P&G Drops Imus

It's nice to see you put up something other than a liberal-bashing economic thread Top.

It looks like he might not make it. It's certainly touch and go. I'm very surprised, I guess because I have heard many of his past remarks, and they were just terrible. I guess it's a good lesson that just because you got away with something in the past, doesn't mean you will always get away with it.
Not liberal bashing, liberal educating.
I'm a turbo-lib my self.
I just don't get the anti-business, anti stock market litmus test many other turbo-libs apply to newbies.
Already Jesse Jackson and Sharpton are all over Barack Obama because he hasn't made some sort of official condemnation and thus "proved himself to blacks" was the wording I heard. I'll have to see if I can find an article about it, I heard it on the radio on my way into work.
Already Jesse Jackson and Sharpton are all over Barack Obama because he hasn't made some sort of official condemnation and thus "proved himself to blacks" was the wording I heard. I'll have to see if I can find an article about it, I heard it on the radio on my way into work.

It won't be just Obama. Democratic Presidential hopefuls are in a much tougher position than the Republican ones on this. The Republican base doesn't give a crap about this, but the Democratic base does. I don't see how any Democrat who wants higher office is going to get away with going on his show now.

However, as Top is pointing out in this thread, this might all be moot. If the advertisers keep pulling out, he's gone.
I hope they do, two more big ones should do it. I think P&G stated they are avoinding the network not just his show.
If it were a one time mistake, I give him a pass. This dude is on fossilized racist mo fo. He called a black journalist covering the white house a cleaning lady.
He is holding back improved race relations, he needs to go.
It won't be just Obama. Democratic Presidential hopefuls are in a much tougher position than the Republican ones on this. The Republican base doesn't give a crap about this, but the Democratic base does. I don't see how any Democrat who wants higher office is going to get away with going on his show now.

However, as Top is pointing out in this thread, this might all be moot. If the advertisers keep pulling out, he's gone.
I think it may have more legs than just his advertisers. Personally I think the guy is retarded. You almost have to be if you are in broadcasting that long and still state such things regularly.

Dude has been irrelevant for at least the past 10 years, probably longer than that. He has gotten more publicity from his stupidity than he ever had other than Stern's movie.
I think it may have more legs than just his advertisers. Personally I think the guy is retarded. You almost have to be if you are in broadcasting that long and still state such things regularly.

Dude has been irrelevant for at least the past 10 years, probably longer than that. He has gotten more publicity from his stupidity than he ever had other than Stern's movie.

I know. It's really scary to hear some of the stuff I've heard over the past few days. Howard Fineman, who I actually thought had a brain, was on there the other morning, "explaining" to Imus that it wasn't ok to say this stuff anymore. It's just not ok anymore, we live in a different time. After all look at all of the money Obama has collected.

It was so depressing. When was it ok to call women whores? When was any of this ok? But worse, there are a lot of men out there who think this way. Not to get SF all wound up or anything, but a lot of white guys. And black guys, they get the racism part, but a lot of them? Really sexist too.

If a girl has got a guy who gets this stuff, on all levels, she should hold onto him, because they are few and far between.
I know. It's really scary to hear some of the stuff I've heard over the past few days. Howard Fineman, who I actually thought had a brain, was on there the other morning, "explaining" to Imus that it wasn't ok to say this stuff anymore. It's just not ok anymore, we live in a different time. After all look at all of the money Obama has collected.

It was so depressing. When was it ok to call women whores? When was any of this ok? But worse, there are a lot of men out there who think this way. Not to get SF all wound up or anything, but a lot of white guys. And black guys, they get the racism part, but a lot of them? Really sexist too.

If a girl has got a guy who gets this stuff, on all levels, she should hold onto him, because they are few and far between.
I wonder how much of this stupidity comes from the mainstreaming of such language into music. Sexist crap is spouted on the radios of myriad teens accross the nation. I wonder how many of those kids would have really even "heard" the remark for what it was.

Seriously, if anybody treated my kids this way... Well, I hope to arm them with their own strength, but if they couldn't I would do something about it.
yep Staples and bigelows tea dropped Imus.

McCain seems to fit right in with Imus though.

"McCain Assails Democrats on Iraq
Apr 11, 9:06 AM (ET)


LEXINGTON, Va. (AP) - Republican presidential contender John McCain said Wednesday the four-year war in Iraq is "necessary and just" and accused anti-war Democrats of being reckless.

McCains move to the dark side seems to be complete.
Imus is not using the terms the same way as rap music.
He' s an old racist fossil and using the term the way Bird the other fossil would. Strictly derogatory.
Imus is not using the terms the same way as rap music.
He' s an old racist fossil and using the term the way Bird the other fossil would. Strictly derogatory.
And I said it to give him an out?

Topper, you are assigning meaning to my post that was not there. I think that some might hear the words so often that it might become background noise.

Dude is a 60 year old white guy, how much rap do you think he listens to? The words still invade other aspects of life. So much so, that some don't even "hear" it when it happens.
Ohh, I definately think he meant it in a derogatory fashion.
He is and should pay a huge price, he has a lot of class it's just that it's all low.
When Snoop Dogg gets a radio show where he interviews public dignataries and is part of mainstream media then we'll talk.
When you actually read what I wrote instead of assuming it, then we'll talk. Otherwise it seems to be people desperate to defend rap.

If words become mainstreamed, often people don't "hear" them any longer. I wonder how many people, without having it pointed out, might have let this pass not because they are racist but because they hear the words so often that they no longer register.
When Snoop Dogg gets a radio show where he interviews public dignataries and is part of mainstream media then we'll talk.

That is a good point. But so is Damo's. It's not letting Imus off the hook in any way. But just as the glut of violent porn has pornified our society, I do wonder if the stunning misogyny in a lot of rap lyrics hasn't leaked over. I wouldn't want my kids listening to that crap, sorry if that makes me sound old or out of it.

Too much of it dehumanizes and degrades women. I would never want my daughter to get the idea that it's ok if someone calls her a ho, because it's cool, or that she thinks of herself as one. And, in no way would I want my son to speak about, or think about women in that manner.
That is a good point. But so is Damo's. It's not letting Imus off the hook in any way. But just as the glut of violent porn has pornified our society, I do wonder if the stunning misogyny in a lot of rap lyrics hasn't leaked over. I wouldn't want my kids listening to that crap, sorry if that makes me sound old or out of it.

Too much of it dehumanizes and degrades women. I would never want my daughter to get the idea that it's ok if someone calls her a ho, because it's cool, or that she thinks of herself as one. And, in no way would I want my son to speak about, or think about women in that manner.
Yes, exactly.