APP - Overpopulation Myth

Well we can start by eliminating Los Angeles and Southern California. Those a*holes don't contribute anything to society and they take all our water from Nothern California. There's your solution, less people and certainly less d-bags on the planet. Win-win.

I'd rather eliminate the entirety of inner California. We can start taking people out of Orange County after that until you reach the point of equilibrium.
Ahh anotheer true conservative. Conservationists are the ultimate conservatives. Conserving our world, the only place we can live.

We are too few though Thorn and some of us here will live to see the results of mans shortsightedness.

We could have so much food if we wanted. The truth is the elite purposefully constrict food supply as part of keeping us on the treadmill. They fear suitable quantities will make people lazy. so they keep prices inflated.

We could have fish farms as far as the eye could see. We could all have gardens. We could grown food in man made structures harnessing the sun and using hydroponics and manmade substrates.

No. you two contribute to the notion of false scarcity, to scare people into giving the collective the power to kill "competitors". It's the externalization of the dirty work onto the collective.
I'd rather eliminate the entirety of inner California. We can start taking people out of Orange County after that until you reach the point of equilibrium.

They grow our food in Central California. We need to eat! They at least put our water to good use. People in LA don't do sh*t with it. Orange County is So Cal, I already included them.
I was reading recently in SF that in some real environmentally conscious circles some guys, in their 20's, are getting their tubes tied so as to be more attractive to a potential mate by showing how concious they are about the environment, world etc. Guys do a lot of things to get laid so I can't knock it but damn...

All I have to guys like that is.... job well done. You just upgraded the future gene pool.
The correct answer is your second one. Mos fathers who abandon their families do so in accordance with liberal social values, and these are prevalent in big Democrat controlled cities. And yes it is infecting The South.

Many do so because the woman files for divorce and custody. How many men are going to support a child who neither lives with them nor do they have a say in how it is raised?
Many do so because the woman files for divorce and custody. How many men are going to support a child who neither lives with them nor do they have a say in how it is raised?
That's a good question because it describes how you, being a liberal man and therefore wishing to shirk personal responsibility, thinks. For me, however, a conservative and therefore insisting on personal responsibility, would ask 'What kind of man would not support a child that is his, regardless of the relationship with its mother?'
We could have so much food if we wanted. The truth is the elite purposefully constrict food supply as part of keeping us on the treadmill. They fear suitable quantities will make people lazy. so they keep prices inflated.

We could have fish farms as far as the eye could see. We could all have gardens. We could grown food in man made structures harnessing the sun and using hydroponics and manmade substrates.

No. you two contribute to the notion of false scarcity, to scare people into giving the collective the power to kill "competitors". It's the externalization of the dirty work onto the collective.

The San Joaquin Valley is a prime example of special interest politics over people.
That's a good question because it describes how you, being a liberal man and therefore wishing to shirk personal responsibility, thinks. For me, however, a conservative and therefore insisting on personal responsibility, would ask 'What kind of man would not support a child that is his, regardless of the relationship with its mother?'

The Making Excuses Crowd.

1001 ways to wigggle out of responsibility 101.
That's a good question because it describes how you, being a liberal man and therefore wishing to shirk personal responsibility, thinks. For me, however, a conservative and therefore insisting on personal responsibility, would ask 'What kind of man would not support a child that is his, regardless of the relationship with its mother?'

It's truly incredible how you miss the main point. It is not the relationship with the mother, per se. It's rightfully questioning to what use his contribution is being used, vis-à-vis the child.

When it comes to shirking ones responsibility there are many situations where people have said, "I was ordered to do that", thereby relieving themselves of any responsibility.
It's truly incredible how you miss the main point. It is not the relationship with the mother, per se. It's rightfully questioning to what use his contribution is being used, vis-à-vis the child.

When it comes to shirking ones responsibility there are many situations where people have said, "I was ordered to do that", thereby relieving themselves of any responsibility.
So your position is that men are ordered to have sex with women?
We could have so much food if we wanted. The truth is the elite purposefully constrict food supply as part of keeping us on the treadmill. They fear suitable quantities will make people lazy. so they keep prices inflated.

We could have fish farms as far as the eye could see. We could all have gardens. We could grown food in man made structures harnessing the sun and using hydroponics and manmade substrates.

No. you two contribute to the notion of false scarcity, to scare people into giving the collective the power to kill "competitors". It's the externalization of the dirty work onto the collective.

We could do a lot of things and a few of us actually do.

Do you grow a garden?
I grow a garden, meat critters, etc. And actually produce a surplus of food by volume which is sold or given to others.

Most of us succumb to the wills of industry to lead the rat race that benefits them and not necessarailly us. Especially when taking the long view.
We could do a lot of things and a few of us actually do.

Do you grow a garden?
I grow a garden, meat critters, etc. And actually produce a surplus of food by volume which is sold or given to others.

Most of us succumb to the wills of industry to lead the rat race that benefits them and not necessarailly us. Especially when taking the long view.

But the point is that the human carrying capacity of earth is actually much greater than the nihilist eco-murderers would have us believe.

They want us to feel fear so we will kill for them.

Reject the fear. Embrace the truth.
But the point is that the human carrying capacity of earth is actually much greater than the nihilist eco-murderers would have us believe.

They want us to feel fear so we will kill for them.

Reject the fear. Embrace the truth.

Yes the human carrying capacity of the earth is much much higer than now if we all co-operated and did what we should.

You for instance should live in Manitoba and grow chowder peas. Instead of wasting your time fussin on the net and checking out porn.

The problem is for greed, laziness, etc we will never co-operate to that degree.
Yes the human carrying capacity of the earth is much much higer than now if we all co-operated and did what we should.

You for instance should live in Manitoba and grow chowder peas. Instead of wasting your time fussin on the net and checking out porn.

The problem is for greed, laziness, etc we will never co-operate to that degree.

No. The problem is elitist fascists doing everything in their power to drive up food prices, spread fear, and kill people.
No. The problem is elitist fascists doing everything in their power to drive up food prices, spread fear, and kill people.

And WE allow them to do this.

WE are the problem, not THEM.

Your food for everyone concept would work well under a pure communistic plan.
Which will never be possible with humans.
And WE allow them to do this.

WE are the problem, not THEM.

Your food for everyone concept would work well under a pure communistic plan.
Which will never be possible with humans.

Stop blaming the victim.

"that girl deserved to be raped for dressing slutty" --Uscitizen
Stop blaming the victim.

"that girl deserved to be raped for dressing slutty" --Uscitizen

Stop posting lies about what I said asshat.

The "victim" is not always the victim.

Were the finiancial institutions the victims?

Our govt treated them as such.