Palestinians are the descendants of Arab Muslim colonizers

Israel was founded in 1948, and according to you, all Palestinians were driven out.

Of course, that's wrong because there were hundreds of thousands of Arabs in Israel who stayed.

Those people were born in Israel...that's why they're Israeli Arabs.
750,000+ had to flee their homes, their land and their businesses in 1948.

Most, close to all, never got their possessions back. Stolen by Israel.
No they aren't! They are Muslim Arabs, and Muslim Arabs are indigenous to ARABIA, not the Southern Levant, or North Africa, or the Middle East, or Spain.

Their ancestors colonized the Southern Levant and sought to erase the culture and religions that existed there, including Judaism.

This is colonization, ethnic cleansing, and genocide all rolled up into one building:

You are an entrenched cretin. Begone.
750,000+ had to flee their homes,
No, 750,000 Jew-hating Arabs left their homes because the Arab armies told them to.

But not every Arab left their home in fact, hundreds of thousands of Arabs stayed in Israel once it was founded.

Worst ethnic cleansing ever.
150,000 Arabs remained in Israel in 1948, which was 20% of all Arabs in the Southern Levant when Israel declared its independence.

Today, there are 2M Israeli Arabs, 13x as many as were in Israel in 1948.

Worst ethnic cleansing ever.
750,000+ had to flee their homes, their land and their businesses in 1948.
Yet 150,000 Arabs didn't flee their homes, their land, or their businesses in 1948.

So did Israel just not know about them?

If they wanted to ethnically cleanse Arabs, then why did they make 150,000 of them citizens in 1948?

(It's OK, I know you won't answer that question because it completely undermines everything you've been saying on this thread)
The US isn't involved in either conflict.

How come you oppose what Israel is doing by occupying the WB and Gaza, but you don't oppose Russia occupying Donbas and Crimea?

Is it because you're a hypocrite?
I don't support either.

it's still consistency.

and Im not willing to commit us resources on either side in either conflict.

all consistent.

No, 750,000 Jew-hating Arabs left their homes because the Arab armies told them to.

But not every Arab left their home in fact, hundreds of thousands of Arabs stayed in Israel once it was founded.

Worst ethnic cleansing ever.
Wrong again. Still. Always
If you leave because the Arab armies told you to, why should you get anything?
I can’t fix your willful ignorance
Yet 150,000 Arabs didn't flee their homes, their land, or their businesses in 1948.

So did Israel just not know about them?

If they wanted to ethnically cleanse Arabs, then why did they make 150,000 of them citizens in 1948?

(It's OK, I know you won't answer that question because it completely undermines everything you've been saying on this thread)
Here’s a suggestion. Try to stop placing your ignorance on public display.
I don't support either.
That's not entirely true, is it? You were here on JPP arguing on behalf of Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

You were justifying it by saying that Donbas and Crimea are "historically" part of Russia (actually the Soviet Union, but whatever), yet the WB and Gaza are not historically part of Israel.

So you're a hypocrite.
That's not entirely true, is it? You were here on JPP arguing on behalf of Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

You were justifying it by saying that Donbas and Crimea are "historically" part of Russia (actually the Soviet Union, but whatever), yet the WB and Gaza are not historically part of Israel.

So you're a hypocrite.
no I wasn't, douche.

I've never said any of that.

link to it if you find it, cornholio.