APP - Pass Kennedy Care now!


Well-known member
Not that I am saying it should... But will Senator Kennedy's death breath new life into the Healthcare plan?
Kennedy probably wouldn't have got the treatment for his brain tumor under the Obama plan. He was too old, overweight, drank too much and his prognosis was crappy as hell: a prime candidate for pain pills only. Better to use the money to abort liberals' babies. It would be a slap on his memory if they name this Bill after him.
Not that I am saying it should... But will Senator Kennedy's death breath new life into the Healthcare plan?

Does it change anything fundamental with regards to the plan? NO

so NO, it should not change the outcome. Though I can see the Dems trying to use Kennedy's death in the manner you just mentioned. If people change their minds simply because Kennedy died, then they deserve what they get.
Stuck in a rut and don't know what to do... just keep showing this picture of a woman who died over 30 years ago and think I am truly cleaver for doing so, it shall be my argument!

Why oh, why can't there be forgiveness in the world? Why must hedonist show the the way to live, just let it go, it is very freeing, forgive him, he is dead and can this woman and you, no more harm!
Kennedy probably wouldn't have got the treatment for his brain tumor under the Obama plan. He was too old, overweight, drank too much and his prognosis was crappy as hell: a prime candidate for pain pills only. Better to use the money to abort liberals' babies. It would be a slap on his memory if they name this Bill after him.

Sure he would have, nuthing in the Obama plan prevents private pay or purchase of any provate plan possable. Methinks someone has listened to a bit too much Rush Linbaugh.
Stuck in a rut and don't know what to do... just keep showing this picture of a woman who died over 30 years ago and think I am truly cleaver for doing so, it shall be my argument!

Why oh, why can't there be forgiveness in the world? Why must hedonist show the the way to live, just let it go, it is very freeing, forgive him, he is dead and can this woman and you, no more harm!

i wonder why you have a problem with her picture? :rolleyes:

Laura Bush wasn't a member of our desperate
Not only that but look at how Laura has lived her life since this allegation supposedly took place and compare that to Kennedy. He's repeated the same behavior hundreds of times and even spread it to his nephews.
Not only that but look at how Laura has lived her life since this allegation supposedly took place and compare that to Kennedy. He's repeated the same behavior hundreds of times and even spread it to his nephews.

Laura raised two drunken daughters and supported a mad man in his ruining of our nation!
LOL... two drunken daughters? Everyone here raise there hand who did not drink in college?

My point was that Kennedy has done a lot for our nation. One can say the same things about Laura Bush as they can about Ted Kennedy. Its a silly diversion to be posting the poor victim of an autocrash everytime Ted Kennedy is mentioned.

It illistrates a lack of intelegent argument if you ask me!