
Organic molecules can get huge. It's a testament to the ability of the carbon atom to form a huge and complex variety of chemical bonds and biopolymers.

It's one reason organic chemistry terrified me!

Organic chemistry can be fun. Sometimes more fun that straight inorganic. It's like playing with tinkertoys. I always loved the organic model kits.

I believe regular chemists accuse organic chemists of just "pushing electrons around".
That's only one isomer, one compound that fits the formula as written. Structural formulae are much more helpful. I am guessing most chemists would never refer to cannabidiol by simply saying "C21H30O2"....more likely they give the IUPAC nomenclature which (gonna have to look that one up real quick) is: 2-[(1R,6R)-6-Isopropenyl-3-methylcyclohex-2-en-1-yl]-5-pentylbenzene-1,3-diol. (!!!!!!)

But most chemists aren't even going to call it that...they're going to go with "cannabidiol".

IUPAC names are great if you have patience or the molecule is small. Like you said it's not the smallest of molecules. Which is why "common names" are still popular for natural products.

(I'm still not totally sold on the immense benefits of CBD. It does seem to take the edge off THC though, but I could be imagining it).
Most of that went over my head. Most of my chemistry experience ended with making gunpowder, back when you could buy sulfur and potassium nitrate off the shelf by the pound, and anything to do with ethanol alcohol.
Organic chemistry can be fun. Sometimes more fun that straight inorganic. It's like playing with tinkertoys. I always loved the organic model kits.

I believe regular chemists accuse organic chemists of just "pushing electrons around".

I loved organic chemistry at uni, for my third year practical final had to make ferrocene. It was just a curiousity back then but has found uses since especially in solar panels.



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I’ve been guilty of this in the past, so I am speaking from experience.

For the reasonable people on this forum. You know, the reasonably sane ones, regardless of your political leaning, left or right.

I’d urge all of you to quit giving oxygen to the crazies, to the haters, to those who make this forum toxic. I really don’t really have to list them. We know who they are.

They exist to troll. To elicit a response. Are they really worth your time? Do they really deserve a response?

The best thing to do to retain any semblance of integrity here is to ignore them and move on.

But first, try to work on yourself. I’m trying to do that, as well.

I remember what you did your first week here. You shouldn't be lecturing any one else on trolling.
I will give you credit for trying.....I have noticed a few of your posts that made me think you were risking your lib'rul license......

Satan approves of your hatred of others, Pmp. Hate and division are the hallmarks of Satan's worshipers.

When you finally choke out your last breath, you will be assured a warm place at Satan's side....or between his legs. LOL

Satan approves of your hatred of others, Pmp. Hate and division are the hallmarks of Satan's worshipers.

When you finally choke out your last breath, you will be assured a warm place at Satan's side....or between his legs. LOL

good morning, Worthless Motherfucking Cunt......what prompted your drive by slander today?......did God cause a boil on your ass?.......