Palestinians are the descendants of Arab Muslim colonizers

Why do you keep calling them indigenous when we've already established that they aren't because they are Muslim Arabs and Muslim Arabs come from Arabia?
No you did not establish that you fucking pile of lying shit

Suck that Putin cock you evil racist fuck
Under your theory of things


They were the earths first indigenous

You are just too stupid to understand that

It’s how your Siberian programmer wrote your program

That is not my theory of things, that is called SOPHISTRY and it's a tactic used by stupid people when they can't defend their equally stupid arguments.

If you have to work from a place of deception and lying by omission, then your post is doing exactly what it's intended to do.
Link to your idiocy that no Palestinian was ever born in Israel?
Israel was founded in 1948, and according to you, all Palestinians were driven out.

Of course, that's wrong because there were hundreds of thousands of Arabs in Israel who stayed.

Those people were born in Israel...that's why they're Israeli Arabs.

According to the Israel Central Bureau of Statistics, the Israeli Arab population stood at 2.1 million people in 2023, accounting for 21% of Israel's total population.[1] The majority of these Arab citizens identify themselves as Arab or Palestinian by nationality and as Israeli by citizenship.[17][18][19] They mostly live in Arab-majority towns and cities, some of which are among the poorest in the country, and generally attend schools that are separated to some degree from those attended by Jewish Israelis.[20] Arab political parties traditionally did not join governing coalitions until 2021, when the United Arab List became the first to do so.[21]

They are the decendants of the Arabs who didn't leave when the Arab Armies told them to.

If what you're saying is true, then Israel shouldn't have ANY Arab Muslim population...but 20% of all Israelis are Arab Muslim.

How is that ethnic cleansing?
Israel was founded in 1948, and according to you, all Palestinians were driven out.

Of course, that's wrong because there were hundreds of thousands of Arabs in Israel who stayed.

Those people were born in Israel...that's why they're Israeli Arabs.
It doesn’t fucking matter

Humans who were born there have rights

Fucking idiot

By the way

Why did you lie and Claim no Palestinians were ever born in Israel?

They are the decendants of the Arabs who didn't leave when the Arab Armies told them to.

If what you're saying is true, then Israel shouldn't have ANY Arab Muslim population...but 20% of all Israelis are Arab Muslim.

How is that ethnic cleansing?

You are fucking evil
Well 70% of Israelis were born in Israel.

How many Palestinians were born in Israel? ZERO. NONE. ZIP. NADA.

There have been many Israeli Arabs born in Israel, though. Now, there's 2M of them. So could Israel have ethnically cleansed the Arabs if there are about 3X more Arabs living in Israel today vs. 1948?
Why did you fucking lie ass drip?
Yes we did when you all started bending over backwards to justify the arab muslim colonization that lasted 300 years and stretched all the way from Persia to Spain.

You lied and now pretend I accepted your fucking lies ?

Suck that Putin cock you lying racist whore
It does matter. A lot. Now you are abandoning that line of rhetoric. So what's next?

You are nothing but a Russian disinformation bot

You are not worthy of debate

You have absolutely nothing to offer the human world

Even Putin knows you failed horribly here

Tell your Siberian programmer to not drink the new tea Putin sends
Why do you keep calling them indigenous when we've already established that they aren't because they are Muslim Arabs and Muslim Arabs come from Arabia?
The people were there before islam came
They are.

Arabs come from Arabia and so does Islam.

Palestinians identify as Muslim Arabs.

So you can't have it both can't claim to be indigenous to a place your ancestors colonized.
But the people were there before islam came. Many of them were Christians.
Judaism has existed for 5700 years, and the Jewish presence in the Southern Levant has been there for 5700 years.

70% of Israelis were born in Israel.

0% of Palestinians were born in Israel.

You're saying that all the colonization that occurred prior to the 20th century is OK. That's what you're saying. That it doesn't count because it wasn't from the 20th century....never mind the fact that we are in the 21st century, so applying early 20th century standards isn't even in line with today.

BTW - the exact same argument you are making against Israel, you're defending on behalf of Russia.

So you're not principled, you're just a hypocrite.
Judaism has existed for MAYBE 3000 years, at best. Their ancestors, the Canaanites were polytheistic people indigenous to that area. But weren’t Jews. They did have a minor god, Yahweh, though. A storm god. Morphed into yours.
Palestinians are the decendants of Muslim Arab colonizers who came out of Arabia and colonized the Middle East, North Africa, the Levant, and Southern Europe.

So since they're colonizers, they have no legitimate claims to the land...RIGHT? Isn't that what you've been saying? That colonizers have no right?

Why don't you explain to me why it's OK for the Arab Muslims to spend 300 years colonizing all those places, but it's not OK for Israel to exist as a place for Jews to go?
Again- Palestinians are the indigenous people of the region- known as 'Palestine ' for thousands of years. They descend from the original Neolithic people. Your claim that they didn't exist before Islam and Judaism is childish nonsense. Palestine was known as ' Palestine ' to the ancient Greeks. GET IT ? THE ANCIENT GREEKS RECORDED PALESTINE.
That is your argument well and truly fucked- so don't come back with it again.
As far as I'm concerned, Israel has a right to respond however it wants to the worst pogrom since WWII.

Don't start wars you can't win. Make peace with Israel like Egypt and Jordan did. Normalize relations like Saudi Arabia and UAE did.

Ask yourself why -outside of Yemen- there have been zero rallies in support of the Palestinians and Hamas in the Arab nations?