P&G Drops Imus

Child Porn has a direct victim... This type of name calling might have an indirect victim, but it has the same victim if its out in the open or not. IN fact if its kept quiet it may have more of a victim.

One of the biggest arguments against affirmative action is that racism no longer exists so why have AA?

child porn as a concept has the same non targeted impact as rascism does. they both target a group of victims....And in this case of Imus's actions there were targeted victims....
a fine line many times between moral and mental disorders. One can lead to the other imho.

I view child porn and molesting as a moral turned mental issue.

IHG are you trying to say we have a child molesting gene or something ?
Akin to the Gay argument...
If it is not on the air there will be fewer people with thie Imus attitude.

I dont think people learn racism from Imus.

No not learned from Imus, but he promotes its growth and imbedding in his listeners psyche.

Just like small children cursing. If their cursing is not reinforced or it is punished they will be far less likely to grow up being a potty mouth.
Being attracted to children is a mental disorder.

Molesting children is a moral disorder.

I feel pity for people who are wired this way. They did not choose to be perverted everything in society tells them they are the scum of the earth and many will tell you themselves. Few are proud of it.

That said these people are dangerous and once they've acted they must be locked away for the rest of their lives.
MSNBC just announced they have dropped the Imus show all together. I'm pretty amazed by this. I truly thought he was going to slide on this.

Being attracted to children is a mental disorder.

Molesting children is a moral disorder.

I feel pity for people who are wired this way. They did not choose to be perverted everything in society tells them they are the scum of the earth and many will tell you themselves. Few are proud of it.

That said these people are dangerous and once they've acted they must be locked away for the rest of their lives.

all real criminals could be called mentally ill.
Drug addicts, child abusers of all types, wife beaters, nose pickers, road ragers, etc
Where does this mental illness thing end.
Neo cons are certainly mentally ill, along with Rush fans.
MSNBC just announced they have dropped the Imus show all together. I'm pretty amazed by this. I truly thought he was going to slide on this.


Yaaay! maybe my email made a differnece, sent out about 20 this afternnon, they were one recipient.
Now if I can just get the Bush show taken off the air....
Yaaay! maybe my email made a differnece, sent out about 20 this afternnon, they were one recipient.
Now if I can just get the Bush show taken off the air....

People's emails did help. It's great that you did that! I used to feel a very impotent anger when I watched that show, even for a few minutes, or heard about the latest debacle they pulled. I used to call MSNBC all of the time, but I finally gave up. The degredation they dealt out, he and his group of neanderthals, on a daily basis to blacks and women mostly, but also to others at times, has finally come home to roost. And I'm glad for it.
There is only so many times I can hear about the newest "lesbian" shenanigan on shock-jock radio before I am bored.