Palestinians are the descendants of Arab Muslim colonizers


Your programmer needs to go learn how to construct a better disinformation bot hole

Your every thread fails in mountainous proportion

I don't see what disinformation I'm spreading.

I'm not the one making wild claims about Palestinians being indigenous to a place their ancestors colonized.
The entire left supports a two state solution
No they do not.

Not at all.

"River to the sea" is not a 2SS.

"Anti-Zionism" is not a 2SS.

Occupation of the WB and Gaza is not a 2SS.

You can't be antizionist AND support a 2SS. Because being antizionist means you don't think Israel has a right to exist. So if you're anti-zionist, you're anti-Israel, which means you don't support a 2SS where Israel exists.

So "The Left" has no moral ground to stand on here.
To a brain dead factless fuck like you

Your debates are idiocy based on Russian lies

You impress no one but the Russian whores here
Everything you accuse me of doing, YOU are doing in this thread.

You are unable to accept the fact that the premise of your argument is bullshit.

You are unable to admit TO YOURSELF that you don't support a 2SS.

You are unable to deal with the fact that Palestinian claims rely on the Arab Muslim colonization that occurred where the Palestinians' ancestors invaded and then colonized the Southern Levant, building mosques on top of Jewish and Christian holy sites, INCLUDING the Temple Mount, which is the holiest site in Judaism.

Mohammed never set foot in the Southern Levant.
You're the descendant of colonizers. Palestinians- ...not so much.
Palestinians are the decendants of Muslim Arab colonizers who came out of Arabia and colonized the Middle East, North Africa, the Levant, and Southern Europe.

So since they're colonizers, they have no legitimate claims to the land...RIGHT? Isn't that what you've been saying? That colonizers have no right?

Why don't you explain to me why it's OK for the Arab Muslims to spend 300 years colonizing all those places, but it's not OK for Israel to exist as a place for Jews to go?
In America

When your born here

Well 70% of Israelis were born in Israel.

How many Palestinians were born in Israel? ZERO. NONE. ZIP. NADA.

There have been many Israeli Arabs born in Israel, though. Now, there's 2M of them. So could Israel have ethnically cleansed the Arabs if there are about 3X more Arabs living in Israel today vs. 1948?
I don't see what disinformation I'm spreading.

I'm not the one making wild claims about Palestinians being indigenous to a place their ancestors colonized.
Under your theory of things


They were the earths first indigenous

You are just too stupid to understand that

It’s how your Siberian programmer wrote your program
' Excuse ' ? It's the law, establish during the 20th century and by the Nuremberg Trials.

No, it's a bad excuse because it overlooks the fact that Palestinians are only there because their ancestors colonized it!

That's exactly what you're saying. You're admitting that they don't belong there because that's not where their ancestors are from.

They only became "indigenous" once they colonized it.
Well 70% of Israelis were born in Israel.

How many Palestinians were born in Israel? ZERO. NONE. ZIP. NADA.

There have been many Israeli Arabs born in Israel, though. Now, there's 2M of them. So could Israel have ethnically cleansed the Arabs if there are about 3X more Arabs living in Israel today vs. 1948?
Link to your idiocy that no Palestinian was ever born in Israel?

You are fucking insane

According to the Israel Central Bureau of Statistics, the Israeli Arab population stood at 2.1 million people in 2023, accounting for 21% of Israel's total population.[1] The majority of these Arab citizens identify themselves as Arab or Palestinian by nationality and as Israeli by citizenship.[17][18][19] They mostly live in Arab-majority towns and cities, some of which are among the poorest in the country, and generally attend schools that are separated to some degree from those attended by Jewish Israelis.[20] Arab political parties traditionally did not join governing coalitions until 2021, when the United Arab List became the first to do so.[21]
I've already explained to you that neither Islam nor Judaism existed . Both are abstract concepts.
Judaism has existed for 5700 years, and the Jewish presence in the Southern Levant has been there for 5700 years.

70% of Israelis were born in Israel.

0% of Palestinians were born in Israel.

You're saying that all the colonization that occurred prior to the 20th century is OK. That's what you're saying. That it doesn't count because it wasn't from the 20th century....never mind the fact that we are in the 21st century, so applying early 20th century standards isn't even in line with today.

BTW - the exact same argument you are making against Israel, you're defending on behalf of Russia.

So you're not principled, you're just a hypocrite.
Palestinians owned land, homes and businesses prior to 1947.
So did Jews!

And not all the Palestinians left.

So explain that to me...if Israel's goal was to get rid of all the Arabs, then why didn't they do that? When Israel was founded about 750,000 Muslim Arabs STAYED IN ISRAEL.

But how could that be if you're also saying Israel did ethnic cleansing???

There are about 3X as many Arabs living in Israel today as there were in 1948, after the war.
If you wish to use “who was here first” bullshit, pack your shit and move back to wherever your people came from.

You are the ones making the "who was here first" bullshit arguments when you say the Palestinians are indigenous to land their ancestors colonized.

So Muslim Arab colonization is OK because it happened 1200 years ago? We're expected to give them a pass? Why?
So Russia should be handed back to the chineese?

That's what you want, if we apply your logic to this.

So at least you're now admitting that Arab Muslims colonized it,

And since they colonized it, how does that make Palestinians indigenous to it?

How can you be indigenous to someplace your ancestors colonized?

Palestinians are the descendants of Arab Muslim colonizers​

You have it back-asswards. Your thread is ridiculous.

They are.

Arabs come from Arabia and so does Islam.

Palestinians identify as Muslim Arabs.

So you can't have it both can't claim to be indigenous to a place your ancestors colonized.