APP - Pass Kennedy Care now!

you want to talk about drunks, drugs, murder and rape, you will be talking about the Kennedy clan..

You are pittafull.

The topic of this thread was an attempt to discuss the political ramifications of Senator Kennedy's death on the health care bill.
Not that I am saying it should... But will Senator Kennedy's death breath new life into the Healthcare plan?
No, people aren't stupid enough to suddenly vote for a pile of doo because somebody renamed it.

What was it that Shakespeare said? "A rose by any other name would still be a rose..."

Well there is a converse side, if you name a pile of doo after an old drunk it is still a pile of doo named after an old drunk.
My point was that Kennedy has done a lot for our nation. One can say the same things about Laura Bush as they can about Ted Kennedy. Its a silly diversion to be posting the poor victim of an autocrash everytime Ted Kennedy is mentioned.

It illistrates a lack of intelegent argument if you ask me!

how did he help mary jo's health? this guy should have nothing to do with anyone's health....period

i love the left's weak deflection off kennedy every if bush did it to makes kennedy ok....
No, people aren't stupid enough to suddenly vote for a pile of doo because somebody renamed it.

DO you really belive that? People voted for Bush after seening the way he ran the nation his first four years!
DO you really belive that? People voted for Bush after seening the way he ran the nation his first four years!
Seriously lame. People voted against Kerry because he was worse than the person they already hated.

Anyway, naming a pile of doo after an old drunk does not make it into an old drunk and only people from Mass would vote for that old drunk anyway.
You are pittafull.

The topic of this thread was an attempt to discuss the political ramifications of Senator Kennedy's death on the health care bill.

lol, you bring up about Bush's two daughters and drinking, and because I do the same about the Kennedy clan being not just drunks but rapist, murderers and druggies, I am pitiful..snort.
My point was that Kennedy has done a lot for our nation. One can say the same things about Laura Bush as they can about Ted Kennedy. Its a silly diversion to be posting the poor victim of an autocrash everytime Ted Kennedy is mentioned.

It illistrates a lack of intelegent argument if you ask me!

The behavior is what is different but whatever.
Seriously lame. People voted against Kerry because he was worse than the person they already hated.

Anyway, naming a pile of doo after an old drunk does not make it into an old drunk and only people from Mass would vote for that old drunk anyway.

There are plenty of "old drunks" who do lots of good for this world. I respect them by calling them something more than "Old Drunks". I especally honor and respect those who defeat an addiction and turn around there lives.
Kennedy probably wouldn't have got the treatment for his brain tumor under the Obama plan. He was too old, overweight, drank too much and his prognosis was crappy as hell: a prime candidate for pain pills only. Better to use the money to abort liberals' babies. It would be a slap on his memory if they name this Bill after him.

Yeah, they would have just put the christmas tree outfit on him and shocked the shit out of him. We are preparing GITMO quarters for all of you, better get your bullet ready!
i wonder why you have a problem with her picture? :rolleyes:

I know the meaning behind it. It isn't because you have feelings for May Jo, it is because you have feelings against Kennedy!
The behavior is what is different but whatever.

You can argue that all day, but to post a photo of this victim of an auto accident everytime the mans name is brought up in the context of a conversation is a lack of intelegent discussion.
let him rest...while you all use him to shove down our throats this hostile take over of our health care system...ya betcha.