Palestinians are the descendants of Arab Muslim colonizers

It's established that Palestinians have inhabited Palestine since the Neolithic era.
No, that has not been established, and don't post that geneology study that was later retracted.

You can't have it both can't claim you're indigenous to the Southern Levant while also claiming you're Arab Muslim because Arabs and Islam came from Arabia.
There was no Islam, no Judaism, just simple pagan ritual . There were no Jews, no Arabs- just Palestinians. Accept it- there were NO JEWISH CAVEMEN. Palestine was JEW-FREE.
There were Jews living in the Southern Levant for 3500 years before Arabs and Muslims showed up.

You know how I know that? Because the Palestinian ancestors built a mosque called "The Maxiimum" right on top of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, in a city Mohammed never visited.
NO! It isn't. There was ONE STUDY that tried to make that claim but that study was retracted because it was bullshit.
You are clutching at straws- and lying to boot. The civilizations of the Neolithic era are a matter of anthropological record . Of course, any lame-brained prosemitic loser can squeal " No, it's not " - but then the men in white coats turn up.
What I don't understand is why it's OK for Arab Muslims to colonize the Middle East and Southern Levant, to build mosques on top of Jewish and Christian holy sites -including on top of the Temple Mount and in Bethlehem- in order to erase their presence, yet Israel is the colonizer????

How's that work?
Dear fucking idiot,

There are now generations of humans who have lived no where else

Wars have stolen land all throughout history

You seek to punish those innocent generations to fit your idiot political plan

It’s really fucking stupid and sociopathic
You are clutching at straws
You're the one flailing here, unable to defend your position because it's so fucking stupid.

You're clutching at straws by trying to claim Palestinians, who are Arab Muslims, are indigenous to the Southern Levant and not to Muslim Arabia as their identity would suggest.
There are now generations of humans who have lived no where else

You mean like all the Mizrahi Jews who have been there since the diaspora?

When did Muslims and Arabs arrive in the Southern Levant? Around 800 AD when the Caliphate expanded out of Arabia. Jews had already been there for about 3700 years before.
You seek to punish those innocent generations to fit your idiot political plan
If you're claiming you're indigenous to the land, you better be able to prove it...and you can't prove that you're indigenous to the land when that's not the place your ancestors came from.
There were Jews living in the Southern Levant for 3500 years before Arabs and Muslims showed up.

You know how I know that? Because the Palestinian ancestors built a mosque called "The Maxiimum" right on top of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, in a city Mohammed never visited.
You're fixated on myths. It makes you irrational.
So then why are you demanding only Israel be forced to change?

If this is the case, then shouldn't all Arabs go back to Arabia?
At one time it wasn't illegal to invade and steal. Now it is.

How old are you ?
It’s really fucking stupid and sociopathic
I am the ONLY PERSON on JPP that supports a 2 state solution, with an independent Palestine in the WB and Gaza.


You support either genocide of the Israelis, or genocide of the Palestinians. There is no in-between.
I am the ONLY PERSON on JPP that supports a 2 state solution, with an independent Palestine in the WB and Gaza.


You support either genocide of the Israelis, or genocide of the Palestinians. There is no in-between.
You just lied idiot

The entire left supports a two state solution

If Nuttinbuttayahoo loses his seat he will go to prison

Just like trump