
Tell me how that works out for you. I'm eager to see the result of this experiment.

I think it is fair to say, that we all look for you and your forum staff for leadership.

And, I don't care if it is a Liberal or Conservative that creates an over-the-top thread, or makes an over-the top comment, it would not hurt for you or your forum staff, to make some comments of your own in protest of them.

Just a tip!
C[sub]21[/sub]H[sub]30[/sub]O[sub]2[/sub] Cannabidiol

I was surprised it's such a large molecule.

Organic molecules can get huge. It's a testament to the ability of the carbon atom to form a huge and complex variety of chemical bonds and biopolymers.

It's one reason organic chemistry terrified me!
Sadly, it's as toxic as it has ever been here.

I've tried explaining to the posters who just spew vitriol & insults: we're all adults here, and literally none of us feel any "sting" from dopey, repetitive insults sent our way on an anonymous message board. It's almost like white noise.

And that goes for the repetitive memes as well.

There is still good discussion to be had here. Everyone should up their game, imo.
Here’s a little chemistry tidbit not known to many.

Of course, everyone knows that when you acetylate opium poppy extract with acetic anhydride, you get heroin. Common knowledge!

But, if one has heroin prepared that way used as a training tool for drug sniffing dogs and there’s a bit of unreacted acetic anhydride, the dogs may also hit on vinegar (acetic acid).

There, your knowledge bit for the day.
I’ve been guilty of this in the past, so I am speaking from experience.

For the reasonable people on this forum. You know, the reasonably sane ones, regardless of your political leaning, left or right.

I’d urge all of you to quit giving oxygen to the crazies, to the haters, to those who make this forum toxic. I really don’t really have to list them. We know who they are.

They exist to troll. To elicit a response. Are they really worth your time? Do they really deserve a response?

The best thing to do to retain any semblance of integrity here is to ignore them and move on.

But first, try to work on yourself. I’m trying to do that, as well.

I know, it's hard not to respond to the obvious trolling. I cut my ignore list way back after the 2020 election. Unfortunately it's slowly growing again because they're getting worse and worse. I just wish there was a way to keep them from responding to your own posts so you don't fill up with useless notifications for shit you're not going to read.

Good advice, thanks.
I think it is fair to say, that we all look for you and your forum staff for leadership.

And, I don't care if it is a Liberal or Conservative that creates an over-the-top thread, or makes an over-the top comment, it would not hurt for you or your forum staff, to make some comments of your own in protest of them.

Just a tip!

You've probably noticed that Phantasmal often does.
A few clever trolls is good. But many retarded trolls? That can destroy a forum. I've seen it happen.


Me about to make another post on the board... :awesome: