P&G Drops Imus

Or perhaps it is a modern day version of UAC
This is absolutely unlike HUAC. This isn't even a free speech issue. Neither CBS nor any other media outlet is obligated to provide Imus with a vehicle. This is free market action, even with Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton involved. Imus is paying, and will continue to pay the price for his actions.

What really disturbs me about the ass-kissing left wing media of this country, and the black 'community,' is that they haved allowed Al Sharpton to insert himself into the issue. To me this is bitter irony. Al Sharpton, to this day, has refused to accept the consequences of his own words. Sharpton was found guilty of seven counts of defamation against Steven Pagones. He has never so much as uttered an apology, and to this day, he hides behind his church and refuses to pay the damages the court has ordered.
This is absolutely unlike HUAC. This isn't even a free speech issue. Neither CBS nor any other media outlet is obligated to provide Imus with a vehicle. This is free market action, even with Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton involved. Imus is paying, and will continue to pay the price for his actions.

What really disturbs me about the ass-kissing left wing media of this country, and the black 'community,' is that they haved allowed Al Sharpton to insert himself into the issue. To me this is bitter irony. Al Sharpton, to this day, has refused to accept the consequences of his own words. Sharpton was found guilty of seven counts of defamation against Steven Pagones. He has never so much as uttered an apology, and to this day, he hides behind his church and refuses to pay the damages the court has ordered.

Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson appear to be clouding the issue for the simple reason that so many whites reject them out of hand. Whatever baggage they carry, legitmate or otherwise, is inserting itself into this matter.

I will ask, where are the women? We have in this country, black and white female intellectuals, and where are their voices? It's as if, the punditry class, consisting mainly of white males (many of whom are overpaid ignoramuses), got scared because all of a sudden they had to address race. And so what did we get? Black and white men debating this "racist" incident.

Yet, anyone who has listened to that show understands that before they hated anybody, they hated women. And every, day they made millions debasing them. So do many rap artists.

I would like to see the aforementioned black and white female intellectuals, on television, opening and participating in the discussion of misogyny that is rampant in our culture, on shows like Imus', and in the rap lyrics. Because I think they've got something to say that is not being said, nor even thought about, by the men who are holding this debate for us.
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I heard them speaking on this, they mentioned like 7 Right Wing guys who speak "hate". They forgot about those who would publish cartoons of a black Secretary of State as "Aunt Jemima" and call them "house n-Word". They seem to have forgotten of the people who call Thomas "Uncle Tom" and say also that he is just their "slave". They say, "even the good guys" say some things yet fail to mention them and let them pass. I'm not kidding 'good guys'...

Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton have a clear political motive. They had success here, they are drunk on it. They are willing to ignore people that are supposedly on their side and go after only specific political targets. They have lost whatever shell of respect I had for them.

Jesse Jackson and his anti-semitic statements one said to jews to which he was supposedly apologizing, "charge it to my head and not my heart" after he first pretended he never said it and had the leader of the Black Muslims actually threaten the reporter who caught him. He never denounced the threat.
I heard them speaking on this, they mentioned like 7 Right Wing guys who speak "hate". They forgot about those who would publish cartoons of a black Secretary of State as "Aunt Jemima" and call them "house n-Word". They seem to have forgotten of the people who call Thomas "Uncle Tom" and say also that he is just their "slave". They say, "even the good guys" say some things yet fail to mention them and let them pass. I'm not kidding 'good guys'...

Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton have a clear political motive. They had success here, they are drunk on it.

Just because Jackson and Sharpton want something to happen does not make it a bad thing by that measure alone.

Who published a cartoon depicting Rice in that manner?

Not that I really think any of this matters, I am just curious. Pointing out the behavior of others, and saying "well they did it too" is not a defense. Imus was on MSNBC and that gave him mainstream credibility and I do not believe that women and blacks should be able to be degraded, daily, on mainstream television. If that is political correctness, then that's what I am. But I am really tired of seeing that expression used in an attempt to nullify anything a critic of degrading, racist and sexist speech has to say. It's as if, the accusation of "PC'ness" is taken more seriously than racism and sexism.
Just because Jackson and Sharpton want something to happen does not make it a bad thing by that measure alone.

Who published a cartoon depicting Rice in that manner?

Not that I really think any of this matters, I am just curious. Pointing out the behavior of others, and saying "well they did it too" is not a defense. Imus was on MSNBC and that gave him mainstream credibility and I do not believe that women and blacks should be able to be degraded, daily, on mainstream television. If that is political correctness, then that's what I am. But I am really tired of seeing that expression used in an attempt to nullify anything a critic of degrading, racist and sexist speech has to say. It's as if, the accusation of "PC'ness" is taken more seriously than racism and sexism.
You don't remember that cartoon? It was spoken of a ton at the time.

I'm not saying Imus shouldn't be fired, or that this should not be combatted. I am saying you don't pick and choose based on party, you pick and choose based on actions. You don't call some people who do the same thing 'the good guys' and only go after people because of political party.

Got it?

I have not even once attempted to defend Imus. I don't accept that categorization, I think you are attempting to cast something clear into a bad light because of stereotypes you have in your mind about a political party, and not from any statement that I have made heretofore.

I lose respect for those that forgive racists because they point out racism against themselves. That are willing to ignore racism, to deny it, then attempt to say that they are battling against it.

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You don't remember that cartoon? It was spoken of a ton at the time.

I'm not saying Imus shouldn't be fired, or that this should not be combatted. I am saying you don't pick and choose based on party, you pick and choose based on actions. You don't call some people who do the same thing 'the good guys' and only go after people because of political party.

Got it?

I have not even once attempted to defend Imus. I don't accept that categorization, I think you are attempting to cast something clear into a bad light because of stereotypes you have in your mind about a political party, and not from any statement that I have made heretofore.

I lose respect for those that forgive racists because they point out racism against themselves. That are willing to ignore racism, to deny it, then attempt to say that they are battling against it.

I don't care about political identification. Imus has called women whores, sluts, skanks and ho's before on his show. Why was nothing done then?

It seems to me that white men in particular, are very wrapped up in the racial implications of this, and that's all they see. I don't care what party a sexist votes for. Or a racist either. However, it is becoming clear that sexism is more acceptable in our society than racism. This does not mean that racism is not rampant. It simply means that I'm tired of the discussion being controlled by men. I don't care if those men are you, Al Sharpton, or Rush Limbaugh. It doesn't matter to me.

There has been an explosion of the most wildly violent pornography into our culture. There has been an explosion of misogynistic lyrics in our music. Much of this has leaked over into mainstream culture. Germaine Greer said "women have very little idea how much men hate them".

This is the dialog that concerns me. But all I see are a bunch of white men, arguing with a bunch of black men, over who said ho first, why it's ok for black men to say ho, but it's not ok for white men, and whose fault it is.

Well, none of it is ok and I don't care how you vote, it will never be ok. So I don't know where you are getting that idea from. I can only assume you are getting it from Sharpton and Jackson, but I cannot assume that just because that's what you are getting from them, that that's what they are putting out there.
I don't care about political identification. Imus has called women whores, sluts, skanks and ho's before on his show. Why was nothing done then?

It seems to me that white men in particular, are very wrapped up in the racial implications of this, and that's all they see. I don't care what party a sexist votes for. Or a racist either. However, it is becoming clear that sexism is more acceptable in our society than racism. This does not mean that racism is not rampant. It simply means that I'm tired of the discussion being controlled by men. I don't care if those men are you, Al Sharpton, or Rush Limbaugh. It doesn't matter to me.

There has been an explosion of the most wildly violent pornography into our culture. There has been an explosion of misogynistic lyrics in our music. Much of this has leaked over into mainstream culture. Germaine Greer said "women have very little idea how much men hate them".

This is the dialog that concerns me. But all I see are a bunch of white men, arguing with a bunch of black men, over who said ho first, why it's ok for black men to say ho, but it's not ok for white men, and whose fault it is.

Well, none of it is ok and I don't care how you vote, it will never be ok. So I don't know where you are getting that idea from. I can only assume you are getting it from Sharpton and Jackson, but I cannot assume that just because that's what you are getting from them, that that's what they are putting out there.
I was speaking OF Sharpton and Jackson, so yes, that is where I was getting that from.
I was speaking OF Sharpton and Jackson, so yes, that is where I was getting that from.

Well, if Sharpton and Jackson are dividing racists and sexists into 'good guys" and "bad guys" based on political identification, then that is foolish. I don't.

Jane Hamsher, a left wing blogger, who I used to love to read, posted a picture of Joe Lieberman in black face during the Lamont/Lieberman primaries. And I have not read anything she has written since then, because I lost all respect for her in that moment. Whether Hamsher is a racist or not was not my primary "debate". She proved herself to be an idiot when she posted that. Why would I want to read an idiot, who is either also a racist, or who does not understand that blackface is racist? I wouldn't, so I don't.
I don't care about political identification. Imus has called women whores, sluts, skanks and ho's before on his show. Why was nothing done then?

It seems to me that white men in particular, are very wrapped up in the racial implications of this, and that's all they see. I don't care what party a sexist votes for. Or a racist either. However, it is becoming clear that sexism is more acceptable in our society than racism. This does not mean that racism is not rampant. It simply means that I'm tired of the discussion being controlled by men. I don't care if those men are you, Al Sharpton, or Rush Limbaugh. It doesn't matter to me.

There has been an explosion of the most wildly violent pornography into our culture. There has been an explosion of misogynistic lyrics in our music. Much of this has leaked over into mainstream culture. Germaine Greer said "women have very little idea how much men hate them".

This is the dialog that concerns me. But all I see are a bunch of white men, arguing with a bunch of black men, over who said ho first, why it's ok for black men to say ho, but it's not ok for white men, and whose fault it is.

Well, none of it is ok and I don't care how you vote, it will never be ok. So I don't know where you are getting that idea from. I can only assume you are getting it from Sharpton and Jackson, but I cannot assume that just because that's what you are getting from them, that that's what they are putting out there.

Bravo! Great post!
Well, if Sharpton and Jackson are dividing racists and sexists into 'good guys" and "bad guys" based on political identification, then that is foolish. I don't.

Jane Hamsher, a left wing blogger, who I used to love to read, posted a picture of Joe Lieberman in black face during the Lamont/Lieberman primaries. And I have not read anything she has written since then, because I lost all respect for her in that moment. Whether Hamsher is a racist or not was not my primary "debate". She proved herself to be an idiot when she posted that. Why would I want to read an idiot, who is either also a racist, or who does not understand that blackface is racist? I wouldn't, so I don't.
Yet right now they seem to be the measure of what is being said.

Much like NOW was silent when it was suggested, along with the Aunt Jemima remark about Condoleezza, that she was totally subservient and was not intelligent contrary to all evidence... It happens more often than people think that people on the right are treated exactly as others are complaining about but it passes because others don't agree with their positions.

Either it is bad, or it is not.

I am not speaking of you. I can't judge your record. I can judge the silence of the "Now" though...
Yet right now they seem to be the measure of what is being said.

Much like NOW was silent when it was suggested, along with the Aunt Jemima remark about Condoleezza, that she was totally subservient and was not intelligent contrary to all evidence... It happens more often than people think that people on the right are treated exactly as others are complaining about but it passes because others don't agree with their positions.

Either it is bad, or it is not.

I am not speaking of you. I can't judge your record. I can judge the silence of the "Now" though...

I do not hold the opinion that Condi Rice is intelligent. She is obviously educated in the field of Soviet history, but that does not mean she is intelligent. I've seen little out of her to suggest otherwise. Just because she is a black woman, I don't have to think she is intelligent.

The Aunt Jemima remark was both racist and sexist, especially if you factor in the history behind the whole Aunt Jemima myth.
Speaking of someone being called a "Ho", did anyone see the segment on O'Reilly last night where the Black Panther guy called Michelle Malkin a whore for her association with O'Reilly? It looked like a pretty spirited debate but my TV was muted (I was reading some of the captions) and my wife was trying to talk to me while it was going on.
I do not hold the opinion that Condi Rice is intelligent. She is obviously educated in the field of Soviet history, but that does not mean she is intelligent. I've seen little out of her to suggest otherwise. Just because she is a black woman, I don't have to think she is intelligent.

The Aunt Jemima remark was both racist and sexist, especially if you factor in the history behind the whole Aunt Jemima myth.

I think she is very intelligent. I do not always agree with her but I think she is intelligent nonetheless.
I think she is very intelligent. I do not always agree with her but I think she is intelligent nonetheless.

I figure that an intelligent person would have accomplished something in the high-level government positions she has held other than incompetence. And I haven't seen that.
Condi Rice is either NOT intelligent, or she's a liar.

Anyone who continues to think the Iraq war was a great idea is a fool. Or worse, a congenital liar.

Either one is not flattering to Rice.

What are her significant accomplishments in government? I can't think of one. Virtually everything around her and her policies is a disaster.
I do not hold the opinion that Condi Rice is intelligent. She is obviously educated in the field of Soviet history, but that does not mean she is intelligent. I've seen little out of her to suggest otherwise. Just because she is a black woman, I don't have to think she is intelligent.

Really? I think she is and that is what is dangerous. Bush has surrounded himself with intelligent people. I guess he's the eye of that storm.
I figure that an intelligent person would have accomplished something in the high-level government positions she has held other than incompetence. And I haven't seen that.

I would say she is ineffective not incompetent. Jimmy Carter was ineffective in many things. I would not doubt the man's intelligence though. IQ wise he's super genius level.