APP - Overpopulation Myth

By whom? C'mon, so far you're leaving all the work on the shoulders and inspiration of other people! If you don't understand what is required to do this, why are you so adamant that it's easy or even possible on the scale that would be required?

The real point is that in order to survive at any standard that we would deem acceptable, (or at all) we need the biological diversity that we have. That diversity requires that a balance be maintained, and too much stress or consumption of one resource at the expense of another will disrupt that balance and have far-reaching consequences. That means that we simply cannot afford for the human population to continue growing at its present rate. Education and increasing the standard of living worldwide are related ways to encourage the growth reduction rate voluntarily.

The fact that we're overdue for a major meteor strike, might just take care of this problem.
The problem of humanity? When did humans become a problem?

Thorn's idiotic talk about balance and diversity is just not compelling.

We've become to complacent, we rely on to many others, to many don't know what to do when they lose their jobs.
Just think what the majority would do, if they had to rely on themselves or a small grouip.

I don't believe that humans were meant to be herd minded.
We've become to complacent, we rely on to many others, to many don't know what to do when they lose their jobs.
Just think what the majority would do, if they had to rely on themselves or a small grouip.

I don't believe that humans were meant to be herd minded.

WTF does that have to do with overpopulation?
This is what our best minds do with their time.

This reveals the true agenda of the elites.

I wonder if, one day, they'll genetically engineer people so folks have one shot at reproducing.

Now, before one gets their panties in a knot consider the implications. There would be far fewer abortions because everyone would know that was their one shot.

People would be highly selective. Responsible.

What do you think of that idea, Asshat?
That's not the emphasis. The emphasis is on reducing human biomass with an array of anti-human brainwash regimes, and a real reduction in access to resources.

check this out

Excerpt from msg 80. "This brave new world in which children are both culturally and economically undesired could lead to the dissolution of whole societies, particularly Western ones, as they age and their social security systems go bankrupt through a dearth of taxpaying young people, Mr. Mosher suggests." (END)

Here's what we need. [ame=""]YouTube - Female robot looks like real[/ame] OR [ame=""]YouTube - Realistic Robot Woman[/ame] OR [ame=""]YouTube - fembot[/ame]

Maybe it's time to retool the auto industry. One type of car. A few choices of robots.
We have people power. People can grow food themselves. The centralization/specialization of food prodution is perhaps not the best idea.
You still don't get it. We need fossil fuels to plant, grow, harvest, transport, store and distribute that food. People power is not the limiting resource, neither is land. Fossil fuels and their availability are the limiting factor here.
OK, you know that nobody is talking about murdering anybody. I haven't seen anything by anyone about "culling the herd" so to speak. The emphasis is on voluntarily keeping family size down, and that's perfectly easy and simple to do.
Are you beginning to see why we insist that Asshat eat pudding with a plastic spoon?
You still don't get it. We need fossil fuels to plant, grow, harvest, transport, store and distribute that food. People power is not the limiting resource, neither is land. Fossil fuels and their availability are the limiting factor here.

If people grow their own food locally there is no need for this logistical nightmare.

You need to include other options in your thinking, instead of just mindlessly embracing the anti-human mantras of the murderous elite.