Palestinians are the descendants of Arab Muslim colonizers

Here’s a suggestion. Try to stop placing your ignorance on public display.
You have yet to counter any of the facts I've posted on JPP.

You can't explain why 150,000 Arabs remained in Israel in 1948, despite you claiming that Israel ethnically cleansed them.

You have yet to make a coherent, articulate, sourced argument on this thread. All you can do is post the same trash over and over while ignoring and/or dismissing the responses you don't want to deal with.
You're just making shit up and ignoring facts and truths because you just hate Jews.

If Israel did an ethnic cleansing, how come 150,000 Arabs remained in Israel and became Israeli citizens?
You have yet to counter any of the facts I've posted on JPP.

You can't explain why 150,000 Arabs remained in Israel in 1948, despite you claiming that Israel ethnically cleansed them.

You have yet to make a coherent, articulate, sourced argument on this thread. All you can do is post the same trash over and over while ignoring and/or dismissing the responses you don't want to deal with.
No you didn't answer.

You avoided.

If Israel ethnically cleansed Arabs, how come they didn't cleanse 150,000 in 1948, and how come they haven't cleansed the 2M who currently have Israeli citizenship?
The Zionist terror gangs, Irgun, Haganah etc. , etc razed hundreds of Palestinian villages and drove out 750,000 indigenous Palestinians.

Is that statement true for you or not ?
The Zionist terror gangs, Irgun, Haganah etc. , etc razed hundreds of Palestinian villages and drove out 750,000 indigenous Palestinians.
It's not looking like that's true given 150,000 Arabs chose to remain in Israel and accept Israeli citizenship.

So they weren't driven out, they chose to leave.

750,000 Arabs chose to leave Israel and 150,000 Arabs chose to remain. All 150,000 of those Arabs who chose to remain became Israeli citizens.

Worst ethnic cleansing ever.
Is that statement true for you or not ?
It's not true at all. It's a lie. The Nakba is a lie.

Those 750,000 Arabs CHOSE TO LEAVE, while 150,000 Arabs CHOSE TO STAY.

Israel couldn't have ethnically cleansed Arabs because 150,000 of them chose to stay and become Israeli citizens.
Well- you're obviously averse to historic fact- so there's no point at all in civilized discussion with you. You are, in fact, a dumbass prosemitic troll- and should be treated as such.
Currently, Israel is under investigation by the ICJ for the crime of genocide. Its leadership is under threat of arrest warrants by the ICC. Between 5-6 million Palestinian refugees now exist in the diaspora - all of whom have the legal right to return to their native land. All that prevents them from claiming their legal rights are the sub-human Jews who use Arab Israelis as second-class citizens while simultaneously slaughtering their brothers and sister in the West Bank and Gaza. The solution- as all sane people realize but few choose to admit- is to rid Palestine of Zionists by forcing them back into Israel. That is what current recognition of the Palestinian state by 145 countries out of 193 means. It means - Jews, go home. Anybody supporting them remaining in Palestine is complicit with Israel's crimes.
You're one of those, Ginger- a prosemitic creep on the side of organized international criminality, a low-life , crooked troll. You should fuck off now.
Obese Jew attempts to ethnically-cleanse an indigenous Palestinian family.

Well- you're obviously averse to historic fact- so there's no point at all in civilized discussion with you. You are, in fact, a dumbass prosemitic troll- and should be treated as such.

150,000 Arabs chose to stay in Israel in 1948 and every single one of them became Israeli citizens.

So that means the 750,000 who left did so on their own accord. They weren't pushed into leaving by Israel because Israel made 150,000 Arabs citizens.

So maybe you can explain how Israel did ethnic cleansing by making Arabs citizens of Israel?
Yes you have and you know you have.

You were one of the biggest supporters of Putin's invasion of Ukraine. You used every excuse in the book to defend it...NATO, ahistorical claims, a partial referendum.
Yes you were!

You were supporting Russia because of "globalization", which included Western support for Ukraine.

I haven't and I know I haven't.

go find the link, lie-sack.

Ill be waiting right here.

150,000 Arabs chose to stay in Israel in 1948 and every single one of them became Israeli citizens.

So that means the 750,000 who left did so on their own accord. They weren't pushed into leaving by Israel because Israel made 150,000 Arabs citizens.

So maybe you can explain how Israel did ethnic cleansing by making Arabs citizens of Israel?
You're well beyond ' explanation ' dumbass. You're a simple-minded Zionist turd in the soup.