Palestinians are the descendants of Arab Muslim colonizers

sub-human Jews who use Arab Israelis as second-class citizens

They are not second class citizens, they have all the same rights the Jewish citizens of Israel have...except better because Israeli Arabs aren't required to do civil service.

They can choose to do it, but they don't have to.

while simultaneously slaughtering their brothers and sister in the West Bank and Gaza.

Israeli Arabs have nothing in common with Palestinian Arabs.

Israeli Arabs chose to be citizens of Israel, Palestinian Arabs chose jihad.
You're well beyond ' explanation ' dumbass. You're a simple-minded Zionist turd in the soup.
You can't explain it because it's stupid.

Israel didn't ethnically cleanse Arabs in 1948. Instead, Israel offered citizenship to every Arab, and 150,000 of them took Israel up on that offer.

That's why there are 2M Arab Israelis today.
They are not second class citizens, they have all the same rights the Jewish citizens of Israel have...except better because Israeli Arabs aren't required to do civil service.

They can choose to do it, but they don't have to.

Israeli Arabs have nothing in common with Palestinian Arabs.

Israeli Arabs chose to be citizens of Israel, Palestinian Arabs chose jihad.
You're a brainwashed prosemitic schmuck.
There will be more, scum-sac. The Zionists' crimes will never be forgiven.
Then there will never be a Palestine and the Arab nations will abandon the Palestinians because they are no longer of use to them.

That's why Jordan, Egypt, UAE, Qatar, and Saudi Arabia all made peace and/or normalized relations with Israel.

Even Arabs don't support the Palestinians.