P&G Drops Imus

Breaking news.... the dish ran away with the spoon... the dish ran away with the spoon. You heard it here first... the dish ran away with the spoon. More to follow on this very important breaking story....
When you actually read what I wrote instead of assuming it, then we'll talk. Otherwise it seems to be people desperate to defend rap.

If words become mainstreamed, often people don't "hear" them any longer. I wonder how many people, without having it pointed out, might have let this pass not because they are racist but because they hear the words so often that they no longer register.

I didn't notice your commentary above. Just noticed top talking about the comparison and I've seen others make it. I don't disagree with your assessment above.
When you actually read what I wrote instead of assuming it, then we'll talk. Otherwise it seems to be people desperate to defend rap.

If words become mainstreamed, often people don't "hear" them any longer. I wonder how many people, without having it pointed out, might have let this pass not because they are racist but because they hear the words so often that they no longer register.

I didn't notice your commentary above. Just noticed top talking about the comparison and I've seen others make it. I don't disagree with your assessment above.
Oh! I thought you were directly addressing me. Sorry about that. Getting all "squeeky" in my old age...

I complain about media content all the time. It makes me sound like a crotchedly old man. I just laugh at the attempts of some to try to use an equivalence argument with this Imus event.

On another site some have suggested this like Rob.
"Originally Posted by Darla
That is a good point. But so is Damo's. It's not letting Imus off the hook in any way. But just as the glut of violent porn has pornified our society, I do wonder if the stunning misogyny in a lot of rap lyrics hasn't leaked over. I wouldn't want my kids listening to that crap, sorry if that makes me sound old or out of it.

Too much of it dehumanizes and degrades women. I would never want my daughter to get the idea that it's ok if someone calls her a ho, because it's cool, or that she thinks of herself as one. And, in no way would I want my son to speak about, or think about women in that manner."

DING DING DING.... we have a winner.
"Originally Posted by Darla
That is a good point. But so is Damo's. It's not letting Imus off the hook in any way. But just as the glut of violent porn has pornified our society, I do wonder if the stunning misogyny in a lot of rap lyrics hasn't leaked over. I wouldn't want my kids listening to that crap, sorry if that makes me sound old or out of it.

Too much of it dehumanizes and degrades women. I would never want my daughter to get the idea that it's ok if someone calls her a ho, because it's cool, or that she thinks of herself as one. And, in no way would I want my son to speak about, or think about women in that manner."

DING DING DING.... we have a winner.

Don't agree with me SF. It just throws the whole board into chaos. And makes me wonder if I should rethink my original post. :tongout:
Already Jesse Jackson and Sharpton are all over Barack Obama because he hasn't made some sort of official condemnation and thus "proved himself to blacks" was the wording I heard. I'll have to see if I can find an article about it, I heard it on the radio on my way into work.

Good for Obama. If he did that he would turn himself into a one issue canidate. Like Jackson and Sharpton did to themselves.
IT appears there is a market for 60 year old racist radio hosts...

I say let him go on the air and let loose. It would help American to know this kind of thinking is out there. Dont keep it under a rug and hidden. Our television and radio is way too sanitized. I often listen to people on the radio and television express opinions I do not agree with and that I find offensive. (Rush Limberger) I support Imis's right to make racist and offensive remarks, in fact I encourage it... Show the world that racism is alive and well, dont hide it and pretend it does not exist.
Use our power. Who do we email, what company produces his show ? what are his advertisers ?
Raise hell with them if we want him out.

WE need to speak out on this in an effective way as opposed to discussing it on a board with no end result one way or the other.
Use our power. Who do we email, what company produces his show ? what are his advertisers ?
Raise hell with them if we want him out.

WE need to speak out on this in an effective way as opposed to discussing it on a board with no end result one way or the other.

Letting him stay will do more to end racism than kicking him out! It would help bring it back out into the open where the light of day can expose it and eventually kill it. There are CONS all over the place claiming there is no racism left in America.... Let them see that it is alive and well, just currently kept quiet!
Use our power. Who do we email, what company produces his show ? what are his advertisers ?
Raise hell with them if we want him out.

WE need to speak out on this in an effective way as opposed to discussing it on a board with no end result one way or the other.

What I used, was a NOW link. Here it is:


You can use theirs, or write your own message and they will forward it to: General Manager Chuck Bortnick of radio station WFAN, which produces Imus' show, to Karen Mateo, Communications VP of CBS Radio which owns WFAN, and to MSNBC
I disagree Jarod.
Letting evil exist among us just to watch it's effects is not right.

WE are not letting it exist nor would be abolishing it if we bann Imis. The fact that there is a market for this show and this man shows that it already exists. Hiding evil things under a carpet does not make them go away.
WE are not letting it exist nor would be abolishing it if we bann Imis. The fact that there is a market for this show and this man shows that it already exists. Hiding evil things under a carpet does not make them go away.

Jarod , have you not learned many/most people are sheep controlled by the meida ? If it is not on the air there will be fewer people with thie Imus attitude.

That same argument could be applied to kiddie porn....
I am just doing my part to do the best I can to convince the advertisers and stations that the market is not as good as they thought while the neo fear and hatred movement was hot.
Jarod , have you not learned many/most people are sheep controlled by the meida ? If it is not on the air there will be fewer people with thie Imus attitude.

That same argument could be applied to kiddie porn....
I am just doing my part to do the best I can to convince the advertisers and stations that the market is not as good as they thought while the neo fear and hatred movement was hot.

Child Porn has a direct victim... This type of name calling might have an indirect victim, but it has the same victim if its out in the open or not. IN fact if its kept quiet it may have more of a victim.

One of the biggest arguments against affirmative action is that racism no longer exists so why have AA?