

Do you dance when drunk, Fat Boy?
I’ve been guilty of this in the past, so I am speaking from experience.

For the reasonable people on this forum. You know, the reasonably sane ones, regardless of your political leaning, left or right.

I’d urge all of you to quit giving oxygen to the crazies, to the haters, to those who make this forum toxic. I really don’t really have to list them. We know who they are.

They exist to troll. To elicit a response. Are they really worth your time? Do they really deserve a response?

The best thing to do to retain any semblance of integrity here is to ignore them and move on.

But first, try to work on yourself. I’m trying to do that, as well.

I understand your point, but removing crazies pretty much eliminates the internet from existence altogether.
Not a bad idea, mind you, but hard to do at this point.
I understand your point, but removing crazies pretty much eliminates the internet from existence altogether.
Not a bad idea, mind you, but hard to do at this point.

Hard to do? Yes.
Eliminates the internet? No. In fact, the opposite. It preserves its integrity.
Is this where you report me then run to your mommy, Fat Boy?

Oh,...and you do all this in a thread that is about getting along better, not trolling, about people not being so incendiary. Classy guy that Dutch. :rolleyes:
Oh,...and you do all this in a thread that is about getting along better, not trolling, about people not being so incendiary. Classy guy that Dutch. :rolleyes:
Fat Boy the Victim whines about being trolled.


Care to wager whether I can come up with 10 posts of you trolling me or others, Fat Boy? What's the bet? 12B? $20 donation to JPP in the winner's name (that'd be my name. LOL)

Fat Boy the Victim whines about being trolled.


Care to wager whether I can come up with 10 posts of you trolling me or others, Fat Boy? What's the bet? 12B? $20 donation to JPP in the winner's name (that'd be my name. LOL)


Are you so out of touch that you cant even see the difference between trolling in a regular thread and trolling in a thread that is about trying to get along better and not troll. Pull your shit in a different thread,....NOT this one. Show some class and decency for a change.
I know, it's hard not to respond to the obvious trolling. I cut my ignore list way back after the 2020 election. Unfortunately it's slowly growing again because they're getting worse and worse. I just wish there was a way to keep them from responding to your own posts so you don't fill up with useless notifications for shit you're not going to read.

Good advice, thanks.

I only exchange posts with about a dozen people here on a consistent basis.

I they don't hear from me very often, it means they are subpar, boring, and/or mentally ill.
Are you so out of touch that you cant even see the difference between trolling in a regular thread and trolling in a thread that is about trying to get along better and not troll. Pull your shit in a different thread,....NOT this one. Show some class and decency for a change.
Fat Boy the Chickenshit Hypocrite refuses to take the bet. Small wonder why. :laugh: :rofl2: :laugh:

It fits with your ideology of being a Christian only on Sundays...and not all day much either.
Fat Boy the Chickenshit Hypocrite refuses to take the bet. Small wonder why. :laugh: :rofl2: :laugh:

It fits with your ideology of being a Christian only on Sundays...and not all day much either.

Put the shovel down. Wayyyyyyyy past that time already.
Put the shovel down. Wayyyyyyyy past that time already.

Agreed you're way past being anything but a lip-service Christian or braver than a keyboard warrior. Why should I keep pointing out the truth about you, Fat Boy? Is it as much of a waste of time as you keep whining about?
Agreed you're way past being anything but a lip-service Christian or braver than a keyboard warrior. Why should I keep pointing out the truth about you, Fat Boy? Is it as much of a waste of time as you keep whining about?

You and Desh are a lot alike. Two nutters living in seclusion who go deeper and deeper into madness every day.
You and Desh are a lot alike. Two nutters living in seclusion who go deeper and deeper into madness every day.
How does that disprove you're a middle-aged, paunchy Mamma's Boy and a huuuuge disappointment to the rest of the family, Fat Boy?
Wow, I'd have to Google to identify it, but I don't believe in cheating. Which molecule is that?

There's a reason structural formulae are vastly preferable to just the standard formula. Especially in organic chemistry. How many isomers of compounds hide in that C21H30O2 compound? (I'm guessing that formula could stand in for several different compounds)
C[sub]21[/sub]H[sub]30[/sub]O[sub]2[/sub] Cannabidiol

I was surprised it's such a large molecule.

That's only one isomer, one compound that fits the formula as written. Structural formulae are much more helpful. I am guessing most chemists would never refer to cannabidiol by simply saying "C21H30O2"....more likely they give the IUPAC nomenclature which (gonna have to look that one up real quick) is: 2-[(1R,6R)-6-Isopropenyl-3-methylcyclohex-2-en-1-yl]-5-pentylbenzene-1,3-diol. (!!!!!!)

But most chemists aren't even going to call it that...they're going to go with "cannabidiol".

IUPAC names are great if you have patience or the molecule is small. Like you said it's not the smallest of molecules. Which is why "common names" are still popular for natural products.

(I'm still not totally sold on the immense benefits of CBD. It does seem to take the edge off THC though, but I could be imagining it).