some of us here will live to see the results of mans shortsightedness.
Not only that, but people in cities, especially, don't appear to realize that land mass doesn't usually represent arable land; much of it is rocky and relatively infertile. Fertilizers have to come from somewhere, and even those have a finite applicability. We need forested areas for oxygen. Recent findings are that overfishing has reached a far more critical point than ever previously thought, and the oceans were believed to represent the earth's true breadbasket.

We have to start being more aware and taking better care of this planet. Contrary to what's been thought in the past, it won't take several generations to reach crisis point; this could even happen during our own lifetime, and realistically we don't have anywhere else to go.

Well we can start by eliminating Los Angeles and Southern California. Those a*holes don't contribute anything to society and they take all our water from Nothern California. There's your solution, less people and certainly less d-bags on the planet. Win-win.